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ScarySai last won the day on August 27 2024

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  1. I don't need life advice from a forum moderator who asks for advice and gets upset when said advice isn't worded to their liking. I'm not swearing, your word policing doesn't interest me. On that note, I remembered a third point I neglected to mention earlier, because I forgot: You tend to ignore the general point of a post and hyper-fixate on one tiny little thing you don't like, not even against the rules, you just don't like it - discarding any other content in said post in your replies, and giving others (It's not just me, rest assured.) the general impression that you're being unfair. I'm really trying to be honest and work with you here, but I'm not going to pat you on the back and tell you you've been doing a good job, I think the moderation has been a joke overall on the forums specifically, and my feedback is going to be direct and reflect that.
  2. Did you want feedback? Or would you prefer I lie and say forum moderation has been acceptable this past year and a half?
  3. Specifically moderating the people that are actually out of line in a given thread would be great and the ideal solution. Particularly if a means to ban people from just the specific thread could be made, as I think an outright forum ban for going off topic is extreme. Given major "hot" threads in recent history though, I do doubt the ability of this being done responsibly and not just making it worse. I've seen people invoke the dead and not get actioned, but friends of said departed responding to that in reasonably hostile fashion got suspensions. Once again, asinine. I could be more direct in DMs if you wish, Googly. As I'm sure specific names and examples for the double standard don't fly in a public thread.
  4. I elected to not name names, that's quite enough. But add another problem I have with you to the list, if you want.
  5. Things I take issue with in general, doubt it's just you. 1. Closing a thread entirely when a handful of people are having a discussion that's mildly heated. If it's truly off the rails, there's better ways to handle it than just closing the thread. Particularly when the topic is a popular one. 2. Person A directs a charged comment at person B, person B responds matching the energy, person b's post gets deleted but not person A. Off the top of my head, anyway. I prefer discord to the forums because any interesting discussions here that don't get brigaded and closed are oft disrupted by the same group of people. If people respond to said people, either to correct the record or respond to a direct comment, the thread is considered off topic and closed It's completely asinine.
  6. Noted a pretty harmless post of mine being deleted, can't help but wonder WTF the mods are doing. It's like they are incapable of just letting a conversation play out without taking the worst stance possible.
  7. Lol. Anyway, this thread seems to be beating a dead horse at this point.
  8. Some people getting way too defensive about a passing comment. Toxic positivity is definitely a thing in the CoH community.
  9. No, it's actually a pretty widely accepted term for blind/ignorant positivity to a fault.
  10. There was a lot of it on closed beta. Assume it's still the case.
  11. This is indeed what beta testing a legitimate game from the ground up being developed by a legitimate studio might entail. This is, however, inapplicable to HC and the current state of CoH for the most part.
  12. I'd argue the empathy not sharing the buff sort of goes against the whole empath theming of the set.
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