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Posts posted by Charistoph

  1. Quote

    When would the movie take place?




    Who would be the main characters be?

    Apex, War Witch, and Horus.



    Who would be the featured villain(s)/villain group(s)?

    Vahzilock and the Carnival.


    Yes, I'm saying base it off of the 2004 comic series, but it might be better to go with the Top Cow series to set up the universe.



    Who would be the actors/actresses involved in the production?

    Difficult to say.  I'd like to see some new blood in it, but in order for it to have a good chance at working, but the new blood might not have the gravitas to pull it off.  More important is to have good writers, director, and editor, as they can doom a movie no matter how good the actors are.

    • Haha 1
  2. Realistically speaking, a luck/fortune-based powerset would be a Support set available to Defenders, Corruptors, Controllers, and Masterminds.  It would debuff To-Hit and Defense from enemies and buff To-Hit and Defense of self and allies.  One could add knockdown (aka trips), -Speed, and -Fly powers to indicate inducing clumsiness as well.

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Abraxus said:

    Heh!  Bad guys.  They just can't help themselves.  Next thing you know, he will be promising cookies.  The blue side just promises JUSTICE.  😇😎

    Not just cookies, but cake, pie, and brownies.  It all depends on the villains in question and if they favor blood, change, disease, or hedonism.

  4. The one pictured as my avatar is a Shield/Stone reroll of the original Stone/Energy tanker that was and is my chat handle.  So much more mobile, and while currently lacking the early AOE of Energy, definitely is so much more maneuverable.


    I tried rerolling him after he turned 30 to Stone/Electrical Melee, but Rooted was killing my zen, so I rerolled him back to Shield/Stone, and left all the Influence behind.  Roughly about 36M, at least, may have been more.  So, best and worst reroll all at the same time.

  5. Caves are only a problem when there are multiple layers and rooms in a "tile".   Of course, they lose the ability to stay out of melee for my flying blasters.  Praetorian sewers are only bad if you have to escort someone as the pathing on the stairs is absolutely horrible.


    No real complaints beyond those.

  6. I get occasional spikes of lag, but then I'm also on a cable network so neighborhood traffic can affect my local performance pretty easily.  And sometimes the company has their own glitches which can force me to reset my modem as well.  I've gone from 200mbps to 5 and back again in 24 hours.

  7. On 3/5/2020 at 3:14 PM, Generator said:

    OP, one theory as to why you stand so relatively alone is, Fire Melee maybe isn't viewed as a "Stalkerish" set?  Just a thought.

    Hehe, Here, let me hide in the shadows with my BRIGHT FLAMING HANDS OF DEATH!


    I never did like Stalkers seriously when they first came out.  Terribly squishy and I hated waiting for the Hidden to start.  I recently got in to a kick making Protoss (sort of) and just HAD to make a Dark Templar, and Stalkers fit that the best.  Haven't gotten very far, yet, but he's being a little interesting and WAY easier to run around as than certain noisy Tanker or Brute types.  His Primary should be somewhat obvious and is terribly popular, but his Secondary is on the less played types, counting down to #35, with apparently 33 others similar to him if I can stop squirreling around and actually get a character to 50...

  8. On 2/27/2020 at 7:04 AM, Snarky said:

    Okay, I have only noticed this a little.  Lately I have been running AoE Blasters.  couldn't tell what the mobs were doing, they die fast.  I am starting a Willpower Brute.  On a Synapse last night I think I noticed this, thought I was having bad luck.


    Here is one thing that was a major turning point in my game years ago.  Know the song "Love the one you're with?"  "Kill the one your near." is my Brutes motto.  If it aint a Boss I am burning down or a Sapper, screw them.  Target nearest, land a punch.  Keep the DPS/Fury/Pain flowing.

    For most part, it is a good strategy, but I do sometimes prioritize in specific cases, such as Sky Raider Engineers.  They need to be kept from summoning those Force Field Generators as much as possible.  In groups, unless I've got the AOE to keep up, I just try to target the Lt's or Bosses as there's no point running up to something that's defeated before you can swing.

    With Brutes and Shield Tankers, I also like to target the greater villains first, too, as the minion's attacks (or mere presence) boost my damage up to kill the upgraded villains faster.  If not, I got for minions because why they don't hurt as much, removing their damage is faster than removing the upgraded ones.

    • Like 1
  9. On 2/23/2020 at 4:37 PM, MTeague said:

    Not only that, but who the heck makes elevators that only go up and down ONE FLOOR, with 1-2 in the northwest, 2-3 in the southeast, 3-4 in the east, and there's not a SINGLE fricken' stairwell in a single building interior in all of Paragon City.  The whole place should should be massively condemned for major safety violations.

    Well, if you think about it, how do you think that the villains haven't gotten away with whatever they are doing between the time they show up, you get told to go there, you ACTUALLY go there after logging off for a day or 227 (altoholism is a thing), and arrive to start beating up all the villains?


