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Posts posted by ChzBoi

  1. 6 hours ago, Veracor said:

    ........they distinctly remember Hamidon's tentacles flailing in the distance of the zone on live.....

    This totally happened on live, as I remember seeing it on Goldside launch week and thinking it was just a cool, random background animation....or the devs launched it whenever they wanted. My "OldManBrain" still has some memory cells left! Thanks for finding @Veracor!

  2. 3 hours ago, TemporalVileTerror said:

    Lock Experience Gain and taunt people with your remarkable personal restraint!


    Also, Psi/Shield Stalker?   Niiice.

    I did!......as I can leave a 1/2 pint of Haagen-Dazs in the freezer for months.......

  3. .....Been back for 2 years......and one minion away from my first Homecoming 50......


    Think I will take a break now..... and reflect on the sheer awesomeness that is Homecoming:CoH. Thank you devs and fellow players alike. ☺️


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  4. Long time lurker, both before and after the snap.....and never got into Titan Weapons. However, I decided to try the changes on test and I will just add my voice to this conversation: I will make and play one on Live if this is the way it will work. Feels way smoother, to me, than what I've tried in the past. Others with more experience with the set may see things better than I, but I am not an expert, just know I like this better! 🙂

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