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City Council
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Everything posted by Cipher

  1. After the Flavour of the Month: 4 months in stats thread went up, it quickly became clear that you all would like to have see the stats narrowed down to a few level ranges. This thread will contain the powerset statistics for each Archetype for characters that are levels 2 - 31.
  2. The statistics post for level 50 characters is up. Level 2-31 and 32-49 will be posted shortly ( or realistically probably in a few hours after I sleep 😛 )
  3. After the Flavour of the Month: 4 months in stats thread went up, it quickly became clear that you all would like to have see the stats narrowed down to a few level ranges. This thread will contain the powerset statistics for each Archetype for characters that are level 50.
  4. These are great ideas! While I can't make any promises, this is something I would be interested in looking at as well. If I decide to pull and graph the data, I'll be sure to share it on the forums 🙂
  5. Hey everyone! It’s hard to believe that we’re four months into this already, yet here we are - still saving citizens, smashing Skuls, and arresting lots of well-dressed fire-breathing cosplayers atop a meteor. It’s time to talk finances again. In case you aren’t aware, our donation window has moved from the first Saturday of the month to the last Saturday of the month in order to align better with our billing schedule. In October and going forward we will have some additional charges; we have engaged both a games industry specialist attorney and non-profit specialist attorney to provide us with legal advice and handle some legalese. We will not be posting the invoices for their services in order to protect their identities, but we will be including their service fees in our donation windows after this month. Finally, we wanted to go ahead and let you all know that we are looking into alternate hosting for better stability and support. While this is still likely a few months out, we wanted to go ahead and let the community know as this may significantly change our monthly operating costs compared to previous months which have been mostly static. Now, here are the breakdowns for the past and upcoming month. --- July Breakdown Last month we accepted $4,897.06 in donations - $1,773.13 over our target (this happens when donations are processing or pending at the time that the system closes). The $1,773.13 will be going towards September’s upkeep, reducing the amount that we need to take in. Here's what the funds from the July donation window went towards: $4,717.40 to OVH for our servers $96.00 to Google for our G-Suite account $10.00 to Atlassion for Jira Cloud (10-user) (New) $30.00 to 1&1 IONOS for domain / email service. Here is a screenshot of our payments / expenses since the last donation window: --- September Breakdown After adding a 1&1 IONOS charge of $30.00 in July, our monthly expenses have settled in at $4,853.40. We do not have any planned additional expenses for September and our $1,250.00 contingency fund is still full. As we are currently $1,743.13 over from the July’s donations, this amount will be subtracted from our donation target for the month of September. All of this brings our September donation target to $3,110.27. Here is an updated list of our recurring (monthly) expenses: $4,717.40 to OVH for our servers $96.00 to Google for our G-Suite account $10.00 to Atlassion for Jira Cloud (10-user) (New) $30.00 to 1&1 IONOS for domain / email service. --- The donation system will be open as of the time of this post until our monthly target of $3,110.27 has been met, at which point the system will automatically close. The donation goal for September has been hit and donations are now closed. Thank you! Thank you all for your continued support! We know things have been a little slow lately, but rest assured that we’re still working on things :).
  6. Extracting data and creating graphs for every AT is a significant amount of work, and probably not something we'd want to do for so many level brackets. That said, I'm happy to do a 32+ series if people want to see how the data changes at that point 🙂
  7. The internal name for it on all ATs is Brawling - I just forgot to switch it out in the parser until after I did the post for Brutes 🙂
  8. Tanker Powers Primary Powersets Secondary Powersets Powerset Combinations
  9. Stalker Powers Primary Powersets Secondary Powersets Powerset Combinations
  10. Sentinel Powers Primary Powersets Secondary Powersets Powerset Combinations
  11. Scrapper Powers Primary Powersets Secondary Powersets Powerset Combinations
  12. Mastermind Powers Primary Powersets Secondary Powersets Powerset Combinations
  13. Dominator Powers Primary Powersets Secondary Powersets Powerset Combinations
  14. Defender Powers Primary Powersets Secondary Powersets Powerset Combinations
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