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Posts posted by iBot

  1. Aside from just randomly giving some away as you run past a lowbie I saw a post in the Market section that was really about someone accidentally buying a small insp for 1,000,000 inf.  You could do things like that.  Randomly purchase some normally low value item on the AH for 10 mil or something.


    Hold your own contest for some in game activity.  Costume contests are all the time but could do for all sorts of things.


    Run Task Forces and give out prizes for things like final kill on AV or other things that come up during the various missions.

  2. I know OPs question didn't involve "those that don't farm... why?" but I feel compelled to share my 0.02 inf anyway.  Simple.  Boring.  If I wanted to run the same content over and over and over and over and over and ... well I'd play normal missions which is what I do.  I find leveling alts just as fast on a full team running 4/8 as any farm.  I don't have a hundred alts to kit out so inf is no worry.  I sell all drops as I play anyway and then have one dedicated 50 that crafts the IOs I want from components purchased on the AH at the time I need them for crafting.  I don't have any billion inf builds and if I tallied all the inf on my various toons it is probably less than a billion.  The only exception is once in a while I may join a friend who is farming to boost a few levels if there is a TF forming up that I'm a level or 3 shy of being able to bring my latest toon on.


    It doesn't bother me in the slightest that some players use AE for various reasons.  I'm just in the category of "eh, let's run radios."😎

  3. Just a thought:


    Leave all existing powers alone other than fixing any bugs/not working as intended sorts of things.  Want to "improve" AR.  Fine.  Make a new improved power set called AR+ and make all the changes you want there.  The HC devs already shown that they can finish off powers that were intended to be released but weren't.  Why not copy and alter existing ones as well?  No need to even change the animations.  Just change the ordering of the powers or alter the types and secondary effects.  Granted I have no idea what the code looks like so can only speculate on what it would take but it seems to me that it would be an equitable solution for everyone.  Those that insist on the original can have it.  Those that would like something improved can have the new one.  Of course knowing humans this would invariably lead to the posts about which is better but that is a different concern.

  4. 2 hours ago, Abraxus said:

    That's one of the things I love about this game.  There are so many ways to go with any powerset, depending on what works best for you!  You literally can make things just the way you like them, in whatever way best accommodates your preferences, and playstyle.  If embracing the KB is your thing, more power to ya, and godspeed sir!  

    I certainly agree with you there.  Different play styles and set ups is certainly a strong point of this game.  I just tend to find it amusing how often knockback gets singled out in this game as something to be frowned upon rather than just another "hey whatever works!". 😇

  5. Interesting take though mine is the exact opposite.  My main and first 50 on live was an nrg/nrg blaster and I loved knockback.  I learned early on how to control that power and could juggle mobs easily.  I knew how far power push would send a minion flying so I would line them up to land on top of the melee player.  I knew when it made sense to fire off energy torrent or explosive blast.  Even Nova I made damn sure that if I was gonna fire it off that the only things left alive would be a boss that didn't go flying anyway.  Everything else was dead, dead, dead.  Sure I'd get on teams where someone would mention not liking knockback.  My usual response was "well, you've not seen me play so why don't you pay attention and don't chase what I hit."  Typically one or two groups later the complaints about knockback would cease.


    Now on HC I play the same way.  Most players are more understanding of this nice mechanic so I rarely have anyone even mention the issue anymore.  Though that probably has more to do with team mates I choose than anything else.  I will never slot one of those KB -> KD IOs since I don't see a compelling reason to give up one of the best and least mitigated forms of soft control in the game.

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    • Haha 1
  6. Might help:




    The chat channels for LFG and Help are not listed on that page.  My guess is that those were added by HC meaning the original alias don't list them.  If the name "LFG" or "Help" doesn't set it then most likely this is a bug in HC code that would need to be adjusted.


    /hc looks to be the quick way to send a message to help channel.  Maybe hc is the short name for that channel.


    There is also a /tabselect command that selects the active tab which could then be set to have just those chat channels active.  I'm not in game atm so can't really test out the various combinations.

