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  1. It Would be less time farming to get stuff for my build cause it now takes me double the time to gather the funds doing the same map, I dont farm that much, and yes I would be fine with outside AE farming. I used inf farm before AE using demon farm etc.
  2. Wasn't a huge fan of the farming nerf as I have very little game time as it is, and not here to partition to reinstate it (although would be cool), but I would love it if we can have double influence weekends once in a while.
  3. I think I would rather see shadow maul get rolled back and instead of touch of fear, lower dark consumptions recharge, which I have always thought to have too long of a recharge to warrant using it.
  4. Yep thats it, weird part is that they only run away when I use touch of fear
  5. First off, I want to say thankyou devs for all your work. I have been trying out the changes to touch of fear in dark melee. The patch notes saus Touch of Fear Now a melee targeted AoE with a 10 target cap (16 for Tankers) Now deals negative energy damage over time Fear duration reduced by roughly 50% Cast time increased from 1.17s to 1.97s Only the main target will be affected by the Fear and ToHit debuff Now accepts Melee AoE Damage sets But I seem to be having an issue when attacking a group with the power it makes the entire group run away like they are in a rain of fire, not very productive for a melee toon.. Anyone else having this issue?
  6. Was trying out touch of fear, love the damage it deals but the notes say its only supposed to fear 1 target but I have groups of them run away like they are in a rain of fire which sucks for a melee toon especially since it doesnt slow them.
  7. The farm nerf sucked, yes I understand the concerns but a compromise would be good like a double inf weekend or something would be great.
  8. Been a pain since the nerf, but was wondering if they can atleast give us double Inf weekends or something would be good.
  9. you forgot to add the influence nerf in the rollback 😛
  10. Hope the influence nerf is a weird april fools day joke 😞, I mean with little game time I have was a good quick option to gather the funds needed now its cut in half
  11. I think dark consumption did need a recharge reduction at least though 😞
  12. So it says nothing you couldn't get away with on live, so what about copy characters, cause I've seen atleast 20 captain americas and hulks in just the past week.
  13. Vald Here
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