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Posts posted by Albion

  1. I am seeing more Mo badge runs lately, and for those pondering, they are absolutely doable by mostly anyone, as long as there is clear instructions from lead and proper understanding and compliance from the rest of the team. Not giving spoilers but there is a particularly tricky one to get, but is not more trickier than dealing with Director 11 without getting hit, properly putting out the underground bombs, or avoiding the green on Keyes.

  2. We are kicking ass at 43%!, this was a hard call since the devs at Warhammer are doing a superb job as well. Also, only Homecoming being listed there is gonna start another conspiracy rant with the rest of the servers.

    Edit: I mean, technically we already won, but toping the reader poll is paramount.


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  3. 3 hours ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

    I read somewhere that something like a billion people world wide watch gaming streams. Mostly on Twitch. So if you're trying to get more people to play your game getting people to stream it on Twitch is what you should do.


    Personally I hate watching other people play video games. It's boring, I want to play the game myself, not watch someone else play it. My teenage boys, on the other hand, love it. They'll watch these videos on Twitch and YouTube in preference to movies and TV shows any day.


    This is why forbidding streaming was an incredibly bad idea. And the player base has plummeted since streaming was forbidden. Sure, some people just got bored and quit, and that would have happened anyway. But some people left to join their favorite streamer on another rogue CoH server.


    Forbidding streaming contributed to the loss of players, and revenue, for Homecoming. Now maybe they had to do it. Not that we'll ever know because you all know they won't tell us because of the mysterious "talks with NCSoft" BS. But if they weren't required to do it in order to remain in operation then it was an incredibly bad idea. In my completely not humble opinion.

    There is absolutely no other plausible explanation for banning streaming than that of it being required for the goodwill of the ip owners to continue and avoid any issues that call unwanted attention into HC (like a certain platform content creator i will not name that was putting out videos with marvel heroes costumes and selling personal merchandise related to City of Heroes), no one in the HC team was too happy about it as videos of the server are nothing but a good thing, seems it had to be done.

    Edit: Now this is kind of mean for me to say, but those that left to follow their favorite streamer, and said streamers that didnt came back, dont seem to make any considerable impact on HC playerbase if we measure it by the amount of people playing those other servers, I have been checking them and their forums and more often than not is a wasteland over there.

  4. 8 hours ago, Ukase said:

    Used to be, but I think it was this past April when HC authorized it. They never did really say why..but it's allowed now. 

    It cost me three global friends, them shutting down streaming. Three of my favorite folks don't play anymore because of that. And, while they know it's now allowed, they still haven't returned. This is what happens when you change stuff. Life in the big city and all that. 

    It has to do with the NCSoft talks, a gesture of good will i suppose, or a show of compliance?, 


    6 hours ago, Tax E said:


    Hey Albion!!!


    Anyone can easily head over to Twitch and check out the category for City of Heroes and know when there is anyone streaming the game. I'll even provide a wonderful quick link! If you have a Twitch account simply follow the category for easier access. City of Heroes Category at Twitch


    As TraumaTrainRich already mentioned there are more than a dozen of us that stream the game regularly. You can follow any one of us to know when we go live. 



    Buy it or not. When people come to my stream and say "Wow the game is back?" or "Where can I go to download this game?", then I have accomplished what I've set out to do. As for what kind of person goes to YouTube or Twitch and searches for gaming footage or even live showing of the game, I'd think it would be obvious what kind of person they are; someone who has interest. Those are the people that keep those platforms going. The viewership.



    That's okay too. Not everyone is interested in this venue of showcasing the game. That's the joy of scrolling on by but let's hope that some aren't deterred from scrolling by and are interested. Some of us showcased Page 3 when it was released just a month ago. Some of us even had donations set up for charity to coincide with the release. We were bringing in people who hadn't known the game was back and brought some people back to the game. So I know I care and it's okay that this person didn't care. 


    Streaming isn't for everyone, nor is watching a stream or a video. But the fact remains there are people out there that are not aware of it's existence or even it's return. There are people that even don't know how to do certain things in the game and as streamers or content creators, we have an opportunity to help the community and show them.


