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  1. Hey, everyone... please be nice. It's clear you're not going to agree so please leave it at that. Yes, in the past the Kronos Titan was not a problem. The noticeable difference was when changes to the giant monsters were made. Googly Moogly has confirmed that Kronos will fight Babbage. After experiencing those 2 things, I decided to request that people refrain from bring Kronos. Someone else pointed out that Fusion Force brought Titans to SNS. I don't remember that. What I do remember is Emerald Fusion asking me if I minded if he made SNS part of their 20th anniversary celebration. He lead a Fusion Force league and coordinated exits with us. Again I think this was before the lag issue. I have addressed this. If the GMs feel that this event is too disruptive, I will stop running it. The response I get every time I ask is... please keep running it.
  2. So that everyone who wants to participate can... and that everyone who puts in the time to do the Synapse TF gets credit for each Babbage. The whole reason that SNS grew beyond 1 team was demand. Through trial and error we discovered multiple teams could run the TF and each spawn a Babbage. (Side note: you are not guaranteed a Babbage spawn. There is a 5% chance he WON'T spawn.) The thing I loved about SNS is that everyone is working together. The overflow leagues originally called themselves Leech League. I didn't like that and renamed them. Sure it would be very easy for them to swoop in with their 50s and destroy the Babbages before the rest of us have a chance. But they don't. And I soooo appreciate that. I think that's why attendance is so high. I do not want to leave people out or turn people away. The foul mouthed person in broadcast last week is definitely the exception. I appreciate everyone's enthusiasm and passion, but we have to be respectful. I would like to run my event in peace. Please stop fighting each other and focus on our common goal. If my event is taking too big a toll on Skyway or is too disruptive to regular game play and GMs would like me to stop, I will. Thank you for this clarification that Kronos Titans fight players AND Babbages.
  3. It's not just me. I get complaints from multiple people. There is a noticeable difference when the Kronos shows up. Again, this noticeable difference started when changes were made to the giant monsters. Before that, the lag was not a significant issue. I'm trying to run a very large event and keep it manageable. It is a long and exhausting night. It is a LOT of people, teams, leagues, Babbages, complaints, special requests, demands to deal with. I have posted how I run the event in the forums, on discord, and repeatedly in chat during the event. My feeling is that any "rules" I make are arbitrary. I am not a GM and have no authority to enforce them. SNS has been successful and fun for years because of the cooperation of the player base. Every week I ask people to bring their patience and a fun attitude... and for the most part, people do. Until recently.
  4. What about 25 giant monsters?
  5. I get vitriol from both sides. I have asked politely and respectfully for people not to bring Kronos. Ever since the GM change, Kronos slows my computer down. Shutting off particles does very little to help. His AOEs slow me to a crawl. I would not squeal with delight at another Babbage. We all have different definitions of fun. edit for clarification... This lag happens BEFORE the leagues start attacking. It seems to come from the Kronos attacks. So I'm wrong. You're right. *Sigh* Perhaps it's time to retire the event that took me years to build.
  6. Hiya! I run that event. We start forming every Saturday night at 8pm ET. There are usually 2 main leagues that run the TF. And then 2 overflow Leagues who start forming around 9:15pm to help corral the Babbages. The patience and cooperation that everyone displays is remarkable. It takes a lot of time for 10+ teams to spawn and pull the Babbages before I give the GO. Since the calendar on the forums is disabled. I'm posting the rules here: 1 - All teams in the league do the missions of a normal Synapse TF until we get to the "Defeat the Clockwork Lord" mission. 2 - Once the Clockwork Lord is defeated and the mission is completed, wait to exit until all other teams complete the mission. So bring your patience! 3 - This is not a race. The goal is to work together to spawn as many Babbages as we can and defeat them together. Nagging or taunting anyone for how fast or slow they reach the Clockwork Lord mission will not be tolerated. 4 - We will be staggering our exits. When the OK is given for your team to to exit, leave the mission and collect your Babbage. 5 - We then pull the Babbages to an open central area for a party! Since we're in league, it's easy to pick a spot that's central to all the teams. And Babbage will follow you anywhere... just be careful to keep him away from any police drones.
  7. Some people in the overflow leagues spawn them. Last week we had 27 Babbages and 2 Kronos. The lag was REAL. Also, we forced a Skyway 2.
  8. Three weeks in a row we've had 2 main leagues running Synapse TFs and 2 overflow leagues, We had 17 Babbages and 3 Kronos Titans, I'm still amazed at how everyone patiently waits until we get everything and everyone gathered so that no one misses out. This community is awesome. Thank you everyone!
  9. What started out as a small, weekly run among friends has turned into a server-wide festival. Tonight, Saturday Night Synapse pulled in 17 Babbages. The main league had 46 players. The overflow league had 47. Rumors of Torch's death have been greatly exaggerated. Thank you to everyone who joins the main league for the Synapse run. Thank you for coming week after week to do no one's favorite TF. Thank you for following instructions and waiting to exit the Clockwork Lord until your team is called. We lose far fewer Babbages that way. And you all definitely keep league chat interesting. Thank you to everyone who brings a bonus Babbage. I'm thrilled that idea has caught on and we are now getting more bonus Babbages than team Babbages! 11 bonuses this week... WOW! Thank you, also, to the overflow league. Thank you for cheering us on. Thank you for taking out the cogs so they don't kill us all. And most of all, thank you for being patient as we pull all the Babbages together, and following directions and waiting to attack until the main league is ready. The teamwork that Torch displays every Saturday night in Skyway brings me so much joy. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  10. I was in my early 30s when I started CoH in beta in 2004. My first (and really only) MMORPG. Now I'm... significantly older... and I do like my AARP discounts and benefits
  11. Such sad news. Hera was always fun to team with. He will be sorely missed.
  12. New content - story arcs, powersets, TFs, incarnate trials. The ability to import our old characters from live using .xml files.
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