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The Fifth Horseman

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  1. https://dream.ai/create - Dall-E 2 (or at least used to be), not exactly great results but mileage may vary https://creator.nightcafe.studio/studio - multiple AI models to pick from, but mainly Stable Diffusion and its derivatives. https://www.bing.com/images/create/ - Dall-E 3, does much better on certain art styles than Stable Diffusion, also you get 15 shots a day (Dall-E 3 on Nightcage is EXPENSIVE in points) That's because Dall-E does not support negative prompts. Stable Diffusion does, though. In my experience, Dall-E is much better at emulating specific art styles.
  2. Savage Melee has very specific animations that do not necessarily fit every character. Why, though? It sounds like just some misguided purism on your side.
  3. Consider that the Monstrous and Zombie geometries already have individually modeled claws, just much shorter.
  4. It would be nice if we had another glove model with long clawed fingernails as an option for this too. Currently the closest one there is is the Monstrous glove, I'm thinking more along the lines of Lady Deathstrike:
  5. After getting some inspired redesigns of Engine Jean from Bing's AI (https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/48010-ai-generative-art/?do=findComment&comment=610651), I tried to replicate those in-game. And hooo boy, did that turn out great
  6. I've gone and done some experiments with Bing's generator. I'm spoilering the prompts. Kind of like the one with clawed hands and the ones that turned out kinda goth-like. A few times the AI decided to make her look either like she's wearing armor or she's more machine than human which wasn't what I was going for, but I kept some of them because they did turn out interesting. Also: Bing doesn't understand what a tank top is.
  7. Trying to go through the Arthemy Comics model without the start image has produced some... interesting results.
  8. Neither truly conventional artwork nor pure AI art, but rather an unholy spawn of feeding a colored line-art through Nightcafe's creator multiple times tweaking the prompts, collaging the "best" results into one, then repeating the process until mostly satisfied with the results. Say hello to Engine Jean, one of my mains back when I started playing CoH when it went F2P: Originally, back when she was first created, her inspiration was this piece of Samus Aran fan-art by WillMangin (back then, "Beemer"): https://www.deviantart.com/willmangin/art/samus-aran-14577139 . Somehow, it hit me she'd look really cool in a blue and purple colour scheme, roughly like this: https://imgur.com/iYsTo5b (I'm not sure where the original recolor is now, this is a quick recreation) I've now put this recreated recolor through Nightcafe's generator with... many tweaked prompts ( some of the literally dozens of takes: https://imgur.com/NAajFF3, https://imgur.com/yEphbcc, https://imgur.com/1NmuvzF ) and collaged some of the preferred results into this rough result: https://imgur.com/Vv7GGqd followed by a bunch more retries using it as the base image ( a few of - again - dozens: https://imgur.com/4PZOrDE, https://imgur.com/cshHHUy, https://imgur.com/8vtz6wq ). The headphones, violet hair and strap-like details on her top were things the AI introduced into the mix but I liked well enough to keep. Current output based on the above as starting image and the prompts: (+1 weight) (-1 weight) I've also taken a poke at using the Arthemy Comics v 5.0 model (note: resolution must be set to Medium for decent output, making each generation on Nightcafe cost 9 points) , resulting in a couple very 90s versions of her design:
  9. Headphones, in versions both worn (Detail 1) and hung around the neck (Detail 2) Something like Barbarian Leather shoulder option, but with a smooth, metal-like, texture An obviously robotic but sleek gauntlet option, more in-line with the style of the Clockwork leg/boot pieces (the current clockwork gauntlets feel too clunky to truly match IMHO), perhaps a bit like a sleeker version of the Imperial Defense gauntlets More collar options. Currently we only have the cape collars and a handful of Gunslinger options. I'd love to see more hard collars. More "middle ground" female tops that expose shoulders and midriff while providing more substantial coverage than a bikini
  10. Not quite. Under normal circumstances there would be a notice period and immediate revocation like you describe would require a severe breach of the license. Rogue servers can go down overnight because their webhost received a takedown notice. It's very much not the same.
