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She-Wolf last won the day on August 18 2020

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  1. now free: minx diana femme fatale pagan
  2. it's part of the "Wait" animation! just gotta wait for the right moment. 🙂
  3. finally getting somewhere i like with this one, not sure if it's finished! trying to keep her in superhero territory and not TOO full on fantasy.
  4. thank you! ❤️
  5. yay. thank you! ❤️
  6. current version of She-Wolf!
  7. might be difficult, but some feminine pieces for the Huge body type?... just the patterns mostly. She-Wolf transforms into a beast of a werewolf but i try to keep her costume in her smaller form and larger form similar other than the larger version being tattered. it's limiting trying to make a smaller female costume and a huge body costume match though without being a little too simple haha.
  8. released: Harmonica Ororo Nethergirl Chernoboy
  9. haha, i did them on paragon chat so you can enable an option to just log in multiple times with the same account!
  10. Knightress. name was free so now i gotta figure out what to do with her. i have too many characters lol
  11. i'm extremely indecisive hahaha. i even just changed it again, nixed the collar. the chains may return, idek
  12. alternate she-wolf
  13. dunno which form to go with:
  14. still WIP for sure, but i think i'm getting somewhere 😄 i found the vanguard logo which i actually like a lot, i think it works. i like the insect wings and fairy wings so i'll probably swap often ha. not sure on colors maybe they'll just change with each outfit, chalk it up to magic lol. the insect wings can be made to look iridescent with the right purple/blue combo but that doesn't really work with the fairy wings. also some costumes for UV because i saw the pic in my photos and don't think i ever posted it here, her costume is probably my favorite i've done though.
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