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  1. Made a 2 part mini farm using the Rave warehouse and ambushes. The enemies are fire (same build as Brigg) the pats and ambushes are particularly unfriendly towards doorsitters. The map is small and they tend to gravitate toward the entrance first. Designed it for quick clears, I wanted an alternative to the asteroid/city block/battle maiden, and cave farms. I actually run it on +2/+8 for drops more than XP/Influence. Please give it try and rate. Also if any knows a better map for ambushes, let me know. I love a good ambush.
  2. No need for name-calling. Being half-serious tho. People don't just MAGICALLY appear in your SG ranks. You must of misclicked something, tried to invite them to a team and sent an SG invite instead.
  3. Cocaine is a helluva drug 😛
  4. Nope. Same machine. I remade it and it seems okay. Ran is with 8 and it was bananas. The 7 other were doorsitters and everytime I triggered an ambush the mobs would spawn near the door and murder them before heading my direction lol. I wish I could of been at their end to see those mobs file back, 3 to 4 triggers spawn in the one big room at the end. They still got lvls lying on the floor so they weren't to sad.
  5. Weird. I made it last night, tested and published. Ran it this morning np. Tried to invite more people and it vanished. Gonna see if I'm missing something. Also noticed custom enemies I created are missing as well.
  6. I recently created and published an arc (1 mission) using the rave warehouse map with lots of good ambushes. 3 of which where the clickie triggers would spawn,in the same room sending 3 huge ambushes pretty much simultaneously. I ran it a couple of times solo successfully so I decided to invite a couple of doorsitters to try it out. When entered it was an older version(different map) the published one I was running completely vanished. Anyone have this happen?
  7. Correct. You have to unlock him via the tip mission to get access to the arc.
  8. You could easily just write that into your own bio w/o your suggestion. I DO believe that origins need a little attention, maybe add Origin Specific Superior enhancement sets. That would be neat.
  9. Exactly. Ever since the AE ambush nerf AFK farming has lost its luster for me. Ive never tried a cave map, but it seems eventually I'll have to move and if i have to move I may as well clear the damn thing myself.
  10. Buildings the easy part, finding a map that caters perfectly is the hard part. I used to afk-farm the asteroid map and still had to go in every few minutes to reposition my farmer because the mobs don't wander in as quickly or if at all. Any good map suggestions? Raven's Asteroid map spawns a lot of mobs quickly but still have to reposition a couple of times.
  11. Was considering Mu mastery for even more AoE but hadn't considered the redraw factor. Might take energy mastery for the end help instead.
  12. Been solo AEing my way to 50 and it's been a blast. Has anyone found anything skippable in TW?
  13. 3rd or forth mission in the ice minstrel sf will get you the badge in around 2 runs, solo.
  14. Why are they broken? I want my High Score Board back!
  15. The titles you get at 15. Got my new one going at 19 about to leave after I get the last sewer badges and the zone event, and that one from getting fried at the border.
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