  11. Damn... sounds like you've been cooking up a Nemesis plot there! The question to ask is: what should they provide that the existing power sets don't?
  12. I will use an AI-generated character artwork to illustrate what I mean with some of them. 1. Headphones as an accessory piece. Ideally in the Ears slot (to not compete with the Detail 1 slot) and a version "stowed" around the neck in the Detail 2 slot. We technically have the Ear Muffs and the Arena Headset as options, but nothing really looking like regular modern headphones. 2. "Armored" shoulder pieces that go from the upper arm to the elbow (perhaps with a secondary color piece covering part of the arm above the elbow itself). Barbarian Leather kind of has the geometry I'm thinking of, but not the texture 3. In general, more female Tops With Skin patterns and / or Chest Detail pieces that allow bare midriffs while covering more than a bikini. Right now most are either the former or go over the whole torso, there's just a handful that do anything in-between: Clockwork (only covering chest front), Celestial Armor 1 and the Black Knight piece (which is super bulky and difficult to re-theme to anything else) 4. More tight collar-like options in Head Detail 2 slot. Currently some of the Gunslinger pieces kind of work, but a more generic piece would be great.
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  13. So this is neither conventional artwork nor quite pure AI art, but rather an unholy spawn of feeding a colored line-art through Nightcafe's creator multiple times tweaking the prompts, collaging the "best" results into one, then repeating the process until mostly satisfied with the results. Say hello to Engine Jean, one of my mains back when I started playing CoH when it went F2P: Originally, back when she was first created, her inspiration was this piece of Samus Aran fan-art by WillMangin (back then, "Beemer"): https://www.deviantart.com/willmangin/art/samus-aran-14577139 . Somehow, it hit me she'd look really cool in a blue and purple colour scheme, roughly like this: https://imgur.com/iYsTo5b (I'm not sure where the original recolor is now, this is a quick recreation) I've now put this recreated recolor through Nightcafe's generator with... many tweaked prompts ( some of the literally dozens of takes: https://imgur.com/NAajFF3, https://imgur.com/yEphbcc, https://imgur.com/1NmuvzF ) and collaged some of the preferred results into this rough result: https://imgur.com/Vv7GGqd followed by a bunch more retries using it as the base image ( a few of - again - dozens: https://imgur.com/4PZOrDE, https://imgur.com/cshHHUy, https://imgur.com/8vtz6wq ). The headphones, violet hair and strap-like details on her top were things the AI introduced into the mix but I liked well enough to keep.
  14. Death is but a doorway, time is but a window. They'll be back.
  15. Silver Spartan: This guy actually began as an Iron Man ripoff design-wise, except I wanted to make him look "original" enough that he'd avoid getting generic'd. Tony Stark had a suit called the Silver Centurion, and playing around with loose associations got me to think of an entry from an old contest on Cracked ... and the Silver Spartan was born, with a name that instantly lent itself to a design theme (but then his backstory was your bog-standard military sci-fi fare with a small reference to HALO). Engine Jean: It all began with a costume design inspired by... Samus Aran? Now, Jeannie doesn't look much like Samus, neither in armor nor out of it - the original inspiration was this piece of fanart, which for whatever reason I had the idea to color in blue and purple and then adapt in COH's costume editor into Maxie Machine . Then when trying to come up with a backstory I took a loose inspiration from the original team of Thunderbolts (villains create heroic personas to infiltrate the superhero community... only to eventually change sides for real), cue backstory and pallette swap to something looking more "heroic". "Booster Angel" / Athena 2.0 : Her entire universe was strongly inspired by Bubblegum Crisis, and she is a member of the local analogue to the Knight Sabers (echoing Priss in particular, although you wouldn't immediately see it from her costume). The major difference is that the line is a lot more blurred since not only the "heroes" are not human themelves - not just because both themselves and the "villains" are bioroid super-soldiers (directly inspired by Dark Angel - anyone remember that series?), but also the "heroes" are acting on the megacorp's behalf rather than fighting it.
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