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Everything posted by Greenbone

  1. @Wimbochismo so yes? I can slot it there?
  2. @Wimbochismo so I can't use it? Won't work in Health?
  3. @Wimbochismo I use Mid's. Curious, on something like Miracle, it can be slotted in Twilight Grasp and Health. Does it require a power that activates (TG) to trigger a proc, or will putting it in Health that is constantly running trigger it more regularly?
  4. Thanks so much @Wimbochismo. So how do I calculate how much endurance recovery I am shooting for? I have plenty of cash. 🙂
  5. @Wimbochismo I'm not familiar with what "Health and Stamina end uniques" are.
  6. My Elec/Dark Corruptor is my new favorite alt, and top 3 of my 100+! Incredible combo and fun. But serious endurance issues I am trying to figure out right now.
  7. Thanks for the advice. I ran him up to 27 last night and DID notice big END problems for me. WTF is taking so much of my END? However, and obviously YMMV, I could pretty easily take a whole group's END, which I never thought (from the forum controversy) was going to happen. This combo is WICKED fun to play. Definitely in my top 3!
  8. I build for playstyle, and so far am loving this combo. A trick for everything, survivable, AOEs to take advantage of Scourge while locking groups down. Could become a new favorite, especially with two pets; Anyone play and have build advice for this one? He is Hell Bro on Excelsior. Say hi sometime.
  9. Thank you. Honestly, I never found a Sentinel interesting either. And haven't played Defenders much, always preferring Controllers. Any recommendations on a controller-y Defender? I'm thinking /elec or /seismic would be interesting secondaries.
  10. @Without_Pause, any update on the Elec/Elec Controller versus Defender preference? I am considering the same right now, though @Frosticus makes a good case for a Sentinel, too.
  11. I've tried 'em all, being my favorite AT, and unequivocally, Plant/Storm was my favorite to play to 50 both solo and on teams. A real mixed bag for most situations, great pets, great damage, and big on giggle factor with Audrey 2 running around the battlefield. I tend to rate playstyle and fun over min/max numbers, so if you haven't tried this combination, I highly recommend it.
  12. I'm an idiot. Not sure why I thought it was until I logged into the game and tried to build it on Mids. I've played all your alternatives. Plant/Storm was by far my favorite, and my first 50 way back when. He was known as Eerie Gator.
  13. Have played since Issue 1 and am just now returning. Controllers are my favorite AT of 100+ alts, and I've tried every iteration. But something about Wind/Dark is calling me. First question - is there a better synchronizing secondary? /Traps also caught my imagination. But /Dark is still favorited. Anyone play this, and have any builds you'd like to share? Of course I min/max, but am most excited by the fun - and two pets. Who doesn't love that?! Cheers.
  14. Well that's the question, right? Safety of hover/flight or just go SJ or Athletic Run with my bonuses for getting there (even if slow). Just wondering what the common wisdom/build is.
  15. Been playing with builds, and at a crossroads. Do I take Combat Jumping for its Immobilized -8.3 or Hover for its hover-blasting out of range? I am building a range blaster, so Hover seems logical, but wondering if the Immob resistance is just too good to pass up. I only seem to be able to fit one, which sucks. Any advice? Thanks.
  16. BTW, I just saw a video of this guy KILLING farms on the Water/Atomic Blaster that is built very similarly to what I was proposing to build, but with /TA (see builds in description). Looked like a BLAST!
  17. @Xandyr thanks so much! I'd love to see your build, as it sounds like exactly what I'm building. And I play the game for the giggles, honestly. I've had my min/max toons, but it's the ones I truly love playing that I drive to 50 and love the journey. Hence, my love of Controllers and their flashy powers that melt rooms. I appreciate your assistance.
  18. Thank you. I've played Dark/ blasters and was looking for a new style. I can see how having no melee and limited ST options could be a problem. Early game I'm hoping the combo of Air Superiority, Ghost Slaying Axe, or whatever, might plug the hole. And that mid game, I will be slotted enough to use one of the ranged attacks. Looking closely at my post, it was really more about team utility - staying at range and cleaning up while the Scrap/Tank/Brute/Stalker is in the face of the guys most likely to take me out. Maybe a playstyle more like (my favorite) a Controller? I appreciate the thoughts.
  19. Doesn't Geyser also light Oil Slick? It does fire damage.
  20. Thank you. What's DDR?
  21. Welp. Nobody answered my other post about Water/TA, but the reason I had the concept is because I wanted to slant Ranged AOE, which requires safety. I was playing with Mid's to see what I could possibly get in terms of DEF (because I'd rather not get hit at all as a Blaster), so I loaded up Hover, Stealth, Maneuvers, Evasive Maneuvers, Weave, Gymnastics (from my secondary) and Vengeance with 3 SO DEF enhancements. The numbers come out to 69.1% DEF across all but Toxic (52.7%). Once you toss in Personal Force Field from Force Mastery, that number jumps to 121.6% for a quick escape. So in your experience, is that good enough? As mentioned in my previous post, my favorite experience in the game was my BS/SR Scrapper, and I fell in love with DEF. But change my mind if I'm wrong. Better to build for RES (even with lower health)? Should I NOT try to be a safe hover blaster and go with the common wisdom to invest in the AT's strengths and just hit harder through all the deaths? 🙂 Other advice I may not be thinking of? Thank you!
  22. For background, I played COH since Issue 1 on live. I have, now, probably 100 alts from pre- and post- shutdown. My favorite alt was always Controllers, which endgame, are gods. The most fun I had was probably my undead pirate BS/SR scrapper who in high levels was always the last standing in any fight, and would be cheered on by faceplanted team as I cleaned up the last resistance. Blasters have always felt more like mid-game dominators, and I've never found an endgame combo. But I've been dreaming lately about laying down Oil Slick on a crowd and hitting Geyser. Kinda like my old Blizzard days. Having played so much, I realize that endgame Blasters are probably most suited to AOE/cleaning up the trash while the melee toons take down the big boys. So has anyone played Water/TA? Does it do okay mid and late game? Would love your thoughts. (And yes, I've played most other Blaster combos, but get burnt out on their survivability and switch back to my trusty Trollers - the single target focus of my Scrappers isn't my favorite playstyle - I'd rather light up the entire battlefield). Thanks!
  23. Good to hear Arashi! Just created a Time /Rad named "Reaction" over lunch (on Excelsior) because it looks like it plays differently than the Defender combos I don't like. Most notably, more PBAOE buffs, so I'm not constantly expected to provide individual buffs to every team member. Plus, Rad blast has always been a beast when I played it in the past (though I know a Defender's blasts are significantly weaker). I'd love to hear more about your experience and tips for playing this unique combo. If this post isn't the right venue, feel free to PM me. Appreciate it.
  24. Cool. Let us know how it works out. I went Psy/Ninjitsu and seems like a steamroller so far (love that rare damage type).
  25. Thank you. I did end up going /Energy before seeing this response, and so far so good. It looks like the +DEF (playing in Mids) can get close to /SR and has the added advantage of +RES. I misspoke when I said "mez" as I was equating that with Psi attacks. Oops. Still rusty. Look out in the streets for Slim Shady. Yes, he looks like you would think...
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