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Posts posted by Albion

  1. 4 hours ago, Glacier Peak said:

    I can't remember if I voted already for this poll, but I went ahead and voted today just in case. Also, when does this end??

    NEVER, we are trapped in an unending cicle of voting and checking results, in which we must struggle to remain on top less we are casted out into the maws of unspeakable horrors that glide in the the mists of oblivion...
    (Technically they should recap people's votes at one point in January, not gonna let down so other servers gain some advantage).

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  2. 3 hours ago, Solarverse said:


    This thread was not about Drama, it was about saying farewell and making a point that harassment is unacceptable...and since that harassment happened on this server, it was relevant. The only drama between the video and here, happened right here, on this forum.

    Supposedly happened, we have no more proof of that than the word of the theoretical victim and some meager data that could be easily fabricated, no one is arguing the wrongs of bullying someone, and is uncontestable that 99.9% of Homecoming players reject and denounce such practices, what is being rejected is the assumption that the half an hour self pity publicity pitch has anything to do with what really transpired. So far I am leaning heavily on that direction, I know in my own flesh how strictly fair and quick to act are GM's in Homecoming, I have also experienced in first person how patient, attentive and easy going are the Devs even when one is being kinda an annoying asshole; the Hamidon Raid issue as has been discussed already at large, can be given the benefit of the doubt for both involved parties, the rest is hardly plausible.

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  3. Today's update:
    We are so close to an epic triumph I can smell it! It has been all thanks to your efforts, keep it up on the last stretch! Vote and tell others!
    (To vote, scroll down to the list, mark the square next to Homecoming, then down to click the vote button.)


  4. 13 minutes ago, Redletter said:

    I love long form videos, so 3 hours isnt too hard. Especially if you watch at like, 1.5. The Hami raid is only around half the video, a little more or less when you take into account the pre-raid stuff and the travel and the organizing and things. He swaps to Mothership later.


    Seemingly, he and his SG formed several leagues to run Hami. He's on excelsior in this stream, so i dont know where everlasting comes in as mentioned earlier in this thread? His stream is tagged as heroes reborn, not homecoming so I have no idea if there's a difference but there's that too, but regardless, for this stream he's not on the Everlasting server. Streamer isnt the first of his league to arrive, and he's teleported to the safety rock. Everything looks pretty kosher to me? Like, that looks like typical Hami stuff. He IS having multiple leagues, I don't know what the etiquette is on that? I know Mothership Raid does that often enough just to roll as many people as they can into the event and I assume he's doing the same.


    My thing here is, I have NO idea who's league(s) are who's. If he is crashing another Hami raid, I can't tell. His streamer set up has him over his chat box, so I cant see if there's people protesting in channels. His group doesnt hit the monster wall, which IS strange? At least from MY understanding of the raid? But that's like, Im not sure that's a MANDATORY thing for the raid more than it is the most EFFICIENT thing.


    I mean, to my total baby brain everything looks fine. The ONLY red flags for me are:


    - People are entering the zone and typing in broadcast for invite, but he's also filled up two leagues and is trying to organize the creation of third mid-hami. So that could be people just confused on who they need to get invites from, or they could be people who came for a totally different group's hami raid.


    - He mentions there's an influx of people coming into the hive at one point? Again, it's like, he's a streamer with a presumably sizable super group, it is honestly as easy to say these are people coming for a different group's hami raid as it is to say theyre people from the SG, Stream, or just randoms who have heard there was a hami raid going on and showed up. They continue to come and go during the whole raid, regardless.


    - A member of his chat mentions they HAVE messed up a "serious costume contest". There's no elaboration or recognition of this, so I dont know if it's because there were mad men holding a costume contest IN THE HIVE, or if it's because Big Streamer and his Big Raid inadvertantly stole would-be contestants. I can't see WHY you'd hold a costume contest in Hami's house, I know for a FACT he doesnt appreciate clothing of ANY kind...


    If this video is supposed to be a smoking gun, it looks more like a cap gun to me? As an aside, this guy either REALLY loves City of Heroes and the prospect of the community behind it, or he's really hamming it up for the stream. I like his Sands of Mu bit, that's got a lot of potential, but like, kinda boring streamer for me.



    I dont really know this guy, or what drama this is about, or whatever? It seems like all parties involved so far seem just really fucking stupid to me?


    But I will say that it's a video game. It is just a video game. Harassment is not only stupid, but an ugly waste of time. Also bigly against the rules. And technically illegal. But mostly stupid. Dont bother with it, over what is just a game.

    THANK YOU, also the delivery of content was hilarious.

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  5. 27 minutes ago, Solarverse said:


    You forgot harassed him for 6 months+ while threatening him, gathering information on where he lives and then posting it online for all to see, literally putting his life in danger.

    Do we have proof of that? Honest question, keep seeing that mentioned but would like to see screenshots, discussion of it, reports to get a bearing of what transpired.

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  6. 3 minutes ago, Solarverse said:


    I don't think he crashed anything, I am fairly certain he formed his own Raid, had no idea that it was during a schedule that somebody else usually forms a raid at, and he beat them to it and it upset them. Now that is according to him and based on what he said. People saying he crashed a Raid is kind of silly to me, since nobody has the monopoly on a Hammi raid, at least nobody should.

    He saw the raid was forming, he was told the raid was being organized, he rushed the Hamidon.

  7. 8 minutes ago, Solarverse said:


    Notice the only like you got was from me? That's because they don't care. All they cared about was somebody is quitting the game and it gives them a chance to make a smart ass comment and collect a few likes/laughing faces. I'm sure they will come back to tell me how wrong I am or something, but...I won't be convinced, it's their MO.

