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Posts posted by MrAxe

  1. Look at the quailty of some of that content, its awful. For example Telekinetic Assault that has one actual TK power, is wildly unbalanced and uses recycled assets? No thank you. I'd rather have slow, good quality content like Force of Will than what I've seen on other servers. Hell we're lucky to get new content. I'm just happy to play again. My advice is to look at anything we get a bonus.

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  2. On 10/15/2019 at 8:49 AM, Frostweaver said:

    meh, I consider hibernate on tanks and brutes to just be an utterly skippable T9, of which there are several. If I find myself at the end of my build with an 'extra' power pick I will throw it in there as a regenerative tissue mule... that 25% regen is way more valuable than hibernate has ever been, and I can pull a slot out of health for something else.

    It can really piss people off in pvp though. I remember hiding out in my block of ice being accused of 'cheating'. Those were the days. 🤣

  3. I'm not making an 'inf is no object' build again inside a year. Maybe never again. I want everything unlocked and at its best when it comes to my main and that includes an awesome IO set build. But as said it takes so damn long, along with having to plan the build out, test it and farm for it that I can't face doing it again for a long time.


    Balance is key. Do it once with a main. Do it too much and it stops being fun.

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  4. While leveling they tend to be excellent choices. When you hit 50 and if you want to make an expensive IO set build, it really depends on that particular build. You may get enough set bonuses to ignore both powers like I have.


    The only real draw back is if you have a very End heavy build, 2 toggles may be a bit much until you sort out that issue.

  5. 12 hours ago, Sovera said:

    Brutes are picked over scrappers not because they do more damage - scrappers mathed out as coming ahead - but because everyone who is going to farm is going to aim for 45% def and 90% res, both focused on fire.


    I'm not even too sure why tbh. My brute calls two groups and then patrols join in and she's only at 50% ish resistances, I might as well made her a scrapper if that was the intent behind the character.

    Why do people focus on maxing fire? Is it far easier or something?

  6. 1 minute ago, Clave Dark 5 said:

    I considered it, but I've heard it drops your toggles when you use it.  The character I'm building is a tanker, so I would have to settle for re-toggling a lot if I went that rout.  I mean, I could do that and have an extra power slot, but I can be lazy.

    Ah I did wonder if you were toggle heavy as otherwise the solution was obvious. I love rocket board so much that I intentionally took fly a bit later. When exemplared it gives me the excuse to use it with only 3 toggles to reactivate.

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  7. 3 minutes ago, Clave Dark 5 said:

    Awesome, thanks. I'm working on a build - or to be more precise, adapting a build from the forums here - and this was an issue because I wanted to add in flight flight without having to rely on store-bought jet-packs. 


    They just look so out of place on flying pumpkin-headed magic beasts, you know?

    What about the magic carpet?

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