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Everything posted by Infinitum

  1. It wasn't inflated numbers or an unrealistic build claim - numbers were legit - with melee core which isn't perma. As long as that is mentioned - I have no issues with it.
  2. Melee core is on in that screenshot above. once you turn off melee core and rune - that's what your build base is at that point. Both are basically versions of unstoppable without the crash. Otherwise there's no way invul is hitting those resist numbers. You aren't fudging the numbers. You just aren't spelling out where they came from in full disclosure that they aren't based off a static 24/7 capability that doesn't end up with cooldowns. No amount of caps lock and font size will make any of that less true.
  3. That still isn't what was said or advertised. You can not in any way outside of melee core or rune hit resistance numbers like HS advertised on those screenshots - invul just can't do that - nor should it. It doesn't really need to. Secondly - invul isn't even close to being the best armor unenhanced - that would probably fall to SR - you can easily softcap with minimal investment - not sets - plus you have the sliding scale resistances that get stronger the lower your HP gets. You also have to take into account the DDR - invul doesn't cap this - leaving a hole a lot larger for enemy to cascade your defenses. That reason alone is why Shield and SR rank higher than Invul - their defenses don't collapse nearly as fast - and when they do - don't collapse as far negative on the base defense value in the power statistics in game. Dull Pain is the only advantage Invul has over Shield or SR - but IMO not big enough to rank invul higher - because Shield or SR do not need it anyway. I can back all this up in game if need be also. I have ran tests on the collapse point under extreme ddr preasure for each armor set. Also none of this is to say Invul is bad - it's #3 IMO. And top 5 usually in most people's assessments.
  4. I believe more is being said about the appearance of your res being capped across the board. That is an illusion because it isn't perma - and you shouldn't advertise that as your baseline because there is no way it can be with invul. Baseline in my opinion is static numbers 24/7 - which could apply to invincibility being saturated - because 10 ain't killing ya and as long as you don't kill them. It's static. lol I get it and most longtime players will get it but newer players won't understand you likely have rune or melee core toggled on. Now if you advertise it as baseline with melee core etc then - fair play.
  5. My name is an interesting story. Ended up straight from geek ville. Which I still currently reside - and not ashamed of that. lol This was back in 2005 ish I had gotten this game for Christmas from my wife - our first year of marriage. Every name I tried was taken. So i had this book I pulled out to look for inspiration. I got this book back when I had aspirations to be the inventor of warp drive - this book was about cutting edge tech and future space travel tech (this was back in 1994). And there was a logo on a future spacecraft that said Ex Astra Ad Infinitum. The rest is history.
  6. Single power changes - I doubt it. Burn has to be at the top, if not it's up there.
  7. No doubt. I remember back in the day always wanting a controller to come with my Fire tanker - when Burn caused scatter - to hold them in place so I could campfire them.
  8. Fire also has healing flames and Moar damage. 😁. It's just fine. I think I got fire to all but 3 categories. Maybe 4.memory is fuzzy there
  9. You can do it with Dark, Rad, and Elec also - hitting every category but 1 - Elec is 2 categories - but gets close. I am ok with saturating invincibility and posting a screenshot as the norm - I usually specify that - because the norm as tankers is that we are and should be surrounded. As we get to lower saturations the drop in defense won't matter (I usually have melee softcapped on invul to offset this) plus resistances take over. Plus you also have dull pain as an effective HP barrier.
  10. My conceptualization of Tanker goes back to the scene in Fight Club where Lou beats Tyler Durden to a bloody pulp who then proceeds to drown Lou in his own blood making Lou submit - then thanking Lou as he (Lou)walked away in dismay. Tyler Durden was a SR Tanker if there ever was one - dodges weaves - gets beat up eventually - shot in the face and keeps going with hp getting low but resistance growing stronger the lower it gets. That - can never be defeated. lol
  11. I don't know how I have missed these. I have been on HC since 2019. Well shoot, maybe I just forgot. That happens a lot more the older I get. lol
  12. What am I missing here? Is this an Admiral Akbar situation and I need to full reverse?
  13. I was speaking more towards your issues with invul and SR. Mainly because Shield is the only one I would rank higher than those 2 although very close with all 3 - without the penalty of Stone. All 3 have the potential for end issues, but the end issues can be overcome in a variety of ways and then be able to tank anything in the game without hesitation. That's why I was asking. What your outlook was when you made the determination the end issues were too great to overcome on those.
