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GM Sijin

Retired Game Master
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Posts posted by GM Sijin

  1. Macros are just keybinds with a graphic and click element instead of a keypress, and do not show toggle status or cooldowns. And while you may be correct that macros are attributing to the usage of the power bars, my natural response to that is that they're the most suitable to be replaced by keybinds. But we all do have our preferences!

  2. On 11/14/2019 at 9:56 AM, Gulbasaur said:

    Please don't take anything here super seriously. I'm sure your team is marvellous.

    Seems some people didn't read this part. Return to your last few posts and consider if, just perhaps, you're taking something too seriously, reading into something more than may have been intended or mistaking someone's nostalgia for some sort of demand.


    And please, be kind to one another.

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  3. Names are unique per shard\server. There are ways to have very similar names (replace a lowercase L with an uppercase i or the opposite, adding a . or ' to the end of the name, etc), but two players on the same shard cannot have the same character name.

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  4. Thanks for the feedback! I have good and 'bad' news.


    'Bad' news: Tequila is open sourced, however the Homecoming team is looking to move to something different, so it's unlikely there will be any major development made to it.


    That said, the good news is this does not actually require any changes to Tequila. The manifest drives the order items show up, and it's possible they will rearrange it to have the 64 bit be the top option at some point in the future, especially as this is not an uncommon request.


    Finally, if you weren't aware, you can double-click an item in Tequila's list to launch it, you don't have to click the launch button. This can also bypass the validation (it still runs, it just lets you launch the game despite that). Careful about doing this when there's a patch, though, or the game may not connect or may behave unexpectedly if it does, and may also prevent patching until the game is closed.

  5. On top of what @justicebeliever mentioned, there's also the issue that if not all PII, including email addresses, are removed from the database then GDPR and other regulations protecting PII apply to both the transmission and retention of the data.


    If all PII is expunged the only points we have to verify an account belongs to someone is account name and characters. That is simply not secure enough to really validate an account is someone's. Passwords may not even be stored in the database, as I'm pretty sure the character DB and auth DB are two separate things, and having one doesn't necessarily mean having the other.


    All things considered, it's honestly probably just best if the original character database stays lost/archived.

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  6. 10 hours ago, Vanden said:

    But there's already a menu if you right-click on the chat window.

    There is! It's not as intuitive as the buttons. Main reason I offered that suggestion is with the resolutions considered standard now those buttons are very difficult to understand. Most new players haven't a clue what they're for. Replacing them with a dropdown menu would solve that, while keeping the function intuitive for people not used to relying on right click context menus.

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  7. 5 hours ago, molten_dragon said:

    I'd like to request a minor fix/improvement to the blaster inherent, Defiance.  It allows you to use your T1 and T2 blasts even while mezzed.  Something I noticed today is that it doesn't work with confusion.  With confusion I can still use the attacks (and all my attacks actually), but I'm not allowed to target the enemies with anything.  Can this be fixed?

    Blaster's inherent intentionally only applies to hard controls. Defiance allows you to use your powers in most instances when you're normally prevented from using powers. Confusion doesn't prevent you from using your abilities, and thus Defiance doesn't have any effect against it. This is an intentional design, not an oversight.


    If you think that should be changed, and that there's a good reason Defiance should work against the rare confuse powers, you're welcome to make a case for that. I just don't want players thinking this is a bug or oversight on the original dev's part. 

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  8. Speaking of Pie in the Thigh requests.


    Honestly I'd like to see a "skin type" added on top of what you've suggested. This would replace the default skin you see any time skin is seen, and would almost supplant a lot of individual costume options. Though should certainly not replace them because there's plenty of combined 'skin' options that look good together and it would be an absolute shame to lose that. It's likely a lot more difficult than 'all the auras' or even the color picker to implement, though.


    If that isn't detailed enough for you, imagine another category that allows you to pick a skin type (defaulting to 'human') including all the typical kinds you find in various costume: Bio organic, zombie, monstrous fur, etc. This is your default skin, and any time any option shows skin, that's what shows up unless overridden by a body part specific option. This would also include a primary color (this could replace the current skin color picker even) and secondary color, and would also allow a default 'pattern' (hence the secondary color) that could also be overridden (or overlapped, dare I say?) with a body part specific option.



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  9. 3 hours ago, Zugzwangz said:

    I came back to the game a few months ago.

    Welcome back to the City! And thanks for the ideas! I've moved them to the Suggestions & Feedback forum so that they're more likely to be seen by the people that make things happen.

    • Thanks 1
  10. You can adjust the level with the slider at the top of the window, just in case it wasn't known.


    If they showed literally everything you're going to get every level of every recipe showing up. I assume you would rather see the highest level available for any set that's got a max level below the level of the slider?

