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  1. Can you please set it so that if a player is blocking an entrance with their pets and you block them, that they won't be able to block the mish entrance?
  2. What does "whitelisted" mean? I'm not the OP, I'm just a curious bystander.
  3. I've been documenting what I've learned at this post. I'm continually updating it.
  4. I'm sorry but that wasn't exactly what I asked. If I start the blueside wedding, enter the mish, activate Nemesis, and defeat *only* Lord Recluse (no one else.) What happens? Do I get the special gift?
  5. If you defeat Lord Recluse in the Nemesis wedding run it ends the mish. I get that. But does it *fail* the mish? Do you still get the special gift?
  6. Nvm. The problem was my virus detector. All is well.
  7. I have confirmed that level 10 is the lowest start level.
  8. When I select the Love Aura it covers my entire body. But the Jealousy Aura only covers my head. How do I get it to cover my entire body?
  9. To be clear, my toon *was* level 50 when she started getting the Nemesis option. Using the Nemesis option makes for a dangerous mish, so I wouldn't be surprised.
  10. To begin, there's a minimum level of ten that allows you to start a wedding team. However, you can *join* a team at level one. This is what I have on the five new badges and the special surprise mentioned by lemming, above. Please note that there are seven more badges to obtain for the Spring Fling event. I post a link that lists the badges near the end of this post. Wedding team (blue or red) 01) Start with Sigil (blueside) or Kadabra Kill (redside.) 02) Upon entering the mish, please note the Wedding Ushers at either end of the crowd. These NPCs will show you which heroes and villains you need to defeat to obtain the Officiator badge. The use of "introduce yourself" is intended to be ironic. 03) It's nice if the team lead asks if everyone has the Down in Front badge. To obtain this badge, a player stands between the bride and groom when the ceremony begins. Once everyone who needs the badge is in the drink, Positron can be talked to again to interrupt the ceremony. The team lead should stand behind Positron the whole time (unless they need the badge, too.) 04) Lay out the smackdown. The AVs always spawn at the base of the stairs. Although not always in the same spot. Team leads: Don't forget to call/talk to the contact to close the mish when it ends or it will remain stuck and incomplete in your mish list. 05) Players will receive the Best Man/Maid of Honor badge (blueside) OR the Wedding Crasher badge (redside.) You could also receive the Officiator badge if you've defeated all of the heros and villains in the Wedding Usher's list. Nemesis wedding Hoo-boy! This is NOT hard at all if people pay attention to the chat! Normally, it's extremely dangerous because people don't pay attention to the chat. Note: The Nemesis dialogue option appears with Positron upon completing both the blueside/redside runs of the wedding. And there seems to be a minimum level to go with it. Maybe lvl 45? Note: Originally, there was a known bug for running this mish redside. I don't know the current status. The bug did something and basically you didn't get the special prize that lemming mentions, above. I've never ran into this nor do I know anyone who has. I'm not saying that the bug isn't real, I'm just saying that it's infrequent. So until you find out more please only run this blueside. 01) All players should purchase three "clips" of Envenomed Dagger from the S.T.A.R.T. vendor. Click Temp Powers > Attacks to find it. This will cost 150,000 inf. This will give you 90 ranged attacks of the power. The team lead needs 840,000 inf to provide all team members with the money to purchase this if they're really *that* serious. 02) Enter the mish. 03) STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't go any farther! The team lead will talk to Positron. As soon as they do, the Chaos Spiel badge will drop. You can now abandon/reset the mish if you only wanted the badge. 04) Let the team lead decide how to aggro the enemy. Some team leads are very ambitious and want to get the Officiator badge. It's *vitally* important that you follow instructions if they do. On the second day of the event, I was on my squishy Sentinel and I went from zero to Chaos Spiel, Officiator and even the special prize in a single run! So I don't want to hear your stupid excuses! 05) Don't forget your Envenomed Dagger. It makes life so much easier. Especially if an entire team is spamming the target. 06) Pay attention to the timer. While the Chaos Spiel drops, a twenty-minute timer will appear in your Nav window. 07) To successfully complete the mish, you only need to defeat Lord Recluse. *However,* you will not get the special surprise if you don't defeat the villains on the Wedding Guest's list. It doesn't matter if you already have credit for their defeats. You have to defeat them again when doing this mish to get the special surprise. Traditionally, people take down Black Scorpion first because he has taunt. On the hero side, people take down Numina first because she has healing. 08) If you get the special gift, a window will pop up informing you of this. You *have* to click the "Ok" button to close it. So you'll know if it happens. In summary: 01) Best Man/Maid of Honor: Complete Sigil's wedding mish (blueside.) 02) Wedding Crasher: Complete Kadabra Kill's wedding mish (redside.) 03) Down in Front: Simply stand in front of Positron while the ceremony is going on. It will take about a minute or so. You'll get dumped in the pool. You can literally solo this. Just get the badge and then move far away. The NPCs will finish the mish for you. Or just reset the mish. 04) Chaos Spiel: Select the "Nemesis" dialogue option when speaking with Positron. You can then abandon the mish if you don't care about the special surprise for completing it. You get the badge immediately after speaking with Positron. 05) Officiator: defeat all signature heroes and villains while in their wedding outfits. You only need 10% damage against each and the NPCs will do the rest. The Special Gift: awarded upon defeating all of the villains in the Wedding Usher's list during a Nemesis wedding. The rest of the badges for the Spring Fling event are listed here: https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Event_Badges Use these targetting macros to help you get the Officiator badge. I've confirmed that these are all of the ones you need. After creating your macro the first time, you can right-click it and select "Edit" to change the name instead of creating a new macro: Heroes /macro target target_name Citadel /macro target target_name Back /macro target target_name Sister /macro target target_name Manticore /macro target target_name Positron /macro target target_name Statesman /macro target target_name Ms /macro target target_name Synapse /macro target target_name Numina Villains /macro target target_name Lord /macro target target_name Ghost /macro target target_name Captain /macro target target_name Scirocco /macro target target_name Black
  11. Wow! Make sure your mental defenses are up to snuff before barging into the new mish solo! Lol!
  12. Does inheriting powers count? Like Spider-Girl from the "What If?" series that eventually had her own run? I loved that series! Or maybe she's just a mutie...
  13. Well, as it turns out, this has changed. To test this out, I got the Task Force Commander badge on a toon that didn't have Yin. I don't know if they fixed this or that I have Alzheimer's...
  14. I didn't know that editing was open to anyone. How would I do that?
  15. I've heard it was at one time. I guess they changed it for lore reasons. Since Sister Psyche was dead, they created a replacement.
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