    • Thanks 1
  7. My initial thought: why?  I am a part of the camp of "doesn't bother with TO/DO/SO at all".  It really has nothing to do with how "easy" or "hard" it is to upgrade them.  My reasoning is that it is very fast to get to level 7 (start of IOs) and that by level 12 IOs are better than anything else without the need to upgrade them again until 20s.  I only slot IOs when I think I may want to solo the character a little bit.  Otherwise just leveling up with SG mates usually blasts a new character into the mid 20s in one solid hour of missions.  So there isn't a lot to be gained by slotting anything until level 22 which would be the normal start of SOs anyway.


    Sometimes I buy attuned sets that help and not bother again until the level break points where new sets become available.  I do upgrade IOs at a few times when I've got too many empty slots to ignore.  So any change to SO enhancements is not going to change anything I do as I'm leveling a character unless the new SOs offer something beyond what the generic IOs at 15 or attuned sets offer.


    Personally I always thought that the introduction of IOs to the game was a major mistake since it completely removed the usefulness of TO/DO/SO progression.  I suppose for a completely brand new player without a level 50 cash cow it makes sense to give them a way to try to reduce the stress of upgrading.  But gamers being the humans that they are will quickly research how to make inf faster and rapidly leave the initial phase of starting behind.  And it certainly doesn't take a whole lot of inf to outfit a brand new character in IOs even if you take into account buying all the required salvage and recipes.


    People play the low levels or skip the low levels for a variety of reason that I doubt has much to do with enhancements.  I know players that blast new characters to 50 using a farming second account.  I know players that blast new characters to 50 running nothing but radios and TFs in teams at +4/8.  I know players that still enjoy playing through story arcs to 50.  I know players that actually shut off xp while leveling so that they can play through content "naturally" instead of having to redo it in Ouro and plan out what arcs they want to hit story pillars in leveling.  So while I certainly appreciate all that the HC team has and is doing for our favorite city, I do question the need to improve this particular game system.  Now if the devs told me that they are going to add a button that allows me to sell all the useless TO/DO/SO drops in my tray without the need to go to a vendor I'm all in.  Or for that matter, remove TO/DO/SO drops all together and just give me the extra Inf.

    • Like 1
  8. Did this in other topic too:


    Give our group a look.  We are always looking for good players that enjoy the game and want laid back teammates to enjoy it with!



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  9. Ideal SG:  A group of people that enjoy playing the game with each other.


    Lucky for me I found this way back on Live.  And my pleasant surprise when I found the same group starting up here on HC also with a solid percentage of returning members.  It was as if the last 8 years didn't happen.  Back with long ago friends, running around in our underoos, generally enjoying ourselves.  We now have members covering almost every time zone / region.  There isn't a night logging in where someone isn't starting up a TF or mission runs or offering to do a bunch of farm runs to level up the newest alts.  Needless to say life is good ☺️

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, DR_Mechano said:

    1) As mentioned Destiny is a game changer on a lot of builds. Ageless allows things like Spines/Fire, TW/Bio and numerous others to not have to worry about endurance anymore AND perma-hasten offering +7.5% recharge even at its lowest point (that's an extra LotG Unique basically). Barrier provides 5% def to all at its lowest point which is more than the +3% given by any of the unique IOs that offer defense. Clarion provides enough status protection to deal with most day to day problems.


    I honestly get the feeling people are stopping at the rare Destiny and going 'that's enough' and not actually looking at the tier 4 versions which are MUCH better and last 120 seconds and recharge in 120 seconds. They're perma out the box.


    2) Lore pets can add a LOT to a character, again it feels like you just haven't looked at the abilities some of them get. The Carnie invulnerable pet offers a +15% damage boost for 5 minutes (it lasts 1 minute but it recharges quicker than the duration, thus they will always keep it up on you). Longbow Cataphract offers a massive -250% regen which is a huge boon to soloing AVs or GMs on a set that doesn't have inherent -regen. The Banished Pantheon Ravager puts out enough DPS to help burn through most targets very quickly.


