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Smoke Signal

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About Smoke Signal

  • Birthday 01/01/1004

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  1. I haven't been able to play nearly as much as I'd like. But, I finally got my emp to 50 and I'm starting to slot it. I'll be there soon!
  2. Aww. He stopped playing. 😞 I love it when people keep talking and talking and talking like they have any idea what they're talking about, refusing to accept information from more informed and experienced players who would be more than happy to help someone acclimate to the way pvp is now.. the only time that actually matters.. now.. and find a place in it where they're enjoying themselves and being competitive, and just keep strutting around thinking they're making ONE! TWO! knockout comments to the awe and wonderment of all. It's hilarious.
  3. Honestly, I'd rather have a team of /nrg blasters with a good healer and kill everything no matter what they are.
  4. Honestly, I wouldn't be interested if it 'wasn't' in the Arena. I'm down.
  5. Most people that are upset about melee in PvP in this game: 1) Never understood how they can be useful as hell. or.. 2) Are aware, but mad that they won't top the kill count list. Either way. Barrier is bad. ;D
  6. Soon as I'm done leveling and kitting out more toons, Power Glove will be there to heal. Good to be home.
  7. You can make 10 million in less than an hour. Earning money in this game has always, always, always been ridiculously easy.
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