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Interestingly, the best results I have had sapping was on my elec armor tanker. Power Sink does amazing work getting groups drained even with tanker numbers. Then Lightning Field, even though its drain is minimal, would do a good job of keeping things at empty once they are there since it continuously drains over time. I would regularly wander into large groups and just keep them at zero pretty much forever. Less effective on AVs and the like for obvious reasons but for the hordes of anything else up through Bosses it felt really good. I imagine teaming up with an Elec defender (or anyone with good -recovery really) would be pretty awesome and make for some shenanigans.
Travel powers feel good. If I was working to some super high end, cutting edge build I could see going without, but otherwise, I always want at least one. Traveling around the city at insanely high ground speeds, jumping over buildings, zapping yourself to new places in an instant, or just the greatness that is flight really sell the whole super hero experience for me. How many of us haven't flown (or teleported for the risk loving before telehover) to the very top of a map? Idling on rooftops and statues is a CoH staple! Anyone else ever play fall chicken with group mates back in the day? All these things make me love travel powers. Getting my first character with flight and making it to the dance party on top of Atlas for the first time is still a vivid memory of my early experiences in this game back in live. Travel powers are fun for me, and I really hope they are for others too. Whats the point of being superheroes if you don't feel super from time to time? Call it nostalgia, or unnecessary in the modern game, or whatever, but the fact remains that they add fun to the game for me, which seems kinda like it is the whole point.
Thanks Zect, this is all great data and exactly what I was hoping to hear about. I've dabbled a bit with Hurricane now, and while I can definitely see the benefits, it still feels a bit off from what I am doing with the rest of the build. I need to do some power shuffling and see what I can make work as far as order of power picks. I feel like I am trying to dodge a whole lot of early powers in both sets and it is a bit of strain. Might stick with gale over it just for that reason. Speaking of disorient though, has anyone tried the revised scramble thoughts since the rework? Apparently it is some sort of random stun/sleep/hold applying chain now? But it seems like first target always get disoriented, which might still have some value. Also with so many different potential debuffs it seems you could proc the heck out of it, though thats a bit outside my expertise currently. Just curious if anyone had dabbled with it and had thoughts on it, as a "single target" disorient might be of some value with the potential of thunderclap, tornado, psychic wail, and maybe oppressive gloom.
Just as an aside, but I have been told before that if you liked old regeneration, you should give willpower a shot. I haven't tried it personally on scrapper, so YMMV, but it looks pretty decent on paper, and the visuals are relatively unobtrusive compared to a lot of sets as well.
First off, thanks for the reply, I really want to make this work, but it pretty obvious I am struggling at the moment. I am enjoying the character a lot, but a bit worried about were its going, Second, I was under the impression that hurricane would actually make it harder to land the various AoEs since it repels and knockbacks targets. In your experience is it not that bad? I had avoided it for that reason, but if not then I'll see about shifting things around. And finally, yeah totally agree on the slotting. I pretty much just slap a couple on every power when leveling for a basic couple enhancements and do a respec once I can get into sets and such. It definitely needs some overhaul at the moment, but tbh I am not super sure what is worth slotting up versus not right now.
Current build state: Obviously there a lot to be fixed here, Need to get switched over to IOs from SOs. Preferably with some sets. Probably dropping Gale for O2. In practice, I just haven't used it enough to justify having it over a heal/mez break for a teammate. Not sure on other power pickup/drops. Have something like 7 powers left to get from levels, Right now the plan is hasten, fighting tree, and 3 picks from dark epic (probably Consumption, Embrace, and Soul Drain) but pretty much every power is up for debate.