  11. The unpredictable nature of enemy chaining has the potential of making it hard to balance, where it feels underwhelming in small groups or when things are hectic and mobs are running everywhere, and way too strong when you have a group with a controller who knows how to do their job (say, a controller with /elec secondary). It does sound compelling, though, and I certainly would like to see an electric support set of some kind. I'd caution leaning too much into +/- end as a core to the set. Offering end drain resistance on the armors is good, and one or two abilities that do end drain/healing wouldn't be misplaced, but both end drains and heals are relatively undervalued currently at the top end of play, so if the set relies too much on it it will suffer for it as far as popularity and effectiveness in those teams.


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  12. 1 hour ago, biostem said:

    Why not just allow *any* damage type to ignite the oil slick, or change entangling net arrow to electrified net arrow?  I certainly agree that TA needs a lot of love, but either of those solutions should be (relatively) quick and easy to implement...

    Thematic reasons are all I can attribute to it requiring the damage types. If you're asking me, personally? I wouldn't have a problem changing it. I'd do it as part of a general overhaul of the set though, not an individual change.

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  13. On 11/8/2019 at 5:28 AM, MetaVileTerror said:

    Information blackouts do not help the players, and they do not help the developers.  Clear, honest communication helps both.

    I agree, and I agree to much of what you said. I personally hope they opt to be much more open with the development direction in the future. I don't mean to imply otherwise. I don't suspect we'll ever see the level of detail you'd like in your wishlist, but I wouldn't be against the idea assuming it was incredibly minimal in time requirements for the devs.


    Conjecture warning: Conjecture ahead.

    I think a lot of it hinges on the negotiations with NCsoft. I think there's a lot they'd like to say that they can't until everything is Signed and Done. There could be a legal reason they aren't speaking up more about plans. I don't know what their plans are for post-agreement, assuming things go the way that we're hoping they do, and at this point I don't want to know. I'd rather learn it with everyone else then know something I really want to share with everyone, but can't. I'll probably have a change of heart on that last bit once the negotiations are completed, since then it will hopefully just be up to the team what is or isn't shared, and I might actually have a snowball's chance in hell of changing that, but that bridge is probably a ways off yet.

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  14. Bugs shouldn't ever be 'acceptable' - especially those that impact the performance of a character. Neither should players have to 'deal with it' except in the time it takes the developers to locate the cause and implement a fix. I would argue that the fact that it's bugged does not matter for the point of this discussion except that the question might be raised "Assuming it wasn't bugged and oil slick reliably ignited, is it acceptable to have only the origin power or APPs enable igniting oil slick?"


    Then again, neither should argumentum ad hominem or personal attacks be utilized, yet here we are. Mind your arguments don't continue to delve into the personal or insulting, please.


    On the topic: Yes MM's choices for igniting oil slick is limited, but not necessarily more than other ATs. Demon summoning, thugs (the arsonist) and robots all have access to fire/energy damage types. That's no different than energy blast, fire blast, etc. having access to them as well, while other sets do not. I'm not sure that this topic should be limited to Masterminds as a result. Either way, I encourage continued discussion about the power and its somewhat stringent damage type requirements. I, personally, have mixed feelings. I like the idea of power synergies, but when it comes to Trick Arrow I think it just needs a whole lotta love. Or at least a little bit of tweaking.

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  15. 3 minutes ago, Call Me Awesome said:

    Competitive zone sounds like a bad idea, PvP is pretty unpopular in this game and making existing zones PvP would cause them to be even emptier than they are now.

    I believe (but am certainly open to being corrected) that the intention was indirect PvP, not direct PvP. IE: Heroes are working on salvaging the zone/rooting out the malignant denizens and their entirely PvE missions are themed to that, while villains would be directly or indirectly undermining those, or just furthering their own agendas, and their entirely PvE missions would encompass those styles. It could even mean that there's zone events where heroes and villains are competing with one-another towards mutually exclusive goals, but not directly fighting one another. Hijacking a more recent addition to the game, imagine if you will a revamped version of the Goliath GM in Boomtown:

    Heroes are attempting to destroy the Goliath to keep it from running rampant. At the same time, villains are working to take control of the Goliath by teleporting it to the Isles for Some Various Nefarious Purpose and have to fight through some equally difficult content to achieve their goal. They don't ever even see one another, but heroes and villains are still competing.


    That's just one poorly thought out example. 

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  16. Just now, plainguy said:

    I don't ..


    I have a farmer and I have exp turned off for double Inf and I get no incarnate exp.. Otherwise I would have TONS and TONS of emp. Merits. and I don't.. I just turned exp back on to get incarnate exp back running again. 


    I do get threads though.


    Incarnate experience doesn't award merits. It only unlocks the incarnate slots, and once you've unlocked them all you no longer get incarnate experience. You're thinking of Veteran levels, which are awarded based on regular experience points.

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