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GM Miss

Retired Lead Game Master
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Posts posted by GM Miss

  1. So while all the other mass immobilizes got KB protection - Gravity was missed. But I think I found the issue. Below is an image of Stone/Plant/Grav immob/Hold side by side. Instead of giving the KB Res to Gravs Immob, its mass hold got it instead - while none of the other controller holds have that.



  2. Hey there, while I was making my Lore Pet Guide List - I found a few things that made me go - okay hold on a minute!

    1. Banished Pantheon Radial Superior Ally


    The Defiler Support pet notes in its description that it does not have any offensive abilities. In reality - it has Enervating Storm - and is still immune to damage.

    Image 1: Description shows it should have no offensive abilities - however its doing an ability called Enervating Storm.

     Image 2: Enervating Storm Information


    2. Tempest Elemental Misname


    In the Incarnate ability info it shows the name of the two pets as "Diviner and Storm Elemental" When in reality they are actually named Tempest Elemental and Storm Elemental. It is a most likely mix up from a nearby Incarnate set "Seer" which also features a 'Diviner' (So do the Talons of Vengeance). 

    Image: Shows the two pets and their incorrect labeled information.


    3. Antimatter Ray Text Issue

    I did some research and for starters its labeled as a ST ability, when really its this weird cone/beam. Its difficult to test the dps, but it does do an incredible amount and the targets seem limitless as long as they are in between you and the death beam.


    Image: Anti Matter Ray Info



    4. Field Projector Tool tip


    The numbers for the Shield Projector are off from the detailed info and the tool tip. I am adding two extra images from Willpower and Super Reflexes to show similar abilities. They seem to round down on most defensive numbers but even still - these are 1 and some off.

    Image 1: Field Projector Misinformation 


    Image 2: Super Reflexes for Comparison



    Image 3: Willpower for Comparison



    5. Twilight's Grasp Tool tip Error


    It says it does two ticks of 238.81, when it only does 1


    Image: Twilight's Grasp Detailed information



    6. Knives of Vengeance Radial Superior Ally: Guardianship


    Guardianship shows the Adrenaline Boost icon, and gives the Adrenaline Boost tooltip display when it actually exchanges the +Rech for +DMG


    Image: Detailed info + Tool tip + Combat Attributes 


    7. Knives of Vengeance Radial Superior Ally: Rallying Cry


    The Dmg & To-hit are both mislabeled in between the Detailed info and the Tooltip display.


    Image: Detailed info + Tool tip + Combat Attributes 


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  3. You can find the google doc here: Lore Pet List!


    What is on the doc? All the tier 4 Lore pets Core/Radial and their abilities + Numbers!

    Sheet 1: Lore Pet *Photos (Size) / *Abilities (Attacks/Buffs/Debuffs) / *Travel Powers

    Imgur album of photos: HERE!

    Sheet 2: Lore Pet DPS Numbers

    Credits to contributors can be found there.

    Let me know if there are any mistakes or something you would like me to try and add to the list- you can leave something here or ping me on discord! 

    *Updated to get rid of extra rows so its easier to scroll through - April 2020



    • Like 22
    • Thanks 22
  4. Hey everyone! First off I want to say thank you to everyone that showed up on Memorial Day to hang out with us in Kallisti Wharf. We had a great time and you guys made your servers proud - showing up looking fresh and taking down some serious bad guys. I'd like to announce the winners for each server as well as our overall costume contest winner!


    Runners up:

    Winner for Excelsior: Cosmic Light

    Winner for Everlasting: Superium

    Winner for Indomitable: Senatorial Supreme

    Winner for Reunion: Last Man



    Winner for Torchbearer and our overall Memorial day Homecoming Costume Contest: Hazard Matt




    Here is a link to the other images we took on the day across all the servers! https://imgur.com/a/H77jzTu


    *If you were a runner up and haven't received your prizes yet - don't worry, you will get them - we promise!


    Please take some time to congratulate the winners and if you have images from the event - please post them here with the name of the server they came from!


    If you missed our fun - stay tuned for more events just like this one (and more) on our discord: https://discord.gg/X4fWUDV


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