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  1. I'm just wondering if anyone uses Spirit Tree and if so, how did you find a way to make it useful? I have a Plant/ Thorn Dominator that I am playing (concept character) and this is the only healing available to them, but it's pretty useless. It doesn't heal you fast enough to be useful in combat, and outside of combat, you can just use Rest. So, if you found a way to make it worthwhile, please share.
  2. Thanks for the replies. I was just curious because I have seen some characters recently such as Lone Ranger and Zorro knockoffs and it seemed to me that they should have been restricted but then I thought perhaps they were in the public domain.
  3. It's weird. I looked up a list of public domain characters before my post and they were both included, but after reading your comment I looked again and another site says Tarzan is, but Doc Savage is not. I guess they are different lists from different countries.
  4. Just out of curiosity, what is the official policy when it comes to public domain characters, such as Tarzan, Doc Savage, etc?
  5. Here's an interesting bug that I have encountered twice: when two Hercules Titans are about to merge, if you defeat one at just the right moment, the remaining Titan becomes invisible and untargetable. It continues to attack and can only be defeated by AOEs. Not a major bug, since it is probably pretty rare, but one worth reporting, I think.
  6. So, I can't remember which issue added the feature where the last objective in a mission would be highlighted on the map, but it's been a part of the game for a long time. Is there any way this can be added to outdoor (mission) maps? I had a 90-minute rescue mission in Janessy Heights that took me 15 minutes to find all but the last hostage. That was followed by 75 minutes of running up and down every street and circling every building multiple times while frantically spamming Tab. As far as I could tell, the map was empty. There was no sign of the final hostage or any remaining enemies. I even started looking on top of every building even though I have never once found a hostage there. 75 minutes of TabTabTabTabTabTab is not terribly fun.
  7. Oh, I'm not saying I don't believe you. I just find it... challenging... to think I could go 20 years without noticing.
  8. I played (often daily) from launch to sundown and again since the game returned and the first time I noticed it was about 2 weeks ago, so having you say that seems really odd to me...
  9. There seems to be a growing number of bugs (or at least strange occurrences) lately. Here's what I am seeing, in case no one else is reporting them: 1. When running backward, the character doesn't actually run, they just shake like they're having a seizure. 2. When close to enemies that are shooting at me, the blast (often energy blasts) come from above or the side, instead of from the enemy 3. Stone Spears in the Earth Assault powerset triggers the attack animation twice each time it's used. 4. Cryo Freeze Ray (Arsenal Control) typically encases the foe in ice before I fire. There are more, but these are the ones I notice most.
  10. I'm just wondering if there is a reason why they can't/ shouldn't have DP available to them and if not, is it on the horizon?
  11. Thanks for responding. Yes, it was the glowies to shut off the fuel. I finally found them but it took 3 days (game time) to do so.
  12. Just a quick question: I am finally doing Admiral Sutter for the first time. The first mission mentions (optionally) shutting down 8 fuel lines. I would like to do it, but I can't find them. I have flown all over, spamming tab and clicking on every door to every boat to no avail. Can someone point me in the right direction?
  13. Thanks. I looked there and only found 4 flying around over one neighbourhood. I will look again.
  14. I should know this, but I can't remember where Freaks are in CoV. I have a hunt mission and have been running from zone to zone looking for them with little success. Level 40-ish. Thanks.
  15. That's one combo I haven't tried yet...
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