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Everything posted by SteelR4t

  1. Is there a set that you'd think would make a superb addition, but you know that it never will be because it's a bit nuts, overtly complicated, would require too many other assets or any other combination of #reasons? For me it'd be Guitar Blast. Similar to Sonic Blast, but using an electric guitar instead of voice. Possible secondary would be "Guitar Melee" which would use the animations from WM or BA, but use a guitar as a weapon model. Yes.. this is one of those "I'm gonna make a post from a random thought that came up from a pug convo the other night" threads.
  2. Pretty much, yes. Even with what amounts to pretty much permanently available double XP, you can pretty much get 1 to 50 in less than a day fairly easily. With Quad XP, not only would that pretty much remove the point or reason for a levelling process, the game mission and zone level range mechanic would make that counter productive; you'd out level most contacts pretty quickly meaning that you wouldn't experience all of that "better redside content" anyway. Hell, you might as well make the level 1 character build a Vet level so that you start at 50 with the Alpha unlocked and the levelling and power unlocks are just the incarnate slots. Any content you then want to do you do for Oro. From what I see, there's a number of people who do that anyway, using the AE as a means to get to that level 50 + Alpha starting place more quickly. The only reason to do any sub 50 content would be to fund the slots, but most vet players can fund that from other characters anyway - and again, even then the speed at which it's possible to earn inf and get a max level character with a good chunk of monies means that the vast majority of the playerbase (I would imagine, I don't know this for sure) have at least 1 or 2 50s already and only absolute newbies don't have that opportunity. For the record, let me make it clear that I'm not saying this is the way things SHOULD be, only what they might as well be with what you're suggesting and that is fundamentally a Bad Thing imo. On the other hand, even as things stand at the moment, we're not very far away from that even now.
  3. For reference, I don't recruit for DFB, because I don't play it any more. Secondly, I have run teams in KR and Hollows in the past, but there isn't much uptake on it generally. Also, I run a team at work, as well as being an organiser for a social group I'm part of - and well, there's a certain amount of "Why does it always have to be me" in the back of my head, so I'm less inclined to want to do that regularly when I'm at play. I do take the point though, that if everyone adopted the "someone else can do it" mentality no one would do it at all and we'd be in the situation we're currently in.
  4. That is true.. I suppose it's a question of neither is particularly welcome, but one is probably lesser of the two evils. I'll admit to being baffled by someone logging in to play a game and then effectively getting someone else to play it for them.
  5. I remember in the early days of HC before DFB was unlocked. It was glorious. Hollows, Kings Row, Skyway all having active mission teams even if they were just running radios. It'd be nice to go back to that instead of "any DFB" in chat ad infinitum.
  6. Thank you. That position will be mutually beneficial, I'm sure.
  7. OK, seriously.. a tart (which generally, but not always tends to be sweet rather than savoury) is "open".. in other words the pastry sits on the bottom and sides and outlines whatever container it's cooked in, and what ever filling you put in is still visible after it's cooked. If you roll out another piece to cover that before you cook it, it (at its simplest level) turns a tart in to a pie. Example: This is an apple tart: This is an apple pie: To take things a step further, the lid on a pie doesn't always necessarily have to be made of the same material that the base is made out of. For example: This is a lemon meringue pie. The lid in this instance is the meringue. Similarly: this is a fish pie. Fish filling, lid is made of mashed potato. and this is a Shepherds Pie. Minced lamb, mixed vegetable filling again with a mashed potato lid. This is a chocolate pie - in this case the lid is the layer of cream on the top: with all that in mind, how can anyone with any degree of justification call this a Pumpkin pie? Nope. That is a pumpkin tart. For reference, these are jam tarts: and this is a Gypsy tart: notice the common denominator?
  8. Whether you accept my definition or not is a you problem, not a me problem.
  9. I'm just right. Research is therefore unnecessary. I know what a pie is. I don't need to look it up on the internet. Have a look at what the internet says a woman is and see how far you get with your "research". See how that works?
  10. I see what you did there.
  11. No. I mean a lid. If I'd have meant a crust, I'd have said crust. You're just making it more difficult for yourself. Don't try so hard. Lid. The top bit of a pie. The bit that makes a pie not a tart. See.. s'easy. You'll be trying to tell me next that the rim of a wheel is the whole wheel, not just the the bit that the tyre gets stuck on to. Imagine that and how we'd laugh!
  12. Alright. It probably comes from the general belief that 22/7 is a poor representation of Pi in general. If you're going to have a date in the calendar that is supposed to represent it, why would you choose one that is typically seen as not very representative. Sets. Subsets. I don't care. Pie<>tart. Further a Pie isn't a tart with a lid any more than a tart is a pie without one. Your definition says that a tart is a pie. No it isn't. Pie's have lids. Tarts don't.
  13. Yes. Yes they could. Although every day is biscuit day. Biscuits are nerd fuel.
  14. Put in all the definitions you downloaded on the internet you like, a pie is not a tart. And pies have lids. Tarts do not. also 22/7 is not closer to 3.1416 than 3.14. Biscuits are things that start hard and go soft when they go stale or when you dunk them in tea. Dipping a scone in a tea is just wrong on SO many levels. There is also no such thing as "aluminum". Pineapple on a pizza is also OK. (was that last one a step too far? I have a feeling I may have alienated even my fellow brits with that one)
  15. Not pies. They're tarts.
  16. Yet when you say "could care less", you mean "couldn't care less". If the value of "care" is at its minimum, then it's not possible for you to care any less. "Couldn't care less". If you "could care less" then there's a further possibility for your care factor to be lower, which removes the point of the statement in the first place. So don't talk to me about pudding ;) Also, on topic, don't you also call Pizza a pie? Pies have lids. Pizzas don't.
  17. SS is english and is pointing out (with caps and exclamation marks ;) ) the American / British differences between "Chips" and "Crisps", as well as "biscuits" and "Scones" but makes a post about and by proxy acknowledging a day that only works in an American date format. That's where the irony is :) I guess we'll have the same conversation on the 20th April. "What's the big deal about 20/04"...
  18. Irony. Pi has never been 14.03, as far as I'm aware.
  19. This. All of it. My stone / fire brute, Volkanik was my main on live for the longest time, even though it took a double xp weekend to truly get him off the ground and past the very painful end management issues of the early levels, He also exists on HC (although someone's pinched his name before me on Excelsior) and is so... much.. fun.. to play whether solo or in a team, especially with Cardiac and Pyronic Incarnate powers slotted. So visceral, it's almost therapy. Currently working on a Stone / Lec version.
  20. The thought that being "old" equates to "anything over 30" adds an additional laughter line to the collection too. City of Heroes is one of the few games where if someone says that they're old, they probably are.
  21. Gen X represent. Lvl 50 + 2. Third level shift due in July.
  22. It's amazing how a tongue in cheek almost joke character turned out to have one of the most detailed back stories of the entire roster!
  23. Whilst on a mission team, and want to train between missions, if I click on the zone trainer and head there, I'd like the game to not remove it as a way point mid journey. Yes this is incredibly minor and easy to work around, but for me it's just one of those nails-down-a-blackboard irritants.
  24. I have a number of Skittles other than the primary two. Orange (Fire / Kin 'ruptor), Blue (EA / Lec 'fender) and this Green one (Kin / Rad 'Fender) that are all alternative universe outcomes of the same premise. Posting this one because I've had a lot of positive /tells about the use of colour on the costume.
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