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Posts posted by ChzBoi

  1. Story Arcs, the slow, LONG way. I don't care so much for end game content.


    +1 the journey is the game itself, for me!


    I have considered just leveling an hero just by going after mobs - I.E. no missions or grouping.


    Yes it would be quite painful but it would be different and places like Perez Park, The Hollows would help due to lots of mobs.


    I've wondered about doing this as well - something with a few AOE skills. And Redside/Goldside, where would the lowest level BIG groups of mobs be, like PP & Hollows?...hmmm

  2. ..egads I just noticed that for the first time in all of CoH history, I have more posts than Arcana!  (a soon short lived victory)  8)

    Post count doesn't really mean anything... I mean, just look at me, right? Worthless.

    ....nay, I say, NAY young man! You are a FORCE of greatness in this FIELD of mediocrity I've harvested.......Shine forth and post with reckless abandon!! 

  3. Seriously, I propose we get a Fun Meter in the game, and it randomly increases regardless of what you're doing.


    "...but...I'm not having as much fun as you - my meter says so!" ...."I was kicked from a team for having too much fun!"............what a wonderful can-o-worms......

  4. +1 but we would also need an "UnFuns Per Second meter"...UPS......some people need to know exactly how much fun they are not having....


    And years later we can all bemoan the Great De-Funning Patches....


    +1....as I LOL at my office desk....I so missed this game and community....

  5. We need this Funs Per Second meter, we need it now!




    This is the kind of stuff I hang out with the CoH community to see.


    +1 but we would also need an "UnFuns Per Second meter"...UPS......some people need to know exactly how much fun they are not having....

  6. Explain please...


    Back in olden times, a request was made for the devs to make a big red ball - indestructible, yet could be moved by the player; either by powers or just by running into it.


    At one point it was suggested to use the trams as 'goals' in Steel......no points or score keeping, just a big fun waste of time! Think - beach ball at a concert.

  7. Am I really wrong for that? Is that bad?


    Yes, you are. Because pretendy fun time games.


    So, you outright judge others and belittle them, because some people happen to enjoy gaming in a serious way or as a dedicated hobby, rather than your lackadaisical and carefree attitude towards the game? I don't understand how you can take this stance. Don't you see your hypocrisy? You criticize me for not "being a good sport" presumably and grouping with "casual players" (I don't like that term as I have no stigma towards casual players, but regardless) but then you say it's outright wrong to play in a manner where someone might care about efficiency.



    For this community, we see that as elitist, exclusionist and just plain old mean, jerk behaviour.


    Why should we treat people who are being jerks like anything other than jerks?

    +1 sums it up perfectly ....again /JRanger

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