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Everything posted by HyperiusX

  1. OOOOWeeee you're hurting them Bro! the mobs don't stand a chance:-)
  2. Sentinel are pretty much Epic already.. I love hearing other archetypes cry about this versatile toon. When it comes to an Epic Power selection I pretty much don't need anything other than a group hold or immob to make my PBoe or Aoe more effective in combination with fold space. I haven't really experimented with the other Epic pools because I opt to have as many primary and secondary powers as possible but to your point the options for Sentinels aren't geared towards its uniqueness.
  3. Sounds like it's group of players working in concert.
  4. Member Tidge: (Change is often good but if you're losin the OG crowd, you're doin somethin wrong) <----------- Exactly, and I'm starting to wonder if that is even a concern.
  5. I hope this is it:-)
  6. I'm speaking strickly from my tanks persepective so you'll have to forgive me for being selfish. Rage is a major handicap especially if you take Super Strength and Invulnerability (Rage Weakness buff combined with Unstoppable Crash is a disaster when not timed properly). No Tank should be this involved to play and the SS/invuln is a joggling act... nevertheless it's one that I've grown to love. With Rage I capped out at 304 points of Damage with Knockout Punch, which is my character's one single hit damage power that can do any major damge and that's after I cycled 2 rage buffs (+ four LFTG Global recharge), which means double the rage weakness crash. Btw ... I can still roll a miss with rage 5 slotted and Invincilbilty 5 slotted Rage (Guassian's Synch Fire) so fix the tohit aspect of rage as well. In my opinion when I click that pretty little red Rage button everything that I hit should receive it's proper dose of love! I understand that Tanks are supposed to primarlity be the Meat Shield but it seems like ss/invuln tanks have to sacrifrice way too much to accomplish that task. Super Strength (Rage) shouldn't by design weaken a tanks recovery. I stopped counting the times that I ate dirt becuase a rage crash hampered my unstoppable recovery while trying to retoggle my shields (Okay in fairness, I may a have lapsed via human error a few times). I also feel that rage shouldn't negate or trump buffs like Dull Pain and conserve energy especially when intiated prior to the rage and/or unstoppable crash. This is strictly my opinion based on many hours of farming and observation. I simply build my characters as best I can taking ED into consideration and tasks that I want them to perform. I honestly feel like the Super Strength and Invulnerabilty build has been left behind with the advent of other tank builds and archtype, thus the SS and Invun sets can use an upgrade. Having said that I vote that you change rage by ditching the weakness (-buffs), what's wrong with super strength being exaclty what it's name sake suggests? Another thing, Since most tanks have to take Fighting and/or Acrobat for increased survivability...what is the point of having jab when I have to take Boxing, if I pick the fighting pool? Now I have 2 useless redundant powers. On a positive note I did manage to compensate for the rage / unstoppable combo crash... I run:-) PS Just when you thought I was done bichen! Holding aggro and KB protection should be apart of a tanks build by design. Otherwise why are we calling the archtypes tanks?
  7. Hey Liberty Hyperius X here! SS/invuln tanker back in the game. I missed all of you! The closing of Coh broke my heart so much so that I really couldn't bring myself to play the alternative MMorgs, but it's revival mended the pieces! It's so good to herd again even though other Arch types can tank, there's nothing like taking damage and taunting my foes. Anyway I'm glad to be back.
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