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  1. Right, the secret room doors all use existing door models but they are in very unusual places where doors would not normally be on those maps. I'm saying that the door and room that I can see behind the bugged door in the orange council caves is just a normal council cave entrance room, with a normal entrance door exactly where it would be in a normal council cave map. Has Cobalt confirmed that the secret room is behind the bugged door? Or just that the door is not supposed to be a randomizer? (This is the sort of reason why I was asking if anyone could point me to the actual source where cobalt gave these confirmations, instead of just giving more second-hand descriptions of them.)
  2. Thanks! I think I just found the door you're talking about at -3803.6 -380.1 1710.1. It just warps you straight into the randomizing, without opening or being entered like other randomizer doors. But, if you angle your camera against the door to peek through it looks like it's just a normal mission exit door dead-end on the other side, like the one just around the corner. Maybe there's a hidden side area off of it with the door, but it would be weird to have a normal exterior mission door lead to a secret room, unless getting past this weird randomizer door is the actual challenge.
  3. Does anyone have a source for this? I've tried searching on here and on the discord for "orange" "secret" and "door", but didn't find anything except this thread.
  4. Trying to upgrade enhancements with /windowScale health above ~2.5 softlocks the game. The upgrade window uses the health scaling and if it's set too high the yes/no buttons are offscreen so there's no way to close it, and it covers up the "Exit" button making it impossible to leave the enhancement screen. Maybe I'm missing something but the only way I could find to leave the screen was to force quit the game. It seems like an easy fix would be to make clicking the "upgrade" button close the upgrade window (the same as selecting "No") if it is already open. I am playing in 4k borderless windowed, the problem may happen at lower windowScales on lower resolution screens. This screen shot was taken with "/WindowScale health" at 3, which is what I usually use to make the health bar appear at a normal size in 4k.
  5. Being at the very bottom wasn't any fun, so now I'm up to 1302! -Nov 6th, 2019 After a solid weekend of badgering I'm up to 1370! -Nov 10th, 2019 1400! -Nov 16th, 2019 Slowing down, but up to 1452! -Dec 7th, 2019 Done with Valentine's and now I pretty much just need day jobs, the tournament badges, and avoids the green stuff. 1493 - Feb 1she, 2020 I've made it to the end of the world! -Feb 24th, 2020 1510, I'm finally done with Day Jobs! Now I just need the three tournament badges, MoMLTF, and the anniversary badges. -Mar 19th, 2020 1526! Just MoMLTF and the damn arena badges left to go! - April 30th, 2020 1531 club! - Nov 15th, 2020 Oops, I guess it's the 1546 1547 club now! - Nov 26th Dec 1st, 2020
  6. Catalystic here! It makes me so happy to see so many familiar names in here, and I can't wait to get back in the game with you all! When is the next Hamidon raid? :)
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