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Posts posted by BelleSorciere

  1. Then the Day One patch happened.  I don't know if you were able to play during the Headstart, but believe me when I say the game was different.  Night-and-day different.  That Day One patch cut player power by about 30%, while increasing NPC power by at least 50%.  I went from being able to solo spawns of 1-2 LTs and 3-4 mooks .... to faceplanting if there were more than 3 enemies of ANY power level.


    It sounds a bit like Jack Emmert's mantra from the early days of CoH that "three minions = one hero" -- his vision that three bottom-tier enemies would be a significant challenge to a solo hero, the last vestige of which can be seen in the fact that the default minion spawn in solo missions at x1 is three minions. He also had the fixation on 'fun' being throwing yourself at the end boss again and again and again, being defeated over and over, until you figured out what the obscure specific actions you had to do to defeat it (as if the correct tactics wouldn't get splashed across the net within hours of that boss being beaten for the first time). Both of these aspects that made CoH more tedious to play got phased out as he was pushed upstairs, then the buyout by NCsoft freed the rest of the devs to make play feel more 'heroic'.


    Jack learned everything he knew about MMO design from one of the Garriotts, who basically told him how to make a fantasy MMO that feels like heroic fantasy. Garriott has so much to answer for.

  2. Please tell me if you disagree with my opinion and why, [...]


    I played CoX for years (and stopped mainly because of serious issues with the parent company, NCSoft).


    When CO came out, I was super-excited.  Giddy, even.  I pre-orderedit, bought a brand-new PC _just_ to be able to play it, and ....... I bought a Lifetime Membership.  Before the game even launched.




    Then the Day One patch happened.  I don't know if you were able to play during the Headstart, but believe me when I say the game was different.  Night-and-day different.  That Day One patch cut player power by about 30%, while increasing NPC power by at least 50%.  I went from being able to solo spawns of 1-2 LTs and 3-4 mooks .... to faceplanting if there were more than 3 enemies of ANY power level.


    Same character.  Same enemy faction/group.  Same bloody block in the city, even.




    But I did my best, and stuck with it for as long as I could stomach it.  Even when, disaster of disasters, CO went "free to play".  Hell, I was the guy who first championed the idea of giving the "set in stone" Archetypes one or two "pick from this short list" power options, in order to give free players a taste of Freeform's possibilities.



    Yeah, I went through a similar experience, except no lifetime subscription. I still was pretty angry that we got Emmerted on day one.


    Also, a specific detail about the day one nerfs was that the defensive passives were nerfed harder than everything else. I remember ultimately playing a powered armor/munitions character and killing everything with proximity mines just to hit 40 before they nerfed that too.


  3. Also, virtually any pain-causing condition can be a disability, and headaches run the gamut from "tension headache you can push through" to "cluster headache for a week or more that keeps you bedridden in the dark because everything else makes the pain worse." Pain that is, I might add, easily classified as an 8-10 on the 10 point scale ERs use to evaluate your pain.


    One person I know is on SSDI because of migraines.

  4. I remember when origin enhancement stores weren't on maps, when it wasn't documented that selling enhancements at the relevant store actually got more inf, and when you had to unlike the level 30+ origin stores by doing a mission for each. I forget how many were in Brickstown and how many were in Founder's Falls, but I vividly recall having to go to FF to update my SOs more than once.


    At least on Peregrine Island, the SO store was right near where you arrived, although it still required a mission.


    I also remember that enhancements in origin stores were strictly given their weird names and not identified by function. You had to check to be sure, remember the color schemes, or over time remember the names.

  5. I remember having non-stacking armor toggles on Dark Armor, and I remember the first time I met a Rikti Mage, who could do virtually every damage type in the game, or at least most of them. And of course, it could mez.


    I think when they revamped the Rikti Crash Site into the Rikti War Zone, added Rikti invasions, and revamped the Rikti themselves, these mobs were phased out and replaced with Rikti Magi, which were elite bosses most often seen during mothership raids.

  6. One of my favorite things to do was farming an outdoor Carnival of Shadows outdoor AV map (the final mission for the story arc, IIRC) at 8 players with my Dark/Dark scrapper because occult salvage was worth so much more than tech salvage.


    I never did complete the mission, but toward the end of COH's lifespan, I had a team go in there and people came out weeping and shaking their fists at an uncaring world that would allow a monster like me to farm a map like that.


    Regarding sonic, IMO the changes were a distinct improvement, and they didn't give me headaches.

  7. I'd think TA/AR would be about as bad as you could get without intentional gimping. Underpowered to middling on both ends with double redraw hell. I had to re-skim the thread cuz I couldn't believe it wasn't mentioned, and still I'm 50/50 on whether I just missed it twice.

    TA/AR is slow and difficult solo, but it's not actively self-defeating, and it can be a substantial team contributor. It's definitely not great, but I wouldn't call it the worst combo. (I had one at 30 on Live, and soloed the Old Posi TF with him at-level. It was an interesting puzzle/tactical challenge, but it took forever.) I really wish the devs hadn't panicked while TA was on Test and stomped all over it, though.


