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  1. When combining Speed of Sound with Athletic Run in RV there's an intermittent slow-down. It seems like Speed of Sound and Athletic Run keep swapping places for run speed. It happens roughly every 3 seconds. Speed of Sound speed is on for 3 seconds followed by Athletic Run speed for 3 seconds and the cycle keeps going. Its not reflected in combat attributes. Both the jump speed and jump height however are at what Athletic Run should be
  2. This speaks volumes
  3. Agreed. Make Energy Melee great again
  4. Just remove the -self damage from ET already and go from there. Don't reduce the damage. There are sets that already outpace it. OR keep the self damage aspect but revert the animation to its original form
  5. As stated before my other attacks work except for cross punch against a moving target. You may have the same issue with all your attacks as I do with cross punch. Does it happen anywhere else? I tested mine in the arena and have confirmed it with people after I noticed cross punch not working while chasing
  6. anyone else experiencing this issue or would like to verify?
  7. Ninja reflexes from Ninjitsu for scrappers and stalkers loses its -defense debuff resistance in PvP but is active in PvE.
  8. There is a bug with cross punch from fighting pool where it wont activate when chasing someone within range. All others with similar range like haymaker and punch work but not CP. CP will work if the target stops and i run into him but not while we're moving
  9. I somehow accidentally posted feedback in the wrong channel. Anyway after testing it I feel like the end drain is far too strong on such a low recharge in PvP. I know it might not make it to live and I can certainly see why
  10. The end drain in Shock Therapy truly is too powerful in this set in PvP. Strength of it combined with its low cooldown is monstrous
  11. For your first issue phase shift is working as intended.
  12. Corruptor pvp damage tooltip is displaying twice the damage of Defenders. After Testing dark blast on a corruptor and defender in the arena against identical resists and including the 30% damage bonus from defender inherent, both dark blast corruptor and defender did the same damage without using debuffs. Therefore the corruptor damage tooltip is incorrect.
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