    On 2/24/2020 at 4:52 PM, Herotu said:

    This is the one that bothers me, too.


    So let's pretend we're making CoH2 and we want a more realistic mission environment... So you'd put all the elevators I one room, you'd do your thing on the floor then return to that room. As long as there is something unique to do on that level (i.e. skipping is not an option), it's perfectly feasible.


    Sadly, the whole twisty-turny spaghetti office/corridor design would have to go out of the non-existent window as well! How would you replace that?

    Simple, staircases.  During emergencies elevators should be shut off and inaccessible, so you need to go up the stair cases to reach your objective.


    3 hours ago, Techwright said:

    Y'all have clearly never seen the hospital where I work.  I'd swear it was designed for Paragon City hero missions.  I'm forever stopping to help out poor souls stopped at intersections looking around desperately for a directional sign or map.  


    The bizarre pathing came about because of numerous building projects over the last 100 years.  Rather than take the effort to build a true integration into what already existed, they continually tacked on new structures, hallways, etc.  We actually have a wing called "2 1/2" because the designers couldn't be bothered to level the construction with the current floor, so the stairwell has an odd-angled ramp leading to an offset level.  Last year, they bricked in the internal access to one set of elevators, requiring the workers to now exit the building and turn around and enter a new door to access the elevators.  Then, in the same elevator lobby they'd created (one which is never full), they went to the other side of the 20' room from the two elevators that go up all 6 floors, and added...an elevator that goes up one floor.  Yes, it exists!  We also have things like 2 long halls that follow the exact same path with only a thin wall between them, and doors connecting both halls at each end.


    I could fill a small book with the odd stuff in the place.  If only the AE was sophisticated enough to mirror the real life structure.

    That's not only happening with old hospitals.  I just spent a couple days in one smack dab next to a retirement community (and this hospital isn't that old) and had to be carted around from the ER, to the observation room (on the other side of the room), to nuclear prep, to nuclear medicine, to another place for a stress test, back to nuclear medicine for the second scan, back to my observation room, then to surgery prep, then to the surgery room, then back to my observation room, then finally out to the front to be let out.  All the walls look exactly the same. 


    I made it through Wolfenstein 3D with no problem in keeping my bearings, but I was completely thrown off in that place.  Even though the base floorplan wasn't really that complex, all the walls looking the same plus what doors one can't go through unless you are working in that area can easily contribute to losing where you are at.


    And yes, I'm fine.  We think that I ended up being accidentally overdosed on one of my heart pressure meds (high amount plus bad timing) and it slowed down my heart rate too much which created an unpleasant experience.

    • Like 3
  10. 2 hours ago, Menelruin said:

    My point with Supes is that the yellow sunlight exposure, for HIM, is no more natural than Bane pumping Venom into himself.  It's his body reacting to something that, for his evolutionary biology, is a foreign and unusual occurrence. 


    EDIT:  Imagine there's a kind of kryptonite that gives normal humans the powers of Kryptonians as long as they're near it (and there probably IS, with all the kinds out there).  Now imagine you've got a guy who has a piece of it on a necklace, under his costume.  Would you classify that dude as Natural, or Science? 

    Not quite the same thing.  Yellow sunlight is completely natural.  For Kryptonians, this is a natural consequence of being exposed to it and can quickly lose its benefits when exposed to a counter radiation or simply deprived of the yellow sunlight for a sufficient amount of time.


    Kryptonite's origins are far more suspect depending on which origination you're going with.  In fact, Smallville first few seasons are replete with these types of instances.  With few exceptions, those mutated by kryptonite retain their abilities long after being separated from the source, indicating that their genetic structure has changed. 


    The power that the Kryptonians get is not a mutation or alteration, as with the "meteor freaks", but a super-charging of the energy reservoirs of said Kryptonians.  In fact, as further evidence of how natural those reserves are, the original Doomsday is Kryptoanian, forced through a brutal, but rapid, evolutionary development to become the beast he was.

  11. 4 hours ago, Menelruin said:

    I'd argue that Spidey needs a defensive set paired with an Assault set,  due to how frequently and fluidly he shifts between melee and ranged (web) attacks.

    The webs would be part of his mastery (if we had a web-based one).  Most incarnations of Spidey have them be technological additions rather than a result of his powers.  In most cases, they aren't used very offensively and are mostly control powers.

    Oddly enough, even though Spidey is technically a Science origin, a magical connection was made for him as being a member of an animal totem that a certain vampiric family would pursue to extend their lives.


    And Kal-El is Natural unless that specific universe has him being meddled with by his father to survive without kryptonite radiation (which is why it poisons him).  It's happened in one universe, but there are a lot of what-ifs, including one that Superman wasn't even conceived until right before his rocket launched from Krypton, as Zod's son.


