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  1. I find the irony with this palatable. I also 100% agree with what you are saying, and its not something that happened in the past. It happens now. The Forum Cartel runs Barter-town.
  2. Late to the party, but ST KB? OK! Aoe KB? No.
  3. I am for this. So long as its not RNG. If I *carry* a team through a Master of I want a targeted reward. Edit: *I am kidding. Edit 2: *Maybe.
  4. I am not commenting one way or the other on the difficulty front, but I want to note that this thread is *REALLY* coming across as toxic. Instead of being friendly, or helpful a lot of you are nasty and taunting. Not a great way to grow the community.
  5. Are you saying that Enflame gets containment too when used on Tri-Cannon? No, enflame works as standard on it. I still don't understand why you don't just double the damage of Tri-Cannon. Unless containment for pets is going to be spread across all the controller primaries?
  6. I was testing some slotting and I noticed Gadgetry is on the test server. Just figured I would share:
  7. Could I have your stuff? (Hey someone had to ask)
  8. The bolded I feel is hyperbolic. I mained a fire/Kin controller an a Fire/psi dominator on live and Homecoming. I do not, nor have ever needed Bonfire for effective control on a Fire/X Dom or Controller Its a valid complaint that the primaries got hit, but please don't act like its the end of the world for Fire Control.
  9. Was talking to some folks in game, and I am getting the general impression that people think that Plant Control is going to PRUNED (I am hilarious) back in some way in the near* future. The most common comparison point was Plant Control Seeds of Confusion (lv. 8 ) vs Mind Control Mass Confusion (lv. 26). Is there any real meat to these predictions, or is it the usual powerset jealousy that goes on? I mean if they CLIP seeds back, how exactly would they do it? *Between now and the Heat Death of the Universe.
  10. These badges should not allow ANY temp powers in the attempt. That will really ensure that the badges mean something. 4-8 blaster Master of X badge will be something to brag about.
  11. I Bile ranges from 7-8 on the PH scale, trending alkaline Drinking water ranges from 6.5-8.5. Just trying to demonstrate the semantics door that's opened here.
  12. Devs, I am sympathetic to your plight. You have opened the door for Semantic nitpick wars. Shouldn't Poison make people wet? Acid Mortar? Most of the Poison Set? Corrosive Vial? Bile Spray? (why waterspout but not Bile Spray?)
  13. Hey Devs! I noticed you didn't get any feedback on Detonator so I jumped on test to try it out with my Ninja/Traps. Am I happy with a 660 Damage, nuke on a Mastermind, that works on ANY PET (Yes-FFG! Yes Acid Mortar, No-Seekers), that on my build recharges in 90 Seconds? YES, its a fantastic improvement. I will be respecing to take this when it goes live.
  14. Yes once we noticed it we tested it repeatedly. RWZ at the new dummies. Symphony/Traps and Arsenal/Traps controller. Teamed. Solo. Near Far Without line of sight. If we get a chance we will try it again tonight.
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