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  1. So far, I have very much enjoyed the Sentinel, and feel like it actually makes more sense thematically for the Heros-side then blaster. I recall back in the day wishing I could make an Ironman like character, but never feeling that 'armored' feeling with my Blasters. But what I like the more about the Sentinel is its teamwork aspect. I see so many people complaining about the Sentinel not doing enough damage and just think "But its not suppose to do all the damage itself". Much in the way a Tanker or Defender adds to the damage of others, the Sentinels "Opportunity" is a massive damage boost, not just for them, but the whole team! Sentinels deal more damage then Defenders and help the team deal more too. My real issue is that the Opportunity effects aren't strong ENOUGH for teams! What I don;t want to see is a more self-focused Sentinel that helps the team less then it already does. There can be a balance between doing more damage then a Defender, having more durability then Stalker and buffing/protecting the team more then the Blaster. I suggest a few things (probably too much, sorry): One, if not too much is to be changed, is to give the Sentinel a "Opportunity" activating power, the same as the Dominator has the "Domination" power. When the bar is full (or near full), you can activate it and then your next T1/T2 attack does the Opportunity shot. This solves the T1/T2 problem of not having control when exactly you want to activate it (this is a minor issue, but I have found it annoying to accidentally fire off my Opportunity when in the heat of battle). Far as the recharge on the "Opportunity" power, since it needs a needs full bar, it can recharge relatively fast. Two is if everyone has such a problem with Defensive Opportunity (I personally like having to worry less about endurance management extra powers/effects), then you can either roll Defensive Opportunity in with Offensive opportunity !!!OR!!! Better yet, make Defensive Opportunity another team option! What if instead of it just healing/end recovering YOU, it could do so to teammates who strike the Opportunity marked target! Maybe give some absorb (at half value the heal) to allies at full health? You could also just make activating Defensive Opportunity give some absorb and free end recover to you and teammates when it first activates, maybe with a little trickle more over the course of the activation time. I love the idea of the Sentinel helping teammates and even working as a minor defender. Being more defender-like makes sense of the AT, even though a lot of people just want Sentinels to be a ranged Scrapper with crazy high damage AND defense... Sigh... Three, if you absolutely HAVE to make Opportunity work like another Fury, at least make it a team-orientated effect, not just a self damage boost. I get that most people just want to go fast and deal max damage, but we don't need a fully ranged Spines/Fire Brute AT, we really don't. For defensive options for the rework, there are some limits, I know. By level 50+ most players have maxed their Res and Def, so having the Opportunity bar boosting those will do no good (either doing nothing for many or making all AT have max defenses). What could be done is a protective system, one made to keep you team alive better, but when they are dying a lot. Maybe a toggle, so you don't always have to have it on, but one that can't be turned off by CC. Lets call this toggle the "Defensive Opportunity" toggle. So, when your "Defensive Opportunity" toggle is active, you protect your allies (and yourself) but lose meter by doing so. This means that when you or any ally take damage, they gain an amount of absorb to protect them. The amount of absorb is based on how much hit points they have when they take the hit (sort like what the reverse HP system the Blaster had, so lower life means more absorb). When you give an absorb, your Opportunity meter drains based on how much absorb was given out. To fill you Opportunity meter, you hit foes (with scale up for Elite and AV), beat foes and have allies fall. All fill the meter to various degrees, with allies falling filling the bar massively! With this system, you can still use the first suggestions "Opportunity activating power" (now called the "Offensive Opportunity" power) to designate a target for more damage, but at the cost of, say, 50% of the bar. The "Offensive Opportunity" power also still needs to recharge (given a longer recharge in this suggestion the the first suggestion above, obviously). Unlike the Brute, who gets to full fury and stays there, the Sentinels bar is constantly going up and down. Hopefully theres a useful nugget in there you all can use, though I'm sure whatever you all have planned will be great!
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