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Everything posted by ARCLIGHT

  1. Link in the original post is current and working. 😉
  2. Purely a shameless plug for my SG. 😆
  3. Screenshots are in my original post. First pic is where it is missing vs second one where it is on my main toon
  4. yea, changing the resolution has no effect. missing window scale slider still persists.
  5. It is disabled on all of my toons, as shown in first pic, which is one of the toons having that issue. (vs the 2nd pic which is my main toon, where it works as it should) When I enable/disable that only the UI scale slider shows up.
  6. This could perhaps be, a very stupid question/observation..... My first 6 listed toons on the first page of the character select screen all have the "window scale" slider in the windows tab under settings (just below UI scale). Every other toon that I have, does not have that option. Am I missing something?
  7. Always....Join our discord as listed above. All of our info on membership is there. 😉
  8. Are you a homeless toon in Paragon City? Come check us out!
  9. On my beam rifle/Regen sentinel, I took ninja Tool mastery. When using The Lotus Drops, the dual blades are invisible. Just a cosmetic issue.
  10. Shameless plug. 100+ members now!
  11. The above 2 back stories are intertwined, as Weaponier was the first person to find Star-Core after he destroyed the Crey facility. He was also the one who implanted Star-Core's cybernetics to keep his powers in check. He then moved Star-Core to a location where he would quickly be taken in by The LEGION, and Arclight (my main toon).
  12. STAR CORE – Emergence ……………………….uuuaaaaaahhh…………………….. [Where am I?..........................I can’t see anyth……..can’t move……….] …………………..mmmmuuuaaaammmffff………………….. <zzzz> PARAGON PROTECTOR SUBJECT A4357-2. BRANSON DECKER. IDENTITY CONFIRMED VIA DNA PROBE<zzzz> <zzzz>BIO VIABILITY SCAN…… COMPLETE……POINT ZERO FOUR PERCENT UNKNOWN VARIANT DETECTED<zzzz> <click>What the fuck is that?<click> <click>Could be anything. Hereditary anomaly. Cancer cell, whatever. It is within acceptable ranges. Continue the process. We have a time frame to meet. Collins, this being your first lab event, you don’t get the luxury of making choices..<click> <click>Are you sure?!? Shouldn’t we run a full DNA analysis?<click> <click>IT IS within acceptable ranges…..CONTINUE.<click> <click>whatever….<click> <zzzz>PHASE ONE IMPLEMENTATION…… COMPLETE<zzzz> <click>Did you see this scumbag when they brought him in?<click> <click>Yea, bad shape….not to mention I think he was trying to drink himself to death<click> <click> What’s his story?<click> <click>Lets take a look….. Evidently, he was some hotshot on wallstreet. Sure doesn’t look like it though. We back-tracked him through the database, and he falls off the grid some time shortly after the Rikti Invasion. Hmmmm…Look at this…….His wife and child were killed in the initial attack when the Rikti leveled their penthouse building. I guess that would explain the state we found him in.<click> <click>Who found him?<click> <click>Murphy did on a random Bio search of the homeless under the Skyway overpasses. He was almost dead when he came in. Sever liver damage and hypothermia. Think of it as we are giving him a new lease on life.<click> <click>How do you get a semi-coherent drunk to agree to this shit?<click> <click>You don’t<click> <click>Cut the bullshit you two, we are beginning phase 2, Bio-physical augmentation.<click> <zzzz>PHASE TWO BIO-PHYSICAL AUGMENTATION BEGINNING IN 10 SECONDS<zzzz> <zzzz>9<zzzz> <zzzz>8<zzzz> <zzzz>7<zzzz> <zzzz>6<zzzz> <zzzz>5<zzzz> <zzzz>4<zzzz> <zzzz>3<zzzz> <zzzz>2<zzzz> <zzzz>1<zzzz> <zzzz>ENGAGE<zzzz> <click>I hate this part<click> <click>….well, if they live through this, then there is a good chance that they will make it through the next….<click> <click>shit…brain scan shows activity….he is fighting it. this piece of work is still conscious<click> ………..AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!................. <click>nothing we can do about it now. Procedure has started. The motor inhibitors will keep him still. Let him yell.<click> <click>looks like he is going to feel this…..sorry buddy, this might sting. Heh heh heh.<click> <click>jesus christ…..I didn’t sign up for this kind of tortue<click> ………..AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!................. [my god! What is happening to me????.........brain….on fire………cant move…………Rachel…………] […….so much…….fire……..pain………………………] ………..AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!................. [………………………………………………] <zzzz> TWO BIO-PHYSICAL AUGMENTATION….. COMPLETE<zzzz> <click>Dammit…that was the longest 30 minute procedure I have ever been through<click> <click>Grow a sack, and shutup Collins. Countess Crey wants a new group of PPs up and running in 3 days so we have a lot of work to do.