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Posts posted by Albion

  1. 7 minutes ago, Peacemoon said:

    Knock back is always a topic that will forever cause disagreement. Some people hate it, others love it. 

    Personally I think the compromise is AoE powers should always knockdown in groups. Single target knockback is rarely a problem, and when solo can be very beneficial over knockdown defensively.

    Indeed, and by now, even if in group, even if not turned to KD, it can be done strategically and bring good advantages to everyone. Can also be used to mess around, but the same can be said of almost every power that affects mobs, don't get me started on phasing...

  2. 10 hours ago, AdzRobinz said:

    Only recently discovered this game and im struggling to contain my excitement since I played the original as a wee lad. Ive made my char and done the tutorial but wanna ask a question about 'meta'.


    I play as a beam rifle/devices because hes a rikti war veteran patched up as a cyborg super soldier. I may go vigilante because it fits my character and looks hella interesting. Oh who am I kidding ofc I will lol


    I understand the BR is great for single target damage but was devices a good choice? Can I change it to another secondary or will I have to reroll my char? I understand this game doesnt lean so heavily on the tank/healer/dps triangle of gameplay as much as other games but wanna know I can be at least useful for when I eventually reach higher levels and start doing events and group content.

    Welcome home!, i would say you first enjoy the game and get your bearings about, then you will have time to get into min maxing, practically every single combination can be done viable or even great with the right slotting of enhancements, and on top of that you can add incarnates for most of the end game runs, so be at ease, if you happen to be on the Excelsior server send me a shout out to @Albion or let me know your global so I send you some starting funds for when you begin hunting for sets.

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  3. 24 minutes ago, Sejanus said:

    I didn't mean to insinuate anything about the Devs at all, just wanted to know if there is any actual technical limitations, not so much manpower or time limitations. 

    Yes i did got your question, not thinking you implied anything, just wanted to get across my point of view that they can deal with the technical incongruencies mostly (they are even unraveling the awful codding of the past and putting down a way more neat approach) but the crucial thing that delays them seems to be their numbers.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Glacier Peak said:

    Recharges so fast, drops multiple pets, tons of DoT, enormous damage - is there even a risk versus reward mechanism at play here or is it too hot to fix without an uproar from the player base?

    Question here is, how long is going to keep up being like that...

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  5. 8 minutes ago, Sejanus said:

    Out of curiosity, does anyone know the limitations of development, if any?  Can the developers make new animations and graphics? Or even design new full body models? I understand that the original 3D editing software used is defunct, is Autodesk still compatible with CoH, or is recycling all that can be really done.

    From my humble layman position observing them discussing ideas now and then, I think the intent and the projects are there, but we lack more graphic artists, Naomi is an extremely talented one but can't do everything, and as we saw in ASF, existing assets are pushed to do new neat things, there is not a lack of a will either, Devs work even a bit too much.

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  6. 21 minutes ago, Frozen Burn said:

    So, ummm.... FYI.... MOP has already cast their vote and declared Homecoming the winner: 


    And the MassivelyOP staff pick for the Best MMO Rogue Server of 2021 is…



    The poll is just a "Reader's Poll," FYI.  So don't think that your vote will sway MOP (like I did).  But YAY!  We are winning in the eye of the public too! 


    It was clarified long ago already that we won STAFF choice award, they will also select PEOPLE choice one, which is the one we aim to win as having both would do wonders for Homecoming getting exposure:

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  7. 3 minutes ago, Bodhivajra said:

    Ohh, I get it. I misunderstood the original sentence I quoted! I thought you were saying that some aspect of the Aeon design might not be healthy for the game in the long run; you were suggesting that the current meta of steamrolling TFs might not be healthy. Yes, agreed. I absolutely like that the Aeon has me reexamining every one of my buffer characters and checking the name over every mob's head to identify what needs to be punched first. 

    The only thing bad for health in ASF is the damn brickernauts, even when I am aware and keeping an eye out for them, one second of distraction and they get me...