    People don't give likes to things they don't feel entirely onboard with, but they are polite enough to not give a dislike even if they strongly disagree, like a certain someone that now and then gives an odd vibe with discourses of "them and us" and bringing into this forum external drama.

  8. Just now, MHertz said:

    Really, that’s the only way to do witch hunts. You never hear of anyone going down the timid, accommodating pacifist witch hunt path.

    Mmm... eh... wou... wouldyoupleasebesokindtoconfessyourwitchcraftandclimbonthepyre???... Kyaaaaaa!!! Inquisitor kun lets out a yelp of embarrassment while covering his face with both hands, hopefully Witch Senpai will not stop liking him because of this!

    • Haha 3
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  9. Brand new first day of the year update, hope you are all peachy!
    56% of total votes!!!! Homecoming is the rage! cast your vote and tell others, lets make it 900 before the article is published!
    (To vote, scroll down to the list, mark the square next to Homecoming, then down to click the vote button.)


  10. 6 minutes ago, TheOtherTed said:

    I don't do Hami raids either - never saw the point of 'em.  But on Everlasting I can't remember seeing a Hami raid announcement.  If it's not announced on General or LFG, I definitely wouldn't see it.  If it's a one-off system blurb, I probably wouldn't notice it.  If, as PG claims, he hadn't done Hami on Homecoming before that one attempt, there's no reason to believe he'd automatically see or know about such announcements.


    A quick PSA to everyone in this thread, then I'll bow out of it.  There is a difference between hearsay, anecdotal evidence, and actual, you know, evidence.  Again, I'm not out to defend PG - never heard of him before today - but I can see that this thread has already started to slip down the self-righteous witch-hunt path.



    Because he is full of crap and that is the toxic behavior that need to be pointed out, though I agree this could get out of hand, just focusing on facts, he knew about all raids, as I said, I followed his streams, he was very aware of what happened in different shards of HC, many of his viewers invited him and carried him through content, also gave him the gist of it constantly, and he was long enough in game to know by himself as well, everyone who stopped viewing him knows why he stopped playing, and it was certainly not because of some harassment.

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  11. 4 minutes ago, Troo said:


    Yep ^

    It's one thing to strongly disagree, it's another to make it personal.



    I agree it is annoying but that's what he does. Heck, I annoy plenty of folks.




    IF Postive Gamer took any steps to try and make sure this didn't happen to other folks, I'll applaud that.

    If they didn't then, shame on PG too.

    Don't just talk about it, do something.

    Likely a bunch happened on a platform outside of this forum and in game channels. Just my 'feel' of it.


    The HC team does what they can but without peoples help; they can only do so much addressing toxicity that finds it's way to a free platform.



    Its pure clickbait and victim card play, I used to follow him and saw the debacle myself, he was leaking viewers as he transitioned to less populated and active servers and more as he leaned towards the anti Homecoming crew point of view, now suddenly we seem to have forced him out of enjoying CoH, yeah not buying it, he used to erase my messages on his videos pointing out stuff he engaged into that was not entirely beneficial to NCSoft allowance of rogue servers.

    • Like 7
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  12. 5 hours ago, Solarverse said:

    If what Positive Gamer is saying here is true, I have to say, shame on the people who behaved this way. Grown adults acting like teenage kids. Absolutely ridiculous. PG, if you ever see this, hope you come back one day and play the game. Don't let other people's drama run you off, my man. Good luck to you wherever you end up.


    Wasnt this the guy that was selling personal merchandise using City of Heroes intellectual property while playing in Homecoming, therefore fucking us up, then ran away to other servers, had a huge drop on viewers, then started talking crap of HC and playing victim?

    Edit: he was by the way, it was just a rhetorical question, he made his own bed and should sleep on it.

    • Thanks 10
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  13. Update:
    Looking back to when the poll started, our support growth is absolutely majestic, this coming month votes will be accounted and an article be published, look forward to it and let's keep the numbers on the rise! add your vote and tell others! Have a happy New Year everyone!
    (To vote, scroll down to the list, mark the square next to Homecoming, then down to click the vote button.)


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  14. Update:
    One day to January and you crazy bunch pushed it past 800 votes!!! We got this beyond what we thought was possible, no slowing down, go full throttle, vote and tell others!
    (To vote, scroll down to the list, mark the square next to Homecoming, then down to click the vote button.)


  15. 9 hours ago, Lunchmoney said:

    Not exactly the most legit voting system in the world, given that one can vote more than once.

    But well done HC on being at the top 👍

    Yes, bit sketchy, probably they cant do anything about it since it has to do with internet providers, but in a way rewards the commitment and perseverance of a player base, I estimate around 40 to 60 votes there are repetitions so it is still a bunch of good honest people giving their one time vote.

  16. 19 minutes ago, Akalabeth said:



    The only thing is a video and a paragon wiki which I mentioned is just the full dialogue/messy test stuff that didn't actually seem to be a guide.

    The wiki itself explains to you the basics of what you need to do in any raid/task force/etc to reach a successful outcome, you can start there and would have the basics down, then add a thorough search on the forums and there is plenty tips, mentions and guides, or you can just go join a run and try to pick up things on the spot, there is plenty people who will guide you trough patiently, there are others who by preference will just engage the run counting on you to get the gist of it by following example, and there will be others who want to optimize their runs and don't look forward to doing a school drive, it is nothing personal there is just many approaches to playing this game, but overall the people are nicer and more willing to show the ropes than in other places; most league organized content includes the lead giving very specific instructions, and depending on the time of the day and the day of the week you could just go and say you are a new player wanting some experience and folks may organize something for you, avoid self isolating yourself by thinking everyone out there has it with you and you will have lots of fun, just join some content and dont think too much about what will happen, league content to start should be nice, if you still feel anxious a quick read of the Homecoming wiki about what you are joining is all you need.

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