    Follow us or don't. Watch us or don't. The choice is yours. As is my choice to stream. 🙂

    Sup Tax E! ,thanks a lot, I had no idea there was a category!

    • Thanks 1
  5. On 12/9/2021 at 11:19 AM, TraumaTrain said:

    Do a search for these names on Twitch; they are all streaming CoH multiple times a week. I know there are more.  These are just the people I have handy in my follow list. If you like their content and you want to support them, click that Follow button.




















    A special mention for ChoochAndViv. If you ever listened to the old City of Heroes Podcast back in the old live days, they have restarted it again a few weeks ago. Definitely click that Follow button on them.


    (Ten points if you can figure out which one in the list above is me.)

    Thanks!, that was a great help, this aspect of the HC community needs more visibility.

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  6. 4 hours ago, Glacier Peak said:

    Really just the folks who post in the #Streams & Videos section of the HC Official Discord. I mean, if you wanted, you could do a search on each atreaming platform too.

    That was my intention as well, and partially into it I realized it may be more of an endeavor of what I am willing to engage into, there is more than I thought, not all exclusive however. ^_^

  7. 18 hours ago, Mezmera said:

    The initial new things to do has people running all over the place trying to grab this badge and that.   Then the Winter Event came out a week later so more badging.  Once everyone gets their badges it'll be back to what normal play dictates someone's whims for the day.  Aeon will get good runs while it's the weekly for sure.  


    I'm really enjoying this fresh new content so for my part I've been trying to organize runs quite a bit, at least until @Oklahoman takes over.  The variety in the difficulty levels is really well done.  I like to PUG Vicious runs, sure they're a bit tougher than easy mode but much more rewarding and not much harder than running 54 Carnies.  If I'm PUG'ing I'll at least have a look at the team dynamic by the time it is built to see if I need to hop to my Dom or Tank to get us through it safe.  Relentless runs yes you'll want to be real coordinated and willing to devote that time.  


    I was on a PUG easy run that took us 35 minutes to complete.  Then there was a coordinated Relentless run where we even fought the special Vanguard fight that I got in on and it took us 52 minutes.  Then most other Relentless runs that I've been organizing to introduce people to this will typically take 2-3 hours depending on the team composition and if they want to fight the special Vanguard.  There's a variety of factors but PUG'ing a Vicious is just about right which would typically take about an hour once everyone has it down.  


    They really knocked it out of the park with this one.  The floor is still the same old floor and the variety of step up in difficulty selection really impacts your experience.  This is so very well finely tuned and has me excited for what else they have cooking.  I'm doing my part though to get people familiar.  

    Times have really gone down a lot from the beginning, thanks to the people braving the run and sharing their knowledge, I imagine deaths will too, the new challenge modes added a much needed spice that encourages team play and a more diverse team, looking forward to it being applied to other content eventually.

  8. 6 hours ago, DREAMERS said:

    bravo to you for the new earth powers however i am a little disappointed not to see any earth support line i would have hoped that you would create a line that goes with as an affinity crystal where the player could create crystals with it different effects but which can be broken by the enemies finally good me who like playing with support power I am disappointed

    That is an extremely very specific personal preference to be disappointed at not being included... did you even proposed such thing on the proper venues, and it gained enough support to get on design track?, then it would be logical to be disappointed at it not being included on the release, but if it's just out of the blue it would be based on nothing but your own idea of what should be added to the game?

  9. You can also visit all those maps through teleporters being a vigilante and can switch between hero/vigilante/rogue/villain with a couple clicks talking to Null the Gull on Pocket D (he above a truck on the villain side of PD main dance hall.) You can even try and be a Praetorian if you fancy that. Either way, welcome home and have a blast!

    • Like 1
  10. 8 minutes ago, Darmian said:

    Don't Geeks bite the heads off live chickens?  Did Katherine Dunn lie to me?

    That cover from David Hughes always gave me nightmares; people tends to forget the term was applied to carnival performers of the grotesque venue once.

