First off, I want to say as I should have the first time, that I think this is a great idea and I'm going to test and help as I can. I just want to poke as many holes into the testing method as I can, because it will help get the most useful data we can. If we test, and endurance and damage taken are a non issue, then it isn't a "real world non-IO" test. In the current testing environment, as an example Ice Patch or Dark Consumption, would be useless, but nobody using these sets in the real would would say they are useless while playing in a non IO world.
If you then set up the test to need a secondary to survive, then you might get into a realm of synergizing a primary to a secondary. Take willpower as given in this test, put spines with it, and quills end cost becomes irrelevant, and you just added an ability in to the mix that comes with no downside, so it will push its clear to the top, but in the real world quills is fraking expensive and you have to "pre-io" build around being able to move forward and not suck air.
I did a run just to see if this "felt" the same as I thought it would. First run on claws, my very first attempt, I didn't run the map effectively and had to run back to the ramp to kill two guys at the top i missed, 6:24. Second Run, no problems 5:04. Switched to Kin, the run took 6:44, longer than a lost claws. Partly, claws is flat out better, but secondly how i run and herd to maximize. Third, claws just optimizes i think the best of all sets on its own. You can make a full attack chain without the softer attacks.
It kind of plays out like this if damage doesn't matter, run through the first group to the second group, 10 mobs around you, funnel all attacks though the toughest target. Spin twice kills all the minions, but two Bursts leaves a sliver of health. Burst also has a longer recharge. In this test, burst is useless. In the real world, knocking half the mobs down matters to being alive, cuz dead deeps do no deeps.
There are primaries that can kill minions without ever targeting them or slowing down, will always be faster, unless they have to slow down for other "real world" reasons ie end or hp. I also don't see how to pick any secondary that wouldn't give at least a few primaries and inherent advantage.