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Everything posted by Atomitor

  1. Subject says it all really, I just rolled a savage/elec and realised what blood frenzy does. Am i right in guessing that will work nicely with the recharge from beta decay? Any other reasons i might want to stick with /elec or swap to /rad? Thanks in advance
  2. What are people's favorite methods for selecting their teammates? Back in the day I used to use the num pad but these days I keep my hands on the mouse whilst playing. I have 2 thumb buttons on my mouse and was thinking of using them and the numbers keys but wondered if any one had a better idea
  3. I've actually just rolled a water/time currupter
  4. That was one of my first 50s here, it's a lot of fun
  5. So I like to play I'm melee range but find actual melee toons a bit dull. Recommend me your melee alternatives, the more left field the better. I already have a kin/rad fender dp/atomic blaster and a fire/earth dom. And yes,I can hear my super groups sighs of exasperation from here....
  6. After the realisation i can put kb to kd in Repel I have fallen in love with my first ever 50 again, Atomitor kin/rad (ex /nrg) Unfortunately whilst i'm having a whale of a time in the middle of a mob bouncing them up and down and generally being a rowdy melee defender every one with ears is going slightly insane with the constant boing sound . Is there any way we can remove or put some kind of limit on how often it will play? I understand that you can remove certain sounds locally but its not much use for the poor sods teamed with me.
  7. Well that escalated.... Cheers for the suggestions folks. I'm not short on alts but i do enjoy playing my 50's too.
  8. I'm starting to get a bit bored or portal crush and pi radios. Where else would you recommend for level 50 content?
  9. It's why I took elec over ss when I rolled my tank again. What I will say is that with shield you get a buff from each enemy around you so I toon I and get in the middle before I did my shield bash lightning rod
  10. My shield / elec tank is sat at 50 with a poorly thought out badly slotted (if at all) build. In all honesty due to my love of the blap he's not going to get regular action but I would like him ready to stay out when needed. To that end I'm after a nice cheap build and am perfectly happy with it all our most being common io. He will always be played in full groups. Thanking you all in advance
  11. Truth, much swearing, scratching head and alt tabbing to various web pages . once you get everything set up how you like however BOOM tri forming god mode
  12. That was me that was having the problems. Caveat, I'm at work so can't test these. The bind load needs underscores. Bind_load_file Other than that it looks good. I'm presuming you're only dual forming. If you are tri you will need to add in a squid toggle off. Let me know if that solves it
  13. Here's my clunky solution. I wanted macros in alt 1 2 3 that changed. Instead I bound the big command to the keys and placed an empty macro in the slots the original key bind was pointing to so I didn't forget what did what. I think the problem was me clicking other powers too quickly before the full macro had triggered thus somehow deleting the last command.This seems to only happen with macro not bind
  14. This.I want pb inspiration
  15. Thanks, I need to do a level 38 respeca I've made some poor decisions. I'm just going to be using basic io for the time being. Should I be getting cj accro and/or tough weave?
  16. I was inspired by this post and made my first ever dom. Got him to 38 and apart from eating all the endurance and being as resilient as a wet paper bag I'm loving him. Do you have a build suggestion?
  17. Atomitor


    I looked at the pros and cons of all the mains and then thought, hang on, what's as cool as an atomic gun slinging cowboy robot? NOTHING!
  18. Atomitor


    I'm thinking of rolling a/atomic blaster but I don't know what main to go. I will end up playing this mainly in melee range. I'm currently leaning towards either dp or water but not set on them. I won't use fire or elec as I already play them. What would you all suggest?
  19. do you by any chance still have that build. now that mines at 50 i need to get her sorted out
  20. You will die so many times. However those times that you do not die you will be the greatest person in your team. You are a glass canon, if there's no risk there's no reward. Thanks those secondary passers and take combat jumping, be there 0.5 seconds after the tankand never forget the immortal words of ablapper. Res pls
  21. No love for Shield/ Elec? I have one at 50 and he's great fun
  22. Good afternoon all I have so far 2 macros, 1 to switch to squid and 1 to human, these are below goto_tray 9$$powexec_toggleon dark nova powexec_toggleoff dark nova$$powexec_toggleon shadow cloak$$goto_tray 1 for some unknown reason i keep finding that part way through playing 1 or both of these will shorten to just the goto tray command. Any one know what i've done wrong? Thanks in advance
  23. Atomitor


    Yeah I was on the Union Server and in The Super Union lol I'm on Indom now lol the same toon again lol @Mark Stabler Nice I'm on that server too, atomitor hasn't even hit 20 yet though
  24. I always wanted to try this. Level 30 at the Moment and she's really starting to shine
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