  8. On the third build slot I have a monstrosity that I call "Cosmetic Taxi", mainly sports the travel power pools, with a bit of the primary/secondary/ancillary/patron pools that show neat visual effects, surprisingly enough, that thing can play though most content short of a very demanding one, but those are usually done by leagues so it can get covered, AT is Illusion/Radiation controller.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Bodhivajra said:

    I'm curious about this bit! Not trying to draw out a disagreement here, just wondering if you'll say more about what you think. 

    It has been long discussed and yes usually becomes a flamefest :P, but to make it short: a group of blasters rolling over a tf in ten minutes is not the ideal way of playing. That said, it is ONE of the ways of playing and everyone plays as they have fun, no one can tell others how to play, but (and precisely because of that) when a certain way becomes kind of mandatory in practice and some AT's and players of a different persuasion don't enjoy content or their own builds much because of that, well, something gets added to counterbalance, can't make everyone happy but can make sure there is different things to do and to like for everyone.

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  10. 4 minutes ago, Without_Pause said:

    While I'm glad it looks like they fixed a lot of what hurt SWG, I kind of wished KotOR Online was in a rogue state. I just couldn't do a sub back when I played it, but it was the first game where I felt like I could really get into since CoH.

    There is a couple but they are very secretly kept and having a chance to join is low unless you know the people in, they are VERY suable, the advantage of SWG is that it was completely abandoned, if you look at the award category, they didn't include any game that has not been abandoned, thus rogue, otherwise it would be a pirate server and then things get complicated.

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  11. 1 hour ago, Ukase said:

    Why? What's the gain? And do I have to give my email to do so? 

    The gain is that in January announcements/articles/interviews will be carried on portraying Homecoming as MO staff choice winner of the award, and if we get the people's choice award as well, the exposure would be much bigger, as well as the allure for new players to arrive and try the game, more exposition -> more players -> more continuity -> more devs? -> more content -> more CoH for long time. We playing a game we thought lost, and we playing it for free, dropping a vote in a page is the less we can do.

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  12. All in all, I think ASF hit all the right (and intended) spots, from my personal perspective, the design responds to some niches and metas that have been long stablished in the game, and may not be very healthy for it in the long run, that is bound to ruffle some feathers. It also introduces some very interesting settings and mechanics that will be now available for future endeavors.

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  13. 21 hours ago, Lazarillo said:

    I joined one for the first time earlier today and it was a lot of fun.  My only notable beef (but it's a big one) is "Why is this a Strike Force?".  Seriously, it's so heavy on story and dialogue and when you've got seven teammates rushing forward, to borrow a phrase, ain't nobody got time for that.  But soloing it is also infeasible because as a SF, it's filled to the brim with AVs (and worse!).  My villain's inevitable kingdom for an "SSA" version or the like that lets me actually enjoy all the story, the dialogue, and the Becky.

    That is more to blame on peoples mindset, the ideal would have been people taking their time to strategize and polish their team work, while appreciating the surroundings, but there is some even rushing Relentless by now, there are thankfully some more eased up ones where people tries to enjoy the story instead of wanting to beat everything asap and get out.

  14. On 12/12/2021 at 1:53 AM, dtjunkie said:




    I rolled a Seismic Blast / Fire Manipulation Blaster named Coal Chamber. I wish I could get the seismic blast powers to be a more solid black color. I also kind of want to reroll him as a Seismic Blast / Fiery Aura Sentinel whenever the set gets proliferated to Sentinels.



    I am extremely surprised you were able to grab that name.

  15. On 12/12/2021 at 12:07 PM, SaintD said:

    Homecoming torches the plans of the successors simply based on the fact the successors suck.


    That's the honest reality. All they had going for them was being some kind of hopefully 'close enough' pastiche of CoX, and in the harsh light of actually being able to just play CoX itself again, they look terrible because they're not even as good as the now-ancient OG.


    And to continue being brutally honest, if they look the way they do now after all this time, and still basically not even in a feature complete state being filled out with content, they weren't coming out, or they're going to be terrible.

    Damn, harsh yet nothing but the truth.

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