    Batman I'd make a Natural Street Justice/Ninjitsu/Weapon Stalker.  This would have most of his dodging abilities as well as all of his "wonderful toys".

  12. I don't rely on specific tropes for all my characters, thought most stem from different stories and inspirations.  My handle's original form was purely my version of min-maxing with the most robust Tanker armor around and the most satisfying recharge abilities, Stone/Energy (later was nerfed to be slower, dang it).  Mad him a mutant with stone powers who was injured in the Rikti invastion and had mechanical replacements to give him energy powers.  So I often use the desired powersets to create the character.

    I have another that's completely St Patrick's Day inspired that's gone through many different forms, but I like his current version rather well.

    I sometimes take cues from and massively alter up common concepts like a completely-did-not-work Negaduck who had a similar experience as Future Trunks and a poor janitor who got caught up with the nasty results of teleportation experiments in a certain New Mexico research facility which gave him electrical blast powers and his base suit is rather orange...  I also have 3 totally-not-Protoss tribe characters that I need to work on.

    • Like 1
  13. While not a weapon set, Dark Melee should also be looked at as it helps fill Shield's biggest weakness when compared to other Tanker Armors, no self-heal or similar ability at all.  Radiation Melee also has a a self-heal, but far too conditional and weak to be effective.

  14. 1 hour ago, RikOz said:

    When I started playing in 2008, with the launch of the second expansion, ground mount access had been lowered to level 30. With the third expansion, ground mounts were lowered to level 20, you could now fly in the "old world" due to it being remodeled, but you still had to wait until 60 to fly. Those access levels remain at 20 and 60 to this day.

    In a way.  If you have enough heirlooms unlocked, you can have mount access right away.  Well, a chauffeured motorcycle with your character in the side seat.


    Still, no flight as early as 14 (now 4) like CoH.

  15. 40 minutes ago, Troo said:

    that's a big leap game feel wise. Being able to just use the travel powers in CoX was super powered.


    Yeah, the closest I can remember before then is getting on a horse to travel between towns on Dark Age of Camelot.  WoW did have mounts, but that came out later, were ground-based, and took forever to access when it launched.

    Though, one did have warp drive on Earth & Beyond to speed travel up, but that was a spaceship game, so rather understood.

  16. On 2/15/2020 at 3:33 PM, Call Me Awesome said:

    Er, just HOW would Stone Armor work on Stalkers?  Penalties of -run, -jump, -recharge, -damage baked into Granite Armor.  It's a not well thought out tanker set that doesn't lend itself to a damage oriented AT.


    I've played Stone Armor to 50 twice back in the issue 5-9 days and it's unrivaled for pure durability but it sacrifices everything that makes a damage AT to get there.  It's a big, nearly immobile stone wall that will survive nearly anything the game can throw, but it can't fight back well.  30% damage and recharge debuff as I recall, inability to jump over a 6" curb and massively slowed movement speed is incompatable with a primarily damage dealing character.


    I played it in the days after the Great Defense Nerf and ED destroyed the durability of all other tanker sets because it was best suited for a pure tanking role and the only set to approach the durability tankers took for granted in the old days.  Once IO's came around and allowed other sets to once again compete on durability the penalties of Stone were no longer worth the benefits.

    Taking care of Granite is easy, one of the powers needs to be replaced with Hide.  Usually this is the damage aura, with Stone Armor this is Mud Pots, but changing one power in a Stalker Defense set isn't that unusual.  We also have to consider Rooted, which is just as bad for mobility as Granite is (though, not for the rest of the system).  So, instead of Granite, it is switch with a different form, like Slate or something which offers a different set of options than Granite does.

  17. 2 hours ago, Greycat said:

    I use teleport not just as a "get across the zone" travel power, but positioning in missions. I can target something on another level and appear right next to them from right below them, for instance, not giving them a whole heck of a lot of time to react. Working as a click power is what lets me do this. It sounds like what you're suggesting would not allow this.

    That's pretty much what you have to do with Stone Armor's Rooted and/or Granite active.  You're just too dang slow, otherwise.


    A combat Teleport would be interesting.  A faster process time combined with a much shorter range would be useful.  Just put in a smidge of a recharge time so that using it wouldn't move you faster across a zone than regular teleport, and I think we have something.


    Now to have options to customize it so my not-Protoss-Dark Templar Stalker could make it look like one is shifting from shadow to shadow...

    • Like 1
  18. My handle on Homecoming is the same as pre-Snap, Bludd Quartz.  I came up with this name when I was making what I thought would be the perfect blend of desires.  Stone Armor for its all around defense and Energy Melee for its speed of attack (which later got muted).  I couldn't think of what to do so I gave him the white stone skin, and went light red for the accents to represent the Energy Melee colors before power customization took affect.  White stone with pink highlights reminded me of quartz, so that was in.  Another description was blood for the colored accents, but might not make it, so was reminded of Jason Bludd of Justice League, so I took Bludd as a "misspelling".  ID gave him the name of Gabriel Bludd, tying everything together.  I later made a Dual Blades/Willpower character named Bluddy Will, Bludd Quartz's brother who was named William.

