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Everything posted by Infinitum

  1. Rebirth Core Epiphany, it caps HP right? Basically it's like dull pain but an AOE right? I'm trying to figure how to get dull pain like results on a non invul set.
  2. Anyone know the math on this? How much HP it adds, how it works?
  3. You can go on beta and test builds out, /levelup_xp 50 that command makes you lvl50 /influence_add 2000000000 that gives you a ton of I nf. /boostset this one needs an explanation. For instance type in /boostset positrons_blast 50 will give you the complete positron's blast set at lvl 50. It works with any IO Set just dont use punctuation and use underscore between any words. Also with sets that cap at 40 it wont work if you exceed the cap. Using these commands on beta you can test out a fully IOd build in around 30 minutes of set up. Like someone else said get Pines hero planner - the most current one I found was in someones google drive that they shared. Use the planner to have it all planned out and min maxed before you start building. To answer your question about EM vs Rad I think rad and kinetic melee feel more fluid in combat, EM still hits very hard though but IMO need tweaking. EM will lock you down on one target till it's gone, switching targets rapidly is hard because of loooong animation times and lack of great aoes. Thematically its pretty IMO, so if you had a build to work around thematically you could make it work fairly easily. It's not horrible, but the sticking points for me are the long animation combined with the HP hit whether you hit a live or dead target or not. I think what would justify keeping the long animation time and hp hit would be to make it a PBAOE like Atom Smasher on Rad. That would make it balanced again.
  4. I see what you are saying now. It's the same animation and animation time as Devastating blow from rad melee. I've been testing em vs rad melee on beta and it isn't terrible, but at the same time rads aoes and debuffs blow it away single target and multi. Em needs something for sure.
  5. I can tell you from playing around on beta test that it does indeed remove HP, I mean it's not a sizeable chunk but it's noticeable and with enough recharge it could theoretically kill you.
  6. I dont have the time nor will to do all the math on that, but what I can say, is the set *feels* like, if the original animation was brought back, and the range of the AoE was extended, the set would be back up to snuff. Hmm. Extending the range/AOE (and number of targets, likely) on the AOE could work. Im still about EM getting its 'single target' hat back, but I may be crying alone in the wilderness, there. If we make it bigger, the leap-spinny-hands bit may not match up. Maybe one of the big, meaty, ground-punch animations, or a hand-clap followed by a wave of energy? Back in the day, my main was invul/em. I even proved a few points on the forums how tanks were still useful back when the whole 'tanks aren useful anymore' mantra was swirling about. Then came sets and it got even better. I literally spent a ton of time and effort setting that guy out. Some people on the live forums didn't believe how effective the damage was until I literally pulled a few on Victory server and showed them what a well designed and settled tank could do. The point is before sets it excelled at single target damage, after sets it excelled at single target damage so well you could boost up on recharge and drop bosses so fast it may as well had been an aoe, but it cost a fortune in time and effort to build it. If sets exist to those willing to make things more powerful why nerf the cornerstone power which ruins the set and all the effort to build it. It's still playable,but to anyone that experienced it before the nerf it leave a really bad taste in your mouth. There was no need to do the nerf either because honestly foot stomp with ss and fire aoes kill mobs faster than an equally slotted so em tank could ever do. With the em it was mainly a boss killer. Now it's a slow boss killer that damages you even if the power hits the boss after its dead. I was so frustrated I left the game for a few years, then came back and 3 month later it was sunsetted, so I'm grateful I'm able to play again, but I would love it if this set could be restored or rebalance to make it king of single target again. I like the kinetic melee fighting animations, maybe use one of those sped up to around 1 second with a longer recharge or even the original ,so those who have the desire and will to improve that recharge can do so by io sets.
  7. I ran a triple fire that was awesome back in the day, but there are a few powers from my experience and IMHO need to take priority to get them as soon as they come available and slot them to max as fast as possible. Healing flames Consume Combustion Fire sword circle Greater Fire sword Fireball Build up Fiery embrace Pop both build up and fiery embrace before the mob, hit greater fire sword on the boss then unleash the aoes pop consume if you need endurance and doesn't really matter what size mob you had 10 20 30 40 the bosses is all that will be left, but not by much. Hit healing flames as needed and repeat. Endurance is never an issue if you use consume right, so IMO take fire epic because fireball is a legit aoe to add to the wood chipper. It was a mob obliterator, one of the most fun Alts I ever rolled to 50. I'm rolling it again as we speak. I'll post my build as soon as I get back from vacation or can get access from a computer. (Yes I'm on vacay and still totally obsessed with this game)
  8. I was thinking Spiritual core paragon or Agility core paragon then. Recharge and healing can mitigate where any resistance deficiencies are, but the added defense would be great also.
  9. It may be a stupid question, but incarnate bypasses some of ED, does it also go past the resistance caps? Thanks
  10. I'm just immeasurably grateful to be back, seriously, I didn't even realize how much I missed this. Keep up the good work.