I don't think I have ever more than 3 slotted either power, though I am sure there may be some very specific build out there that require it. Low levels, 2-3 SO/IO Endurance mods in stamina should carry you. Same for health if you need it (though i tend to skip it entirely until mid game). Mid to late you'll want to swap to the set IO procs that I believe most folks use. Ironically at this stage you'll use the slots in health primarily for endurance (with some bonus healing in the mix). 3-slotting health with the Miracle, Numina's Convalesense, and Panacea Proc IOs is super common, all of which give you back endurance (Pancea and Numina give health as well) I tend to just use the default Stamina with a Performance Shifter Proc in it at this point, but if you wanted more healing you could add a slot for the Power transfer one as well, or add another health slot for Regenerative Tissue proc. The point of these in those powers specifically is since they are "auto" powers the bonuses are always on, giving you constant healing and endurance recharge. Hope this helps!
So I've been on a bit of a defender kick lately, and found that I really enjoy the combo Storm/Psi. The trick is I am not super sure where to take it as I approach 40 and eventually endgame. I am definitely planning on doing a full respec at 50 (who doesn't >.>) to try and optimize but wanted to ask for some guidance/thoughts from folks as to best options. Playstyle so far has felt very controller-like, which feels a little weird for defender but has been a blast. Lots of knockdown/up (I've been slotting knockback > knockdown for this), disorients, and other "soft" controls. I also like that I can throw out so decent team buffs from leadership and mists, no where near a bubbler or anything, but its still nice. I am currently leaning towards picking up dark epic for the various PBAoEs in it (and the armor) to go with the various ones in the normal sets, but I am open to thoughts on this account. Anyway, any suggestions or just general approaches would be awesome. Also, double tornadoes, while probably ridiculously impractical, is amazingly satisfying. Thanks! Edit: Current build added below
Just a quick add, but as someone running 2 AoE auras plus some AoE attacks, my favorite pick up in build has been fold space in the teleportation pool. Knock back can still be a problem is used poorly, but little communication usually fixes that. (Hey, do that big AoE knockback right as we open yeah? Thanks! Then just port them all back to you.) Honestly it usually makes teams happy to boot, as now they can get even more of a group of mobs rooted/held/etc, all nice a centered around me and my taunt aura. May not be a perfect match for every build, but I definitely love it. And with a healthy cooldown reduction its up pretty much whenever you want it, or at least dang near. I fully plan on working it into any PBAoE centric build I have in the future.
Special shout out to Ki Push in the Blaster Martial Combat secondary for being the most hilarious KB. Shame there's not more like it.
Also, a huge selling point of SR is its frankly borderline insane amount of innate DDR. Every power in the set except two give bonuses to it. To my knowledge, its the highest DDR rates you can get, and frankly something that puts it above and beyond most other defense based sets. Getting even close to its numbers with anything else is basically impossible. Which matters a ton in a lot of the end game content. You'll read a lot about cascading failures of defense as mobs stack every debuff they can on you. SR has a classic one two combo of having great defense, and making sure it keeps that great defense. Not to say its impossible to be debuffed down, it can and will happen. Just to a far less degree than other sets.
Some Ideas for Triggered Events (Rikti Invasion)
Pazradym replied to Canadian Anvil's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
Slightly unrelated, but I never knew this. I must have run this arc like a dozen times last week (I found it to be a decent, easily repeatable, easy to tank, exp farm) I am so sorry civilians of Paragon City. I must have spawned so many Nemesi on you. Sometimes several time a day T_T More on topic, I love the idea of more events like this. Triggered events like that are great fun and flavor. -
Hello all you lovely tanky people! I just wanted to give a quick thank you to y'all on this board. You probably don't know me (as this is my first forum post despite being a regular lurker for a while.) but I just felt the need mention this here. It's a bit silly perhaps, but I have played this game off and on for years and have always had an extremely advanced case of alt-itis. I've only ever had a handful of characters hit even level 30 before dashing off to try something new, and most don't survive the teens. But that all changed last night when I got my first ever level 50 character, and extremely fun Elec/Rad tanker that has been a blast. I give a huge amount of credit to you all here in the tanker forum as I have come here repeatedly over the past few weeks to read your stories, analyses, and advice. Its been a huge motivator in staying focused/interested in the character and reaching this far. So thank you all! Hope to see you in the city! Sincerely, Pazradym (Levina Ray of Excelsior)
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