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Posts posted by Piecemeal

  1. In regard to the whole "How do I address you?" question:


    I'm going to be as delicate and straight-forward with this as I can. And keep in mind, I'm an ally, so I'll always try my best to respect your position and what you tell me you are. But for me?


    I'm just me. I actually don't mind what pronouns you choose for me. I can happily exist in whatever identity you need me to be. I don't see the world through a pronoun-focused lens, and I don't expect people to subscribe to whatever I consider myself to be mentally or physically. I've always naively seen the world in the best light - we're all just people with limitless potential trying to find our purpose and value in life. I've got who I am and what I liked worked out and locked down, I just never bring it into what I'm doing - it's personal and on this platform, irrelevant to an extent.


    I rather enjoyed the character of Janet on The Good Place for her all-encompassing knowledge of the universe, and her charming innocence in being limited to human scope of interaction. So consider me a Conduit, an Operator, another program in the system. I'm here for you!




    With that said, there's been a LOT of really good information submitted here and elsewhere. Hopefully in a few weeks I'll have another followup.


    I love the idea of the Wharf Rats, the weapons, the costumes. I'm working on a LOT of things in these coming patches, a lot of which is subtle and outside of the story arcs. (LFG whatwhat)

    I may create another Developer Discussion thread with the ideas pushed forth by you all and some teaser pictures. I hope it doesn't disappoint!

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  2. 2 hours ago, BurtHutt said:

    Well, I think most factions would seem kinda boring these days. We've had the same ones for years and a lot of the people playing are die-hard CoH lovers so they'd have a touch more of the 'I'm bored with _______ faction'.


    I was hoping the new Dev team would add all new factions and signature characters. New GMs to battle and so on. 


    Don't think that's not a possibility! 

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  3. 1 hour ago, TemporalVileTerror said:

    Actually, one more slight aside . . . 

    @Piecemeal?  If that's not too invasive of me to ask this question:  Which set of pronouns would be appropriate to refer to you?  It's just that I've seen various folks in the community use different ones, and I'd like to ensure we're addressing you in a respectful and acceptable way.

    You may refer to me as Janet.



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  4. 10 hours ago, Techwright said:

    That line gave me a thought towards one possible storyline.


    What if the Warriors got wind of a new metal, or a new metalworking technique, one capable of creating bladed weapons virtually indestructible?  Their efforts to acquire and master this to forge powerful, natural weapons might shake things up in their path to possess it, necessitating a hero response (or a villain response to get to the mcguffin first).    Sort of like adamantium claws, if you will, but materials within the Paragon universe, rather than the Marvel one.  This way, they increase their power and performance without sacrificing to magic, science, or in a sense even to technology.  The metal or alloy may be said to have special properties: stronger, lighter, even building an electrical charge from frictional usage.  This could give reason for stronger hits, faster moves, or the occasional electrical discharge.


    You read my mind - I had already slated to concept out a Forgemaster unit!

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  5. 45 minutes ago, Cutter said:

    Apologies for going off-topic on this reply, but this only highlights the need for a much more robust contact- and mission-finder system. Cause currently when I'm in my 20's and use "Find Contact" and see eighty billion hits in First Ward & Night Ward, and 2 dudes in Talos plus a random origin contact (who often doesn't match my hero's origin), that's an issue. I know I'm missing stuff but I don't know what it is or where to find it.


    The Meta Contact was perma-pinned to the top of the missions window and it was widely panned as obtrusive. It was removed, but there really should be a better system outside Ouroboros.

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  6. I do think this idea with Alexander has legs. I will certainly use him for something, but I'm still hesitant to make ANOTHER civil war. We just had one with the Vahzilok and the Freakshow, so I need a vehicle to carry me forward with the Warriors that can maybe siphon people off the Warrior ranks into another group.



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  7. I hear you on the staves, but I am intent on bringing it in to the concept. It's a smashy stick not unlike Mace, I'll simply avoid the breakdance move and possibly swap or change animations here and there to make it less Staff-Fu for them. I think a Warrior coming at you with a bo staff seems in step, personally.


    Edit: Greek spearmen? Yes please.

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  8. As the Warriors show their age, the time has come to consider revisiting their aesthetic and their challenge to players.


    I have begun the ideation of their design and revamping their power selection with new mechanics to make them more interesting to fight.