    Banished Pantheon, Carnies and Tsoo offer enough DPS to make AV soloing much easier especially once they're at very rare stage. 


    Again I feel like a lot of people just stop at the rare or merely surface glance at the Incarnate system without actually getting deeper in to it.

    I have only 2 characters that are fully T4 in every slot.  Then again I only have 9 characters total so I agree with your analysis that I do not dig too far into the top tiers.  I agree destiny allows a good number of builds to be viable but there in is the crux of my problem with it.  Prior to getting Clarion on my blaster I would never have considered soloing any content with a mezzer in the mix.  I needed to find myself a reliable support type that could keep me from falling asleep on the job or being perma held.  But with Clarion that is no longer necessary unless I intend to exemplar (which I do regularly) and therefore the destiny slot is not available.  Which is my biggest complaint about the system in general in that if I want to play under 45 I've got to be built to not need an incarnate power to make my build work.


    Again Lore is one I picked and then essentially forgot about.  I click it once in a while when I think the fight might get rough but again in a team of 8 the lore pets are superficial at best and just add to clutter on the screen.  I rarely solo so that is most likely why I didn't dig any further into Lore other than "well this kinda fits my theme such that I have one."

  11. My $0.02 for what it is worth:


    1. Alpha:  Pick a buff that compliments your character or fills in some needed buffing for your slotted powers.  No real choice here.  I would like to see it tweaked so that there are more of them with less overlapping buffs.  A few of them buff 6 different things and then a few buff only 3.  I would much prefer a system that allows us to unlock the "Alpha slots" meaning we get 6 free slots to put whatever IOs in we choose and those are the buffs applied to our powers.  Higher level "Alphas" can just grant a +1 - +4 just like boosting an IO does now.  These slots therefore would not allow boosted IOs nor sets.
    2. Judgement:  I get it that types other than blasters like to have a massive spawn killing nuke but it kinda negates one of the things blasters (or any AT with a nice PBAoE power) bring to the team.  Maybe add some cost for using this power like the old nuke crashes that were imposed on blasters during Live.
    3. Interface:  I liked the idea of this power however the percentages are so small the honestly I've not noticed how much it actually adds to the build.  This should be more pronounced but maybe with limited stacking or needed to be stacked from multiple sources.
    4. Destiny:  Nice buff once in a while but again this also negates some of what defenders/controllers/dominators/corruptors brought to the table for a team.  Makes soloing certain high level content easier but that is about it.  Needs longer up time.
    5. Lore:  Great more pets we can't control.  Is nice to be able to choose from a wide variety but doesn't really add much to the player's character other than for well lore reasons.
    6. Hybrid: A toggle that improves what your character already does well.  Again no real choice here.  Pick the one that matches your AT and forget about it.  Toggle it once in a while when you remember and it is down.  Can't say I see much difference when it is on versus when it is off.

    Beyond the 6 in game I would like to see the ones that were planned but never implemented added to the game.  I also second the idea of giving us more incarnate content.  It is very cool to have these powers but there is precious little content that allows us to take full advantage of them.  I would enjoy greatly the ability to run the original TFs/SFs at incarnate level with buffed enemies to match.  That would go a long way I think.

  12. There was a time on Live when people would advertise "Street sweeping team lvl 14+ in SC".  I think it was always meant to be a way to run a simple team just sweeping up all the baddies they find.  And prior to radio/newspaper missions it was how you got XP when you ran out of contacts.  Perez on live was a zone most didn't try to solo.  Instead get a team put together and go take out those large groups.  Those missions from contacts were meant to force a team up.  There were even those missions that you had to bring a few teammates because they had simultaneous glowies.


    Personally I think it would be nice if in the future the HC dev team could find some way to make sweeping a useful task again beyond just a little XP and Inf.  I still do it randomly as I move from mission to mission just as a way to pass the time.

