I'm pretty sure I blew something up.
Shortly after Excelsior opened, I created my main character. I got to the step where I was clicking the button to go to Atlas Park when the client froze and lost conn to the db server.
I relogged on, the character isn't there. I went through the process again, but now the name I had used says 'not available' when I check at character creation.
So I made an alternate character. Got into the game and used /get_global_name to see what was up. get_global_name returns nothing when used on the original name. So no one has it.
When I go through the process to try and snag it again, it says unavailable. So the name is both not taken and not available.
Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
More information: I was able to change my Global name to @Wingman. So I'm pretty sure no one has a character named Wingman.
Yet more information: Now when I use /getglobalname Wingman the game returns the message: "Reactor Leak has the global handle: Crescent Moon" clearly something is wonky since neither one of those is the name I'm typing.
But when I use /getglobalname on Reactor Leak, it comes up empty. This definitely needs some admin attention.