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ScarySai last won the day on August 27 2024

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  1. This is indeed what beta testing a legitimate game from the ground up being developed by a legitimate studio might entail. This is, however, inapplicable to HC and the current state of CoH for the most part.
  2. I'd argue the empathy not sharing the buff sort of goes against the whole empath theming of the set.
  3. It kinda already is.
  4. Empathy was never better than kin.
  5. Yeah, freeze ray is the way it is now to make up for the lack of snipe. It's a change DP was also slated to get but never got, dunno how they were planning to do that.
  6. I'd honestly go the opposite way. Ice has such a strong rotation that a snipe wouldn't really be needed. If you turned bitter into an aoe blast, that would actually give ice something it needs.
  7. Try a stalker if you haven't yet. Stj on them is really smooth.
  8. They've went on record saying they'd basically not have rage, or gut it if scrapper SS ever gets ported.
  9. I'm surprised they haven't fixed that yet, honestly.
  10. Sometimes a group experience is so miserable that quitting is the best option. Unless the guy quitting was carrying group, you'll be fine and penalizing them is pointless.
  11. Half the time I feel like the people asking for this kinda thing don't actually realize what they're asking for.
  12. Gotta love the rare open and shut thread.
  13. Savage does better aoe than spines, lol.
  14. ... Strong burst, actually. The build up completely bypasses exhaustion, and can be ignored entirely with proper stack management. Follow up is better than build up. It's sustain is better than a lot of sets due to having a very smooth aoe chain, but one cycle is still bursty. Four mediocre aoes vs two good ones.
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