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Everything posted by BigHeavy

  1. For those of us that have a number of characters, transferring and accumulating INF can be a tedious task. How about implementing an account bank and an option for each character to deposit any accrued INF into that bank? Options for withdrawals might include a new interface in the Vault or a direct option on the Menu in the interface.
  2. Depending on how it's going...
  3. In the Maria Jenkins you're tasked to go through a number of portals to deal with various threats. Would it be possible for her to pick one and stick with it? Really, the running from portal to portal across the various builds gets... annoying.
  4. wouldn't RP-walk (the walk power) suffice? It shuts off all powers...could be dangerous though...
  5. I can see the argument for not penalizing the truly AFK. Perhaps - half a group (as you suggest) or exit a mission doorway or arrive at the tram? Catches those not street sweeping but using the zone for missions too.
  6. A suggestion : If your character is idle in a zone for a short period (half of AFK?), and you have a defeat badge for one of the groups that spawn in that zone, they will send a group-size-appropriate ambush out for revenge.
  7. Menu -> Options -> Windows -> Status Window Buff Display -> Set "Stop Sending All Buffs" to Disabled -> Test by switching zones to refresh your autos/toggles.
  8. Menu -> Options -> Windows -> Status Window Buff Display -> Set "Stop Sending All Buffs" to Disabled -> Test by switching zones to refresh your autos/toggles.
  9. just got this myself. ANY idea what you did to cause it - or how to undo it?
  10. I JUST had this happen. Did you ever find out how to undo whatever you did?
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