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  1. Why Snarky!!!? Why would you post that? Though a better question is why would anyone do that to their body?
  2. *Inserts obligatory " Nerf regen, buff fire damage plz" post*
  3. There are special pet specific IO's that you can slot, preferably in Hell on Earth. These IO's act as auras and will give them defense as long as they are within 20 feet of you. Expedient reinforcement, call to arms, edict of the master. They won't cap your defense for your demons but it will help.
  4. Everyone, I think we need to look at the bigger picture. Regen, it needs to be nerfed. No matter what else takes place, if regen is not nerfed then this has all been for naught. Thank you for your time.
  5. I am by no means an expert on MMs but, with the changes to bots I have noticed that they are pretty self sufficient with the healing drone. Depending on the difficulty you may get away with using bots. Possibly zombies as well if you stay in bodyguard mode. Either way good luck and hope you find your match! Edit: Beast mastery might be good as well. They are all melee and fortify pack will help with survivablity. I still recommend staying in bodyguard mode.
  6. As it should be. The day a patch goes out and regen is not at the very least considered for a nerf is the day the universe will collapse in on itself! #nerfregenforlife !!!111oneoneone
  7. Regen has been found to be over-perfoming thus now has an added affect of adding a de-gen debuff for each additional target engaged scaling with the difficulty of the mob (I.e Av's will cause the greatest increase of degen.) There is no limit to the number of targets that can be engaged. All healing is reduced by 50% while debuff is active. This will bring it in line with other defensive sets.
  8. Yes they affect pets. As far as I know alphas act like an extra enhancement slot and is subject to slight diminishing returns from enhancement diversification. Most MM's go for musculature but there are outliers.
  9. Sadly it does not. I wish they did but at the same time it would kind of be a bit O.P. As far as I remember Henchman cannot be resurrected.
  10. I love masterminds, and I love the electric affinity secondary but, I am at an impasse. Between Bots and Demons, which would go well with electric affinity and allow me to solo at max level and settings in addition do incarnate activities? From my understanding these are the pros and cons for each set if I have left anything out or am incorrect with my assumptions, please correct me! Demons Positives : Higher resists, varied damage, resist debuff, mule power for auras, useful personal attacks. Demons Negative: Narrow AoE, mix between melee and ranged causing them to wander out of Faraday cage if not careful. Robot positives: All ranged (easy to keep in cage), Good AOE, defense for layered protection.(Is it possible to max defense on the bots?) -regen for AVs Robot negatives: Poor single target, no mule power, insane knockback further reducing slot options. Ultimately I am looking for opinions and views as to which would be better for what I want to do, and finally one more question that is probably age old. "Which is better, pure resists or layered defense with resists?" Any opinions or ideas are welcomed, and I look forward to seeing what my fellow masterminds have to say about this. Thanks for your time!
  11. Sarion

    Hybrid MM's!

    Got my bots to 45 before I became frustrated. While I did like the untouchable part of Bots/FF but all mobs seems to have that 5% chance to hit you and when they do.. OUCH! Not to mention defense cascade failure , they shred my bots , Arachnos, Longbow , anything with negative def, just murders my bots. As for slotting, I did the typical build focus on Defense and the like, ran leadership. Just looking for that good medium, minions that are a bit hard to hit but when they do, they don't crumble to dust.
  12. Sarion

    Hybrid MM's!

    This is my first time posting in a forum and while I am not new to CoH/V, I have not explored the finer points of the game. I have experienced the wonders that is Bot/FF , the moment a mob gets past my defense, my bots and by proxy myself fold like origami paper. Conversely I have tried Demon/ Thermal and while they are tough, I find that the demons are gassed just after one battle, they are large and noisy and all around bothersome to groups. I was curious as to the viability/ soloability of a hybrid build like Thug/thermal. With the auras that add both defense and resists, leadership pool and perhaps other power pool choices like various armors from patron and tough and weave, is it possible to find a healthy balance between resists and defense for my pets and I? I am looking for the opinions of more experienced minds than that of my own. Any and all opinions and suggestions are welcomed!
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