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ivanhedgehog last won the day on July 25 2022

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  1. but dilutes the playerbase. if it takes you 2 hours to form either type, those people end up playing something else. On the highest pop server, probably no problem. on others....it will make low pop even lower. If you dont want lower levels in...do the work. spend the time and let the people waiting know what you are doing. I know I would be pretty upset if I waited 45 min because someone was gatekeeping(their right as person forming the group) without telling me what the standards are.
  2. Try doing an all illusionist ITF. lots of fun to be had.
  3. Triple the inf/drops in story arc missions run at level. Incentivize people doing arcs. You cant run it over and over and you will level out of it pretty fast. It would get people leveling characters and flesh out the world.
  4. Maybe if we quit this obsessive compulsion to "regulate" farming we might address other problems. The devs had no issue with helping hardmode farmers collect billions of inf with the prismatic aether. just let them play the game and let people have fun.
  5. The great name theft happens next week so there will be some of that going around.
  6. It is behavior that is very common on WOW. There is a mob that spawns in Hallowfall. It spawns every few hours when a zone wide change happens. everyone that tags the mob has a chance to get the mount that drops. There is no limit as to how many can drop for any one kill. People used to announce zone wide where the mob had spawned at that time, and wait for people to gather. Lately they just kill it and tell no one. there is no benefit for this behavior, just pure cussedness. This type of behavior is common in wow. It seems to be spreading to COH.
  7. That brings to mind a problem. My wife and I start the (for example) frost fire arc. we do the kill x number of outcasts. Talk to contact. he gives me the "rescue cops from trolls". she gets the stop bombs in cave mission. we finish both, and then he gives me the one she just finished and her the one I did. so much for being a team.
  8. I dont find ASF fun. It is a game, Katie hannon doesnt reward much at all, but its fun.
  9. There are exceptions. The last mission of posi 1, there is always one idiot that runs to the door and pops all the ambushes with zero notice. no matter that someone already told them not to do it, they just gotta run up there.
  10. Olivia Neutron Bomb rad blaster Cluck Norris MA scrapper
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