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Angel Pheonix77

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  1. No, I would say that that information is gone when they server whipped the live servers. Companies don't tend to release that kind of information. If anyone knows for sure, please correct me if I'm wrong in this.
  2. Sounds like a villain group 🙂
  3. This is awesome news. Thank you, to the team and everyone that was involved in this. I never thought in a million years that this would happen. This has been a great community.
  4. I agree, that is one good thing about champions. The sheer amount of costumes and the ability to search what you want.
  5. That could also work. Save your favorite costume parts so they show higher as you mentioned. Then mark the ones you don't like so they can show lower like the exposed brain.
  6. My suggestion would be to add in a search function to the costume creator. What I mean by this when you are in the create a costume, you can click on say hair. And instead of scrolling to the one you want, a mini search window would pop up next to the character and you could search of the part you want.
  7. Best: Fallout 4, Skyrim, Conan Exiles, The Secret World (Not the free2player version.) Worse: Champions Online by far.
  8. I went back to playing Fallout 4. Interestingly I now have 5k hours in it. Most of that time, is offline. I've also played a bit of sto.
  9. I too will get it when it goes on sale. Stellaris has a Star Trek mod that almost does everything this full game does.
  10. Oh I agree with you, that the jounin should have been the top t-3 pet. In Naruto, they are only under the Ambu Black ops, the Hokagi, and the Shonin. And I think if they were to replace the t-3 ninja pet, a Shonin would fit in quite nicely.
  11. I'd like to put my name for this as well. In a way it always seemed odd that the top ninja of that mm pet is a demon and not a top tier ninja.
  12. My first memory is, a few friends and I in Steel City, formed our Super Group Forge Exiles. It lasted for years. My second favorite memory is, running with a group of people who late became my friends. Overtime, they all left. My third favorite memory is, on the beta shared, during the Rikti beta teat. I was teamed up with the one and only Positron.
  13. The worst mmo, that is an interesting question. For me, without a shadow of doubt is Champions Online. I was in Beta phase 2. I loved what I saw and bought a lifetime subscription. Then over the years it became a game with great promise that in some ways could have beaten City of. To a game that lingered in obscurity. The devs listens to the wrong people on the forums that gave them bad advice. Where Neverwinter and Star Trek Online got player made missions for awhile, champions didn't get anything. If I had it to do again, I would, have put that money into City of.
  14. I played from late issue 6 all the way to issue 20. I stopped playing City of right after it went to free to play. I was the leader of Forge Exiles, a super group I made to honor my fallen Star Wars Galaxies. I closed it down after everyone quit. I'm glad City of Heroes is back. The way I left never sat right for me. I went off to play champions online (huge mistake), Star Wars the Old Republic, Star Trek Online. I always remembered my love for this game. I remember you quite well. While we didn't get along near the time you left. I had always thought about you.
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