    I had a villain named Napthun who was a Dark Melee/Fire Armor Brute which was a misspelling of naphtha.


    Then there was the Praetorian Plant/Fire Dominator who was Thermal Bloom.  I gleaned the term from one of David Weber's series in which the plasma weapons were as dangerous from the heat differential as from the energy being propelled.

    Since I've come back, I've restored one or two from live since then and created a few more.  One of the new "other languages" I've used is Garra Verde who is a Savage/Rad Brute.  The name is spanish, so you can look up what it means.

  19. 19 hours ago, gamingglen said:


    How about male shorts with khaki & plaid options (among others) for my "Supergolfer" character?  Although, there isn't any golf courses, or even a mini-golf course to play on.

    I'm totally for this and similar.  Male/Huge characters who you actually try to set up as having stone skin, or similar, have to completely cover up any tights or it only looks like it's painted on.

  20. 6 hours ago, Bentley Berkeley said:

    Just to toss this out there, OP you feela  defensive set should be able to run all of its toggles(+ Im assuming other pool toggles and travel power) with no end issue even while spamming attacks? That toggles should all always be able to be up all the time? Honestly that sounds like a very limiting view. After all someone could then argue that all clicky powers should have a duration to match their cool down so they to can always be up on defensive sets that use clicks more like Regen. At that point all defensive powers may as well be autos we dont have to manage.

    It depends on the clicky power.  SR and SD both have clicked control defense powers, for example.  Natively, their duration is 2/3 of their recharge time, but they can be brought to constant with a 2-3 Recharge SOs.


    Dark Armor has zero Auto powers (unless you're a Stalker).  None.  7 toggles and 2 clicks.


    Dark Armor is interesting because it is pretty much a Resist line, and the 3 Resist Toggles need to be run almost constantly, unlike Stone Armor, because of the alternative Resistances built in to the powers such as end drain and control (though Murky is less necessary than the others).  The damage aura is pretty much needed for Brutes and Tanks, while a bonus for Scrappers (and gone on Stalkers).  So these are the minimum 4 that one could be expected to be running at time, and we haven't even considered other powers like Combat Jumping, Tough, Weave, or Cloak of Darkness.  These 4 are also the only ones that we likely never consider taking off of toggle.  Could you consider  how effective they would be as click powers?


    But we still have 3 more toggles in the line, all of which are of very situational usefulness.  Turning 2 of them on for a short bit for that usefulness seems counter-productive, especially when just being toggle auras reduces their effectiveness, and 1 is useless for Brutes and Tankers except for just moving between missions or just sneaking past mob groups.  Honestly, I think converting these 3 from toggles to clicks would help round out things a little bit without significantly changing the over all feel of the sets.  And/or it would be interesting to switch the Brutes' and Tankers' CoD to match the Stalker's Shadow Dweller.


    4 hours ago, KelvinKole said:

    Thinking more about opressive gloom, I quite like the idea of a power being fueled by your hitpoints and the inherent risk helps keep it balanced. How about losing the stun and having it apply a slow and - dmg aura around the user, or +dmg aura for allies only. There are much higher priorities. It's just fun to fantasize. 

    Losing the stun reduces the need for the hp cost on Gloom, imo.  Honestly, for Gloom, set it to be a Click, decent stun range (but long cool down so it won't be useful to auto-activate), and inflict a self-DoT from there.


    As a side thought, what if either Oppressive Gloom and/or Cloak of Fear were like Radiation Melee's Irradiated Ground?  Instead of an offensive aura pulsing out, make it a click and drop power, leaving a pulsing pet of control.  The pulses happen as they do now, so the Magnitude doesn't have to be changed, just the duration of the pet, overall recharge time, and initial end cost.  The end cost as a click would be pretty easy to address, as it would just be based on the duration of the pet (or maybe a little bit more).  This removes the trap of taking an interesting power, but is just another costly toggle.


    Of course, I don't know how hard it would make such a significant change to a power, just tossing the idea out for consideration and research.

  21. 2 hours ago, Bossk_Hogg said:

    The end proc worked a lot better under the old formulas. Previously it would likely fill the end bar, now it barely seems to break even. So I do think the end issues should be reviewed. That said, can we stop acting like IO's are remotely hard to come by? Back in the day I had more trouble keeping my SO's up than fully kitting out a character on Homecoming lol. If someone isnt using IO's that's on them. They have been in the game longer than they haven't. 

    As Replacement said, access is not necessarily the problem, but knowing what is available to be put in where is a challenge for most.

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