  13. I would counter the need to tune or adjust any of the groups by saying this is the beauty of the design for CoX.  It is possible for everything in the game to be countered however it is difficult if not impossible for one AT/powerset grouping to do it.  This is an MMO after all.  I contend that all those groups that present several challenges are there to give players a reason to find teammates.  That's not to say that a solo player cannot deal with those challenges.  It requires some creative use of the tools present.  However, a solid group of mixed ATs and roles handles anything the game has to offer easily.  It is something that a lot of games miss the mark on but I think was nailed in CoX.

    • Thanks 1
  14. I too like the system as is.  There are plenty of ways to get around enemies with status powers.  First and foremost is bring a friend.  Teammates are supposed to be your "work around" for any of the game's content.  Sure the odd boss may still hold you but at least the rest of the team is still pounding on them while you are happily taking a nap.


    Solo you just learn which mobs to solo, which to not bother, and once you have incarnate powers you can take status protection.  Changing the game to make it easier for classes without inherent protection would diminish the game in my opinion.

    • Like 2
  15. Members of the SG I'm in do this quite often.  We'll broadcast that we are doing such and such TF but if we don't get a full team we just run anyway.  Sometimes it makes the final boss fight take a bit longer than it should but it never decreases our fun.  I've been a part of TFs with 2, 3, or 4 members.  Especially fun when doing sub 45 content this way.  It turns off all the incarnate stuff automatically and allows us to run at our base power levels.


    We've also had a suggestion to do a SO only build for the original TFs just to up the challenge even more.  Granted not everyone wants to turn TFs into a slog but it is fun to some of us to prove we can still do the content minus the power creep.

  16. I would think since these events are part of the game code and don't require anything special other than the date on the servers that they will occur just as they did on live.  Let's hope, they were a nice change of pace during the seasons.

  17. The base portal works just like the ones in the actual Ouro zone.  So you can start any mission from there also.  One thing to also keep in mind beyond what is mentioned above is that Ouro mission rules for rogues and vigilantes are treated different.  A rogue cannot team with heroes and a vigilante cannot team with villains.

  18. 1.  Every mission probably not.  Even solo you'll out level early contacts pretty quick.  Anything you miss just use flashback for.

    2.  Some like to complete contacts but most I've talked with in game just go back and do ones they out leveled via flashback.

    3.  Paragon Wiki has a list of all available ouro arcs.  The only requirement is getting to I believe 14 so you can get the badge for the portal.

    4.  Yes.  No NPC needed.  Just get someone to drop a portal for you when you are appropriate level and you can get the badge yourself.  Ouro itself keeps track of what arcs you've done.  So no need for an outside system.

  19. The reason at 50 to not use attuned IOs is if you want to boost them past 50.  Using the boosts you can make IOs that are 51-54.  Also I believe it is ATO that cannot be attuned.  I personally use attuned IOs because I often exemplar down and want to stay effective and not lose my set bonuses.  My first 50 I wasn't able to slot attuned as I leveled because I didn't have the inf.  Now that I do, all my current lowbies are slotted with the appropriate attuned versions as they level.  And since I don't suffer from altitis I can easily fund those lowbies with just a few level 50 runs.  This also means that I sell all salvage and recipes I get across all my characters.  My 50 is slotted.  So my only costs are those low toons.


    So for probably 95% of the time attuned is the way to go but there are valid reason not to.

  20. You can think of attuned IOs as leveling with you.  For example: if the IO has a min level of 7 and a max of 30 then it will allow you to slot it at level 7 and it will increase in effectiveness until level 30.  Same thing happens if you exemplar down.  You will keep any set bonuses at the lower level so long as the power is available to you.


    What I've been doing on alts is using attuned sets when convenient because you don't have to upgrade them.  Then when I cross into the next tier, I just unslot them and sell the older ones.  It can be expensive if you want the best but since we basically print money any time we want it isn't a concern.


    As for your direct question it depends on the IO and what schedule it is on in order to determine the exact %.

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