  11. May be a stupid question, but how do you place items like pizza, bottles or lamps on cabinets or tables? Thanks.
  12. I had mine to 45 percent resistance using IO Set bonuses and IOs back in the day that made him pretty durable against psi. Without sets, If you get combat jumping and weave you have some defense against it also and combine that with health, a fast recharging dull pain for the healing factor and increased HP makes life against psi easier also. I'm not to epic pools yet, but pines has one on energy mastery called physical perfection which increases both regent and end, that's worth a look also if it's there. That's what I did and what I'm doing again now and I don't die a lot so it works pretty well I think. Hope that helps
  13. Honestly I've been in shock since I found out CoH was back, so yeah I've rolled a lot of alts - ones that were at lvl 50 pre finger snap. I have 5 at lvl 20 now but the cool thing is my wife plays and my 12 year old son plays and they have 5 lvl 20s also. We are tailoring our 3 man teams to be fun for us, take on just about any content, and lastly make it easier for others to team with us. There hasn't been a night yet we've ran with anything other than a full team yet, so as we level we will be looking to do incarnate material one day soon with many alts. I have 11 total alts now and it's cool to reexperience them again from the ground up. The hardest was my first lvl 50 because it was the most sentimental, I couldn't bring myself to play him because I was afraid to lose him again, but I talked myself into it the other night. My 4 year old son also plays and he's good, but loses interest quick... SQUIRREL!
  14. Name of SG: Paragon Defense Force SG Officers: Infinitum and Aleriana - and anyone else that returns from the first run. SG Outline: Close knit, friends fighting crime and saving the world. We were once in the top 5 on Victory server, but haven't ran across any of the old regulars yet. Hoping we will.
  15. It was first me and my wife back in the early 2000's then we had our first son in 2007. We took a few years off in 2011 and came back in 2012 then found out they were sunbathing. My son was 4 and he had started to play with us. Now that kid is 12 and we have another that is 4 and we all play on excelsior. The 4 year old spouts a lot of gibberish on local though but he's pretty good. lol
  16. It definitely couldnt kill mobs faster than my fire/fire or my invul/ss mainly because of the rage and footstomp - whirling hands is kinda underpowered compared to either of those sets. EM stood out for swift single target dpa and dps and ET also has the health hit which was to offset the swiftness of it-use it enough combimed with hasten and other buffs without it any raven buffs to offset it, it could literally kill you. I'm honestly not sure if the hp hit per ET is still in, but it lost a lot of the fun when they made the main single target attack longer to implement, because you can get attacked mid animation, and theres also kill stealing while still getting the HP hit per use of ET whether the baddie is already dead or not. It definitely made the set less attractive than invul/ss or fire/fire, so I rarely played it post nerf. There used to be a planner that could map out an attack chain that could tell you which power was actually most beneficial in a set and post nerf it was energy punch for EM, I dont remember which planner that was though because that was around 10 years ago.
  17. You should have seen it when ET had a short animation, it was by far the most devastating attack per activation or per second when it had the short animation especially when combined with build up. It got nerfed hard with a much longer animation. You could literally one shot some red bosses with it and incredibly fast before they knew what hit them or could respond. But that's what made it overpowered. I'm rebuilding my invul/energy from the days of old as an elec/kinetics just because the animation changing took the flare out of the set as I was accustomed to. But yeah to answer your question it hits very hard with both ET and total focus. I think if I remember correctly, after the nerf, energy punch was the highest dpa or dps in the set.
  18. Yep, very insightful. Thats exactly what I was hoping someone would say. I think im on the right track. The hard part now is finding a way to make up for sleep deprivation from playing so many alts. lol
  19. I started with an invul/ss tank back in the day, and have run just about every tank combo imaginable. Are these 2 primaries as strong as they appear to be on mids? Im running a elec/kinetic and a rad/rad and they seem to be pretty durable if not more so than invul. Any experience with these on higher levels? In terms of end usage, hp/regen, and general survivability? Rad looks almost overpowered on paper and elec looks slightly more durable than invul. Is that an accurate assessment? Thanks
  20. People knew me as Infinitum of the Paragon Defense Force. Suddenly one day we faded away, then like it was yesterday but 7 years later we appeared back. Who the heck is this Thanos guy and why was he snapping his fingers at us? Infinitum and Aleriana (my wife) and our 2 sons now are all back. Would love to team back up with the old veterans that ran with us.
  21. Words cant do justice to what this means to me and my family. My wife, brother in law and I all started the game Christmas 2003, and played till our eyes burned until sunset. By that time we had a little superhero a 4 year old that took up the game with us. When sunset came he cried I cried we all cried. There wasnt a month since then that went by where he didn't ask if there was any way to bring CoH back. Hes 12 now, we took up Champions and even bought lifetime memberships but it just wasnt the same. Imagine that day I installed this on all 4 computers and spread the news. We have another 4 year old now that is literally singing "I believe I can fly" now that his tanker - Ice Ice Tanker - Yeah we are old school corney like that and he is too. lol All 4 of us play every night and its such a good feeling I never thought I would feel again. So sincere thanks from the bottom of this Tanks heart and the rest of my family also.
  22. People knew me as Infinitum of the Paragon Defense Force. Suddenly one day we faded away, then like it was yesterday but 7 years later we appeared back. Who the heck is this Thanos guy and why was he snapping his fingers at us? Would love to team back up with the old veterans that ran with us.
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