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Everything posted by Keen

  1. The Pocket D VIP Pass was kind of cool because it would TP you inside the VIP Lounge. I won't miss it terribly, just stating that its theme was interesting. I suspect the band despawn issues were due to the anti-gank mechanics that would also despawn things like Practice Dummies in RWZ.
  2. Thank you so much for this! Hoping that eventually other Stealth powers get the same treatment (like Hide for Stalkers maybe 😄 )
  3. Does this change mean that it now affects the caster as well?
  4. I think I understand why this had to be done (Tankers?), but boy do I loathe Barrage's animation. No longer a skippable power for me 😞
  5. Or a permanent costume power.
  6. Could even come up with some new tactics to fix this. If you have a happy Controller on team, wait for them to spam immob and stop enemies in all weird places, then Fold Space, problem solved! 😄
  7. I guess it's a matter of perspective. I don't think LRTP is that great of a T5, and certainly don't mind it being offered via an accolade. Fold Space, on the other hand, sounds awesome, and I can't wait to play with it. From the sound of it, even my squishies will like it. Build Up > Fold Space > PBAoE Nuke? Yes please! The only problem I'm seeing is with many players on a team using it in different places. Say the team tank uses it, then someone else does and the tank no longer has enemies in range. (Might be funny for a while...)
  8. Regarding fixed bugs, I reported a couple small bugs a while back. Any chance they could be looked into? Hopefully they're quick fixes: Stalker > Willpower > Reconstruction: doesn't accept Resistance sets Tanker > Stone Armor > Earth's Embrace missing "unresistable" flag on healing part
  9. I'm good with almost everything but 10s is way too much, specially on the charge-based powers (Day Jobs). 10s seems fine on the P2W powers, but please let us use the charge-based powers faster since they're not unlimited.
  10. Could you please change this power's effect on the target? As it stand now, it looks exactly the same as Sonic Cage. This might confuse people as caged targets can't be attacked.
  11. Found it, thanks! Wish that neck part was standalone though.
  12. I'm trying to replicate this look on Beta but can't find that neck piece. Where's it located?
  13. This is way less "entangling" now. -Res is great, but it makes... zero sense? How about giving the power a new name to reflect that it "burns the target's armor" or something? The -heal resistance debuff will be great in Hamidon raids, so thanks for this. Previously, only Poison > Envenom had such an effect. Also -Special resistance debuff looks great. The buff part looks interesting, not sure I'll remove it from my list of skippable powers tho. We'll see 🙂
  14. I don't think it's related to the game running for long hours. I've crashed three times on different days during the Abyss raids on 3pm Saturdays. I launch the game and the raid is the first thing I usually do. Another reason I don't believe it's related to an overflow issue is that, from what I observed, the pattern is always the same: - Hamidon dies - buds spawn - everyone fight buds for somewhere between 5-30 seconds - the crash then happens and affects a number of people at once. Prior to crashing, there are no slowdowns, freezes, graphic glitches, looping sounds, nothing strange at all -- effects that an overflow would potentially cause. The game just keeps running perfectly then goes poof.
  15. Many buffs are known to break emotes on other players when cast, which can disrupt social interactions for some groups. Today I found a way to stop some of those buffs from breaking emotes: Turn on Afterburner Turn on Fly Perform the emote in the air This works against any buff that causes a "hurt" animation on allies, including Speed Boost, Increase Density, most Electrical Affinity buffs (except Rejuvenating Circuit, more about that in a moment), Injection from Medicine Pool, the Valentine Arrow buff, and some other power that causes that animation. It also prevents SnowBall and Flying Disc from breaking the target's current emote. Buffs that cause a "power up" animation on allies still break emotes on allies. Those include but not limited to: Heal Other, Ice Shields, Fire Shields, Clarion, Aid Other, and Rejuvenating Circuit, among others. Some emotes, even when performed with AB+Fly, can still be broken. During testing, it was noticed that all the stances (herostance, villainstance) are broken after receiving any buff that causes a "hurt" animation. So other emotes might be affected as well. But mostly everything else works, including all dances, and emotes that have different ground/air versions (like yoga). While this does not prevent all buffs from breaking emotes on other players, it's still something we can use. I wish all buffs would not break the target's animation if they're running emotes, but I understand how this wouldn't be a priority right now. Either way, I hope this post will be useful to someone out there. (Thanks ROBOKiTTY and Divi for helping with testing!)
  16. I had a similar dilemma recently, trying to figure out a "main" for badges and whatnot. Ultimately I went Sentinel, because I personally favor defense way more than offense, and I enjoy being ranged a lot more than melee. So I built a proc-oriented Beam Rifle/Willpower Sentinel that manages to get a 4m30 pylon time (better than many of my Blasters) and has around 80HP/s regen -- better than the average Regeneration Scrapper without Instant Healing/Dull Pain on -- on top of the other defense layers from WP. Beam Rifle does -res and I slotted a few -res IOs as well so it helps quite a bit on teams and endgame content. But the difference exists, and it's huge. I also have a Beam Rifle Blaster who can solo giant monsters in the Hive -- the damage output is quite absurd. It is my fastest pylon killer to date (2m30). It needs Clarion to get around mez (while the Sentinel went for Ageless). But as others mentioned, I'd rather not rely on Incarnates or Inspirations as much, so Sentinel gives me the comfortable level of gameplay I'm looking for.
  17. That probably includes items that share inventory. Practical example: I got a crafted, Level 50 PvP IO that I don't want, because I use Attuned. So I list the crafted IO then bid on the same attuned one. Since they share inventory, that might count as "bidding on your own item".
  18. This is a picture of all yellows cleared, blues halfway down, and all greens up. 6 green mitos x 4 blooms = 24 green mitos
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