I love masterminds, and I love the electric affinity secondary but, I am at an impasse. Between Bots and Demons, which would go well with electric affinity and allow me to solo at max level and settings in addition do incarnate activities? From my understanding these are the pros and cons for each set if I have left anything out or am incorrect with my assumptions, please correct me!
Demons Positives : Higher resists, varied damage, resist debuff, mule power for auras, useful personal attacks.
Demons Negative: Narrow AoE, mix between melee and ranged causing them to wander out of Faraday cage if not careful.
Robot positives: All ranged (easy to keep in cage), Good AOE, defense for layered protection.(Is it possible to max defense on the bots?) -regen for AVs
Robot negatives: Poor single target, no mule power, insane knockback further reducing slot options.
Ultimately I am looking for opinions and views as to which would be better for what I want to do, and finally one more question that is probably age old. "Which is better, pure resists or layered defense with resists?" Any opinions or ideas are welcomed, and I look forward to seeing what my fellow masterminds have to say about this. Thanks for your time!