<click> <click>……<click> <click>Move the subject to tank 15 for Phase three Power Implementation<click> [……………………………………………..] [……………moving………………….p…..ain……………….so much fire……………………….] ……………F…………..iiiiiiiiiiiirrrrreeeeeeggggggghhhh……….. <click> what is he mumbling about?<click> <click>who cares…..he is prolly hallucinating on a subconscious level. Maybe a memory of when his wife and kid died…..up the Inhibitor dosage<click> <click>he has already had 2 times the normal amount!……any more and we risk viability<click> <click>we cannot risk him moving during this…….do it.<click> <click>……<click> <zzzz> PARAGON PROTECTOR SUBJECT A4357-2. BRANSON DECKER. <zzzz>PHASE THREE BIO ABILITY IMPLEMENTATION BEGINNING IN 10 SECONDS<zzzz> <zzzz>9<zzzz> <zzzz>8<zzzz> <zzzz>7<zzzz> <zzzz>6<zzzz> <zzzz>5<zzzz> <zzzz>4<zzzz> <zzzz>3<zzzz> <zzzz>2<zzzz> <zzzz>1<zzzz> <zzzz>ENGAGE<zzzz> ………..AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!................. <click>…hard to talk over this guys screaming…<click> <click>tell me about it…..as long as he is physically still, we are ok.<click> <click> why do we get all the hard cases?<click> <click>You are just lucky Collins….HA HA HA HA!!<click> <click>…..asshole…..what powers will this thing have when we are done?<click> <click>Computer chooses that after all of the bio scans. It picks what will most easily be accepted into the physiology and integrated into the DNA.<click> <click>Great….so we are just along for the ride on Frankenstien’s roller coaster huh?<click> <click>You know what? You talk to god damn much. Who hates me that much, to stick your ass on my team?<click> ………..AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!................. ………..AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!................. <click>Hansen, is it just me or is it getting warm in here?<click> ………..AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!................. ………..AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!................. <click> ….something is fucked up with the AC…..figures.<click> ………..AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!................. ………..AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!................. [……F…………..iiiiiiiiiiiirrrrreeeeeeggggggghhhh………..toooooooooooooo……muuuuuu……..] <click>Problem here……subject internal temperature is reading 104<click> <click>Hmmmmm……on the threshold….. process is 57% complete……we should be ok here.<click> ………..AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!................. <click>106 now<click <click>69%....hold on……..getting a cardiac alarm…….<click> <click>intravenous nitro going in<click> <click>we can make this work<click> <click>are you sure?!? 110 now……we are going to lobotomize him….<click> <click>COLLINS! Shut up!<click> ………..AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!................. ………..AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!................. <WEEEET> <WEEEET> <WEEEET> <WEEEET> <click>SHIT!….that is the environmental alarm…..why is it so GOD DAMN HOT IN HERE?!!!?<click> <click>Lab temp at 98…..99…..100<click> <click>IT IS STILL CLIMBING!!!!!<click> <WEEEET> <WEEEET> <WEEEET> <WEEEET> <click>COLLINS!!...SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!! <click> <click>We are fucked here…..Subject temperature is at 115…..he’s toast<click> <click>Vitals are all over the place…..wait, not registering.…..I can’t get any solid readings<click> <WEEEET> <WEEEET> <WEEEET> <WEEEET> <click>Cameras are offline and non-responsive……all room sensors are going nuts!!<click> <click>Lab temp at 112 now!!!<click> <click>Open the windows covers…..we need to see what is going on in there……NOW!!!<click> <WEEEET> <WEEEET> <WEEEET> <WEEEET> <click> OH MY GOD……………..<click> <click> FIRE…….FIRE!!!! WE HAVE GOT A REAL PROBLEM HERE!!!!<click> <WEEEET> <WEEEET> <WEEEET> <WEEEET> <click>LOOK!!! THE CONTAINMENT CHAMBER IS MELTING!!!!!<click> <click>CONTROL ROOM CONTAINMENT IS BREACHED!!!! THE FIRE IS GETTING IN!!!! AAAAAGGGHHH!!!<click> <click>FIRE SUPRESSION SYSTEM IS NOT RESPONDING!!!!<click> <click>SOS THE MAIN LAB…..NOW!<click> <WEEEET> <WEEEET> <WEEEET> <WEEEET> <click>LOOK!!! THAT’S NOT FUCKING POSSIBLE!!!!!<click> <click>HE’S STANDING!!!!<click> <click>God Dammit<click> <click>HE SEES US!!!!!<click> <click>OHGOD……NOOOOOOOO……..AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!.... ========================================================================================= “Sir we have received a priority one alarm from Lab 6” “What?!? That is one of the Paragon Protector labs in Brickstown…..pull it up on the HUD” “I cant sir…..all sensors and surveillance just went offline” “That’s odd.” “Get a team over there ASAP” “Yes sir” ========================================================================================= “Countess? You asked to see me?” “I did. What did your team find Doctor?” “I can’t explain it.” “Again, what did your team find…Doctor?” “The lab was destroyed. Completely. All personel were killed. 