    I will never stop being disappointed in the devs for seeing that eight TA defenders on a team would trivialize content just like eight Rad defenders and decided it had to be stopped at all costs.

  8. Haven't dealt with the forums too much, but I will absolutely jump on the distinction between "I'm a vet therefor I'm automatically right" vs "I'm a vet and I have more data to work with" bandwagon.  As far as vets actually in game goes, there's something to be said for what is at least half-remembered about the things that make CoH distinct.  For instance, recognizing how the game dances around/laughs at the MMO holy trinity of Tank/DPS/Heals.


    My primary vet advantage is remembering all the spawn points in mission maps for quantum and void gunners when a Kheldian's around.

  9. Seriously... Learn to Blap.




    You will die so many times. However those times that you do not die you will be the greatest person in your team. You are a glass canon, if there's no risk there's no reward.


    Thanks  those secondary passers and take combat jumping, be there 0.5 seconds after the tankand never forget the immortal words of ablapper. Res pls


    Blapping is life.

  10. Yeah, it can be relevant if someone has played a powerset since launch, or knows the full historical context of a thing that happened or a decision that was made in the past, but everyone's just playing the game and that's fine, regardless of prior experience with it.

  11. I remember my Bubbler being asked to heal....



    "You have a heal, but we need another Defender with more heals.. and less attacks.. Let me see who else I can invite"


    This is priceless :-D


    Oh. I also recall my dark armor scrapper's shields being mutually exclusive way back when near launch....??


    The memory of this fills me with hatred.


    I'm so glad they abandoned that nonsense.

  12. Necro/Poison is a miserable experience for leveling for what it's worth...


    Can't keep pets alive, cant have end, cant do anything but resummon xD


    Back in the live game I leveled one to 32 before deleting and rerolling her as necro/dark. I was hoping poison had been improved (and I heard it had) but yeah.


    I ran into a tank last night that didn't have taunt...


    I'm sorry? All tankers have taunt built into their attacks. Taunt itself is nice, but far from necessary.


    I still havent see anyone take on the ice melee dark armor scrapper.


    So it's got to be up there for least synergistic builds. Which tends to lead to not fun to play, which then gets grouped into the category of bad.


    I almost want to be like "challenge accepted." Almost.

  13. I remember when people actually tried to justify that a "Heal Arrow" made sense and that Defenders needed it.


    God help me I got into a few of those arguments. I think my favorite justification that was still ridiculous was using a shard of a CoT healing crystal as an arrowhead.


    I remember being told as a D3 defender that the team needed a healer, and that Dark Miasma didn't count because the heal could miss. Also, making the mobs do less damage when they hit and hit less often, and take more damage, and reducing their regeneration rate was no good in comparison to healing.

  14. I don't see any particular value in maintaining the game in the state it was in at launch, and it's so weird people are so disdainful of homecoming and SCORE advancing the game using material the Paragon devs already designed.


    TBH I want to see more stuff - like the other origin power pools. No idea if that's remotely feasible, but I'd rather that than stasis.

  15. Personally, I couldn't care less if people believe SCORE were going to open to the public or not after getting all their ducks in a row. What matters to me is that the Homecoming servers are here, and I can once again play this amazing game. And that's good enough for me.


    ^^^This. It doesn't really matter what their real intentions were, this is what we have now, and it's great.

  16. Confusion


    "Confusion steals XP" is the opposite of the truth: YOU are stealing XP when a confused enemy attacks. When you're beating down +4 bosses you can either get 100% of their xp and have it take 60 seconds to kill them or you can get 80% of the xp and have it take 30 seconds to kill them. This adds up to a non-trivial increase in the rate at which you can gain XP and gather resources.


    Thank you! I still have the scars of people not understanding confusion last decade.

    • Like 2
  17. CO shows that the designers involved in its creation didn't learn much at all from their experience with City of Heroes, and made so many of the same mistakes (like not putting enough content to hit the level cap doing missions and not much of anything to do at the level cap anyway). The ability to mix powersets was cool and made it easier to achieve certain concepts, but could lead to some serious absurdities. Anything that was actually fun would get nerfed until it wasn't fun anymore, and the day one patch nerfed all defenses to uselessness. Also, despite content droughts at various points and the nerfing of powers I relied on to not die all the time, I still reached the level cap in about a week.



  18. It is bugged, though; the projectile simply vanishes if the enemy is farther than about 20 feet away. Doesn't affect the power's performance, but it's bad for aesthetics.


    Your avatar is bad for aesthetics. Every time I play my Energy Brute, I fully expect to see my target get knocked down or up with every blow. Thanks, man. You have successfully ruined my view of Energy and what it should do! I blame Obama!  >:(


    But his avatar is from a video he made last decade about how to improve Super Strength animations. It's...not Energy Melee.

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