  14. Are you running without extensive set bonuses? Or set bonuses of any kind?
  15. I missed this question the other day, I will take a look at this soon for ya.
  16. Sorry this is a day later than I said - try this out though - you can swap out stealth if you like for anything else - I just put it in there because you had an extra power slot and enh slot to burn. You can also swap out hemorrage for Maiming if you like that better - I am on the fence between the two honestly. Hope this helps Tanker (Super Reflexes - Savage Melee).mbd
  17. Gotcha, What travel powers or are there any pool powers that are a must since its themed?
  18. I got ya covered. I have that build ready - just isn't in my normal stable because I switched it to Bio/Savage. I will send it to you later this evening when I get home from work.
  19. I wouldn't be opposed to anything you wrote here - but the discussion and my angle was about the damge types enemy groups inflict on us - and let's face it - our ability to output damage - there is really no shortfall there. Take a look at what I wrote again. I can see why you said what you said - but it really has no bearing on why I said what I said - mainly because each crey group could include inflicting every damage type in the game on us.
  20. My usual task force setting - no matter the task force is +1x8 because these days I'm just looking for the journey. I can accomplish the 4/8.but i have learned to slow down the last few years in all aspects of my life because I don't want to miss anything being in a rush to the destination.
  21. I know what you said - my point is it had no bearing on the discussion. That's why I said - go back and read the main point that started the discussion.
  22. I think I will stick with mine - but thanks. 😉 Plus if I really want durable I go Shield or SR - it's better than any Invul build I have or any invul build can hope to reach MO durable included.
  23. Go back and re-read the whole interchange - I was never claiming that it could be done - I was responding that I didn't think it could be done - but get close - but would like to see it if it could. That was the original question I was responding to - static 90 to all is pretty much impossible - like I said I have tanker builds that can get close with Elec Armor - all but 2 categories Neg Nrg and Toxic, Rad Armor - all but Cold, Dark armor - all but Nrg and toxic - thats 24/7 static resists - you don't really need a panic button for those builds. As far as panic buttons - most of them are useless because you can get a build strong enough to not need them - the only two I can think of worth taking that are easy to come by is One with the Shield and Overload on Energy Aura - those it almost doesn't make sense not to take.
  24. I can think of 2 instances where the devs made adjustments to a change - can't remember if it was open or closed beta honestly but they do listen. 1. Tanker changes. Tests that showed bruising on live actually led to better overall damage than the proposed beta change and they altered the modifier to adjust. 2. The defense type changes - Tests with invul and EnA - that led to those and other armors getting psi and toxic added to various armors including invul and EnA. It was really rough at first on armors like that - when my tanker was one involved that melted like ice cream on a hot day facing off arachnos - mainly because of toxic - others witness and confirmed and the concerns were voiced - CPH was gracious and added small avenues to resist those exotic damage types in short notice. He really didn't have to though - but he did listen. I also altered my builds to incorporate as much toxic as I could squeeze in and started prioritizing those targets. Which IMO - even though I hated the apparent weakness at first - have come to appreciate the feeling of threat and strategy to overcome it.
  25. If we are being honest with ourselves council before revamp was too easy. I think the most balanced enemy group is the crey. I run a lot of crey missions because you literally have a chance to see every damage type in every mob. I don't want to feel super powered at weak sauce fascists expense. I want to BE superpowered at the most balanced groups expense. If we are also being honest +4/8 had ceased to have meaning - then what's the point? If everyone can do it. It loses value. If it loses value - people lose interest. If people lose interest - they unfortunately leave. I have seen it first hand - and before anyone labels me as spouting git gud or pro hard mode or pro nerf - I have run my mouth on here to infinity and beyond against all of that - but I believe I was wrong at this point because of what I said above.
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