3 teams of Protector scientists, 12 defensive units, and 6 subjects. Pretty extensive damage to the surrounding city block as well” “How was it destroyed Doctor?” “Uhhhmmmm…..melted ma’am” “Excuse me? I could have sworn that you said it was melted” “I did ma’am….Please look here at the recon photos from my recovery team” “is that a crater I am looking at Doctor? I don’t remember that being in the plans for Lab 6” “Uhm…yes ma’am, and no ma’am” “How did this happen? “Subject A4357-2 was in Phase 3 implementation in tank 15 where the blast originated. We don’t have much data, but preliminary analysis shows a genetic anomaly in the subject that was barely detected. It was within accpeptable ranges for the process to continue. “Explain this genetic anomaly please.” “Well, I would gather that is was some for of cellular mutation” “The subject was a mutant?’ “No….but it is possible that he might have had latent genes. I believe that these genes were activated when the power implementation process started, since we are basically rewriting the subjects DNA.” “And where is the subject now?” “No trace…..I believe that he was atomized by the explosion. Nothing could survive those temperatures. It would have momentarily been to be close to the temperature of the sun in there to cause that level of molecular degredation” “Hmmmmmmmm…….This greatly disturbs me Doctor.” “Yes ma’am”
  13. WB Kal, GRATZ to Rose!!
  14. I remember that name. 😉. Welcome back Kurrent
  15. Still growing and still looking for good people!!😎
  16. HC Team - Thank you for the update, and all you are doing!! It is appreciated by all of this community!
  17. I have run a El/El blaster since day 1 of live, and I am really not that good. 😆 However, I never use lighting field. It is, in itself, a huge end hog. And it forces you into melee range, which at low levels can be bad. I usually take it much later and only slot it with end mod IOs. It is more useful later on when used in concert with power sink. managing the end on any blaster before level 20 can be challenging. At 20 I start slotting attuned sets, so I can start getting some of the set bonuses (recovery and regen). Slots in stamina are a must.
  18. They would not be included in whatever transaction that the Titan Network & Homecoming finalizes, as they are not involved in the talks now. I am sure they could continue to run in "rogue" status
  19. Probably a noobish question here.....How do I slot the AT specific ATOs? (regular and superior) Yep, noobish. Found what I was looking for. 🙂 Thank you all for your hard work!!!
  20. This is good news! For all of us.
  21. All fixed! Thank you for letting me know!
  22. Name of SG: The LEGION SG Officers: @ARCLIGHT @Drama@Doctor Photon @iBot @Puretone @DocMidknight and others SG Outline: One of Liberty's oldest and largest SGs back on duty!! We are over 70 active members on Excelsior! Our motto for teaming is, bring any toon, any level, any AT, anytime. All are always welcome!! We run lots of TF/SFs, Incarnate stuff, weekly SG events and more!! A very strong coalition with The Sisterhood, MDK and others which creates a TON of teaming opportunities around the clock! SG Discord: https://discord.gg/Uw3tZV3 We do have some minor requirements, so we don't send out blind SG invites. All info is on the discord. Hope to see you there!! LEADERSHIP STRUCTURE & PERSONNEL FOUNDER - Arc, Drama LEADER - Doctor Photon, Puretone, iBot, Aeryn (inactive) CAPTAIN - Doc Midknight, Wave, Yank, Titanos, Cryfire, Milk Weasel, Energizing Ion CORE MEMBER - Killi, MuDDaDDy, Stormseer, Zylli, Tiny H, Eyes of God MEMBER - All SG members PST to @ARCLIGHT. or another officer
  23. Man, I am late as hell on this thread lol! Arclight - @ARCLIGHT. Leader of The LEGION & Fallen LEGION https://discord.gg/Uw3tZV3
  24. Name of SG: The LEGION SG Officers: @ARCLIGHT. @Drama@Doctor Photon @iBot @Puretone @DocMidknight and others SG Outline: One of Liberty's oldest and largest SGs back on duty!! We are over 40 active members on Excelsior! Our motto for teaming is, bring any toon, any level, any AT, anytime. All are always welcome!! We run lots of TF/SFs, Incarnate stuff, weekly SG events and more!! A very strong coalition with The Sisterhood, MDK and others which creates a TON of teaming opportunities around the clock! SG Discord: https://discord.gg/5nsQWm PST to @ARCLIGHT. or another officer
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