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  1. So... Is there any chance to get this reactivated or is this too bugged to work? Is it something that is being worked on?
  2. Does anyone know if the stealth power pool changes affects the travel enhancement that grants stealth?
  3. I'll definitely admit when I am wrong. I honestly thought they were different price caps. Thank you for the information.
  4. good for you, I never get it for below the seed caps.
  5. Again your using real world economic practice that don't work in a MMO. This is not the first MMO I have seen try to implement a nerf on currency and it wont be the last. None of them have ever fixed the problem and generally most of them have hurt the casual player.
  6. your using real world economics in a MMO. they 2 do not equate. The value did not increase. 1 influence is still 1 influence. While in an ideal world you would be correct, this is a world where I can create many many multiple accounts and have them all farm to offset this change. The system requirements aren't so heavy that people wont do this. Overall nothing will change, because there are ways around it. Who it will hurt are the casual and non-farmers who will now earn less influence to pay the same prices.
  7. Influence and CoH The developers are attempting to fix a influence “gap” and close and exploit which allowed some players to generate an insane amount of influence. On the surface this seems logical and I honestly get it. But lets be honest, this situation is a bed of their own making. Let me spell it out. First, you implemented the P2W vender. On is surface a influence sink, but actually it part of your problem. Your main issue is with DFB, P2W vender, patrol exp and AE farming, you have allowed players to level characters way to fast. Players power level their characters constantly and don’t worry about buying or earning enhancement, inspirations or salvage. Why should they? They have 50’s that can more than easily run a few missions, TF or even AE farms and have them outfitted with lv 50 IO’s in minutes. So of course, they are going to look for the quickest way to earn influence in the shortest amount of time. I hate to break it to you guys, this isn’t going to change short of you turning off influence from mobs and only assigning mission completion rewards. All your currently doing now, is forcing those farmers to make multiple account to now go into a mission and have that same lv 50 toon, which was once farming, to now go into the same farm mission with 7 other alts and have all of them get influence. Or some other way which I can’t think of. And its all going to be for the exact same reasons, to outfit those lv 50’s which they created 3 days ago. Maybe if you guys looked at the core problem causing all your influence issue and not the symptoms of the problem you might get it under control. Here is a couple other issues which also contributed to where we are now. Stocking of the market with salvage: The market of salvage no longer go with supply and demand except with recipes and IOs. I personally no longer care much about salavage except “maybe” orange ones. Why should I? I can easily spend the measly 500,000 to get any orange I need and probably turn around if so inclined and sell the completed IO for 10+ times the amount I just spent. Why should I bother to complete and of the “goal” to unlock stuff when I can just buy it off the P2W vender. That’s roughly 1000 enhancements I no longer need salvage to create anyways, plus that would end up costing more than just buying the workstation. Stop making the need for influence greater than playing the game and you will go a long way to addressing your influence problem.
  8. This is not quite correct. Not to be contrary. Example. I have no patrol exp buy have XP earning turned off to make more influence. I am still now making normal influence and again earning xp. I've lost roughly 50% of my earned influence without having patrol xp. efectively you cut my buying power by 50% as I am no longer earning that influence, even without utilizing the exploit. It seems it would have been far easier to turn off patrol exp once someone turns 50.. On a related note, does this change now mean your going to undo the nerf implemented to the architect system now that there is literally no reason not to have full exp on mobs there?
  9. if you are using a 64 bit OS, change to ig4icd64.dll
  10. While decor is always a plus, I have more quality of life item requests. Beacons to Praetorian zones, PvP zones and Cimerora. Basically any zone which doesn't have one. A Recipe storage container. There a several "book" type decors which could be used to make this. Increase to Teleport pad acceptable connections. Increase in Storage limits Make the Vanguard Teleport device color tintable. Thanks
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