    Currently, the following is in the idea phase:

    • Power selections expanded
      • Sword, Axe, Mace, Staff, Brawling
      • Willpower, Super Reflexes, Shield
    • Greek theme expanded (Lore, designations, weapons)
    • New tattoos, faces, and outfits
    • New high-level units for expanded gameplay dynamics


    • The Warriors have been in sort of a middling state since forever (Subjective: My opinion)
      • Their look and powers are both... very uninspiring
        • I want to maintain the majority of their aesthetic while diversifying how they look from unit to unit
          • This includes weapons and outfits. Camo pants and torn jeans are still on the aesthetic outlook, as are sleeveless jackets and tees
          • Weapons should have a few different looks per type
        • Jackets, tattoos, headbands, gloves, boots, potentially lightly armored in some cases
    • Odysseus not only has a warehouse full of relics, but he uses some, like Fists of Vulcan
      • While current feedback has already suggested not to turn them into New Hellions, I am hopeful to develop a plot in which this idea is presented, challenged, and resolved
      • Anything 'betraying' their natural-ness will be considered and resolved. In the end, I believe that the Warriors need to fill a niche of what normal humans can do with little to no magical cheat-codes.

    What I would like to ask the playerbase is a wishlist of do's and don'ts, such as:

    • Can you include this, this or this?
    • Can you expand upon, clarify, or update this lore bit?
    • No silly hats, spandex, or Viking horns
    • No slap-on basic bandaid parts from the player geometries without heavy modification to make unique.

    Please remember that this thread comes with no guarantees of anything. I'm still in the idea phase and any number of things could keep this from achieving fruition. Keep your hype levels... low.

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  9. 5 hours ago, Gigaburger said:

    Testing on a level 29 mercs/traps MM using only SO's. Going on +0/x0. Missions 1 and 2 were fairly easy, as you'd expect for a MM. Caltrops and poison gas ensure nothing really got to even touch me, not even the zoombies. Though I did get hit by 1 zoombie explosion, and it wasn't nearly as punishing as on live, where one explosion could kill half of my henchman. But it did seriously wound my henchman and I had to react quickly to every zoombie afterwards to prevent a wipe.

    Mission 3: There is a bug, at least on this test. I'd have to replay it to find out if it is consistent. In the final room, where Raverobber is located, the entire concrete floored area makes my character stutter an insane amount. Not my henchman, not the mobs, but just my character. It is nearly unplayabled. Hovering slightly above ground, you will still stutter. So going about 5 feet off the ground was necessary for me to react, however as a /traps character this presented problems.

    Raverobber himself was quite fun and challenging for me. He managed to kill my commando, all the T1s, and a T2 before I could down him. Luckily with the MM changes I was able to prevent a wipe by resummoning and equipping, while also not going completely empty on endurance and still capable of using other abilities to slow him down.

    Have not gotten any further so far.


    Layered FX on the floor might be the culprit. What's your video card?


    Weird this wasn't reported before now. 

  10. 21 minutes ago, Jaguaratron said:


    The Warriors attire and design was a tongue in cheek homage to the 1979 film "The Warriors", it would be a real shame for this genuinely developer chosen aesthetic to be turned into generic outlandish "superhero" fare, not everything is tights and spandex, you dont seem to know where their "theme" is from.


    Im all for expansion, Im all for updating but I believe it should be updating existing models and textures as opposed to hotch potching various costume items onto pre existing factions, you have the keys, build your own legacy over butchering others.

    It wasn't anything definitive, I threw some things together to see what could be done and borrowed some inspiration from Warrior Earth and their current costumes.

    A revamp will follow a good deal of the Greek theme. Tranquilo, my good sir, this will be vetted in beta long before something like that becomes mainstream.

    Greek theme aside, the real theme they're treading on now is "pinnacles of human perfection, top-tier artifact smugglers, and brutal martial fighters". Design concepts to revamp are going to be around that.


    The amount of time needed for the custom art assets are pretty consuming, and the Freaklok assets are deep in that direction. For a what-if like you quoted, I can't give that much time. So don't take that as my genuine desire for their aesthetic, because it ain't. 😄

  11. Can I politely step in and say that this conversation is teetering back and forth, and might not go in a constructive and positive direction if the tit-for-tat keeps going? Because I'm pretty sure someone else will say it if I don't.


    Please pump the brakes, folks.

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