    • Haha 1
  11. Ok I messed around in @Rahabina's heart warming thread enough already, so gonna put all replies together before I go munch or my mild OCD will keep eyeing me nasty form the dark corner of my mind. Hope no one gets bothered I don't give them my full attention (that is a good thing according to some though). Have a good one!

    @Rahabina OMGness this made me smile.

    Glad it did, your original post made me smile too, if it was in a good or bad way you will never know!

    @Aeroprism I have ginger hair.

    Oh, so you are inmune to Darkness Affinity and Soul Mastery!

    Though you might be sarcastic there, I'm not sure. As I said, not my first language.

    Neither mine but sarcasm is an universal language ^_^, and yes, not entirely sarcastic however as that is usually a bit aggressive, more like sassy jesting.

    @GraspingVileTerror Geography plays a large part in how "geek" and "nerd" get defined, from what I've seen. And that's even before we bring Canada and the rest of the English-speaking world in to the mix.

    Truly, seems both concepts get paired more or considered equal in certain latitudes and in modern times, in my corner of the world and back in the good old days, both factions usually mingled on certain hobbies and shared interests, but fierce conflicts used to arise, for example, Star Wars vs Star Trek (first being mainly geeks, second being mainly Nerds), Marion Zimmer Bradley vs Isaac Asimov, movie vs books, one side calling something a hobby or entertainment while others considered it almost a way of life, etc, the gruesomest of battles came to life I recall when the geeks participated in LARP casually and made jokes about it, that day angels wept tears of blood :P.

    @Bill Z BubbaI'm confused. I'm a nerd and a geek, in favor of individual freedoms, but often think violence IS the answer.

    You are a very convoluted individual, do you happen to also be a grinner, a lover and a sinner?

    @The_WarpactThe only answer.

    It varies with the question to me, but, certainly you win an argument if the interlocutor is passed out!

    • Haha 1
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  12. 10 minutes ago, Rahabina said:

    I always see nerd as being smart. I was always the girl with a book never very outgoing all my life. The most exciting time in my life was when the USAF let me be a navigator on a KC135, talk about a nerd dream

    Daaaaaamn, rolling those clouds on an stratotanker, that is mean (as in good), the way I see it, Nerds are those who played D&D 3.5 and below and got laughed at for it, Geeks are the ones playing 5th and making popular streams about it :P

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  13. 1 minute ago, Aeroprism said:

    A geek is someone who really goes all out in a hobby or a field.


    I'm a geek.  


    A nerd is a derogatory word used to tease people who show and value intellect and the accumulation of knowledge. Over time, the word became worn as something of a pride. Being a nerd is good, and valued.


    I am also a nerd.


    Then again, by the very definition of CoH, it's a good bet that 99%+ people here know this because they're also geeks. And nerds.


    We're all the same brothers and sisters of such fine quality.



    Precisely. 🧡


    You can not be a nerd AND a geek, pick a side, next thing we know you will say you are also a pacifist and in favor of individual freedoms <_<

    • Like 2
  14. 20 hours ago, PapaSlade said:

    So I was on this team with Warpact last weekend and we had our usual core group of 4 all playing characters we feel pretty comfortable and competent on.  I openly admit we went in a bit blind and cranked it up a notch or two and said lets see what happens.  That 5 hours and 89 deaths was the result.  I was definitely cranky by the end.  I can deal with the slpody baddies and death patches.  I still have the reflexes at almost 52 years old to react and get away.  The spike damage from the mobs is what really started to annoy me.  I have always been more comfortable with resistance based armor sets and this thing seemed designed to make me useless.   Constantly getting killed while watching the animation on my initial strike.  I do not mind getting defeated.  I just like to go down fighting.  This did not feel like I had a chance to do that.  That entire first run made me feel like a minion level NPC.


    I have no doubt our next runs will be much better but I am not sure I am going to enjoy this much in the long run on the majority of my characters.

    Whenever despair and regret are felt in ASF, a @Cobalt Arachne earns her wings (probably demon ones). That said, once you get the hang of it, the mobs are not that scary anymore and you know how to manage yourself to not get screwed too much, it is the mechanics shock at firs that feels deterring, we are too used to all the pluses we have to steamroll over most of the content in the game.

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