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Everything posted by crippl3

  1. I have 0 issue with unlockable costume pieces. My only piece of feedback is that it should be an account-wide unlock once one character gets the badge. You don't need to give the badge to every character, just unlock the Snake capes for everyone. That means all you have to do, if you don't already have a character with the badge, is roll up a villain and spend like 20 minutes fighting Snakes in Mercy and you're done, or send one of your Rogues or Vigilantes or already existing redside characters to do it even faster.
  2. Did 2 rolls before noticing the Epics options, so I decided to do my third on the Epics pool. Without Epics 65 - Scrapper 45 - Katana 95 - Willpower 82 - Stalker 42 - Ice Melee 98 - Willpower (lots of willpower) With Epics 61 - Mastermind 76 - Robotics 78 - Thermal MASTERMIND BONUS ROLL: 97 - Widow 87 - Fortunata Dunno when I'll get to this, busy with other games, but this could be fun.
  3. Also, the Brawl change absolutely rules. Did this affect the Mastermind pet version too? Because I'm like 75% sure I saw one of my Thugs knock a guy about 40 feet with a punch.
  4. I'm really surprised at the number of folks that didn't recognize the child, it's Baby New Year from the winter event lol
  5. Hey all. I'm making my way through Mr. G's villain arcs, and the mission "Part One: The News Team You Can Trust" aka "Kidnap a News Team" is giving an incorrect mission start location. The marked location on my map is in the middle of the ocean in Nerva, but if I click it or on the mission in my Mission tab it directs me to the entrance of Mr. G's lair (the little instanced warehouse with G and the other Praetorians. Attached are photos of the two locations and the map marker. I assume that the instanced area is actually located underground/way up high in that location.
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