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Posts posted by iBot

  1. 2 hours ago, macskull said:

    There are two basic ways to make the game more difficult:

    1. Nerf players. This is a very tricky thing to do since any sweeping nerf is A) going to be very unpopular and B) will probably open whole different cans of worms
    2. Make enemies harder. This is probably the way to do it but with the combat mechanics of this game it basically requires giving NPCs "cheat" powers like in most of the incarnate trials. Raising enemy level relative to yours won't make things substantially more difficult, just a little slower, due to the way your powers scale against higher-level enemies. Raising enemy spawn sizes won't make things more difficult either because of the aggro cap, and raising the aggro cap/target cap on AoEs just means it makes farmers' jobs easier.

    I don't dispute any points there other than to say making fights last longer is the ultimate goal.  I think "difficult" is probably the wrong word to use because it is highly subjective.  It might be as simple as an across the board increase of mob HP and/or resists or some combination there in.

  2. Yeah Fulcrum Shift is another one that I find annoying on my Kin as well.  I think this really turns into more of a discussion about difficulty rebalance that this game is in serious need of.  I'm not sure what the ultimate answer would be though I'm certain it isn't to nerf the players.  I just think maybe we need the option to go to +5 or +6 or maybe 1.5 spawn size to 12.  Something to make it so if there are reasons to use more than brawl at times.

  3. 3 hours ago, Snarky said:

    Yet I do feel that Shred Monkey hit the nail on the head.  A team of peeps throwing Nukes does make my Brute feel...meh. 


    This bit of board therapy is kind of making me realize why I (and maybe a lot of Brutes) tend to be happy on a team...somewhere not that close to the team.  I feel powerful soloing a hundred Ritki to free a hostage while the rest of the team heads for the General on a LRSF.  I can do that job lol.

    This is why when I play melee that can handle the spawns mostly solo I also tend to either leapfrog to the next group while the rest of the team finishes off the current group or I drift to other groups on the map and then move on when the rest of the team comes to back me up.  I know it annoys some players when others "solo" but it really isn't about soloing content it is about being able to use more than 2 powers before everything is dead.  It is especially frustrating on my dark scrapper where I have some nice buffs but need the mobs to live through the animation. 🤪

  4. 1 hour ago, Bill Z Bubba said:

    Pretty sure this is why, last I heard, all scrapper ITFs were in the lead on time. (Edit: For max diff runs. Seems a lot of speed teams run at +0 so that may help all squishy teams.) Split up in the first two missions, do some splitting in the 3rd, team up for the monster group, computer and AVs.

    Saves a bunch of time. I see no reason why brutes and tanks wouldn't follow the same tactic.

    Any grouping that can split to do the content is faster.  We've done a run we called The Squad in that the team of 8 split into 2 teams of 4 and tackled different groups in the maps.  Was one of our fastest runs while still killing most mobs and at 4/8.  So I think any group that could split up as much as possible would certainly be faster than all 8 sticking together.  Course some of that also has to do with which map is drawn in the second mission.

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  5. Running ITFs all the time I've found that once everyone is 50 +1 the deciding factor is what kind of debuffs the team has available.  The LEGION has run themed ITFs of just about every flavor of ATs and power sets (all brutes, all stalkers, all debuffs, all blasters, all control, all dark, all shield, all tanks, SQUAD, etc) and we've never come up with a combination that could not finish the TF at 4/8.  The deciding factor on speed is always debuffs.  If a Cyclops goes down in 30 secs even with their MoG we've got a rocking run.  And we usually don't really "speed" run as in we kill through.


    So to OP I'd say an all brute would probably be slightly slower than the blaster/corruptor run however it depends if those brutes are a decent mix of power sets or are all spines/fire.  If there are a mix of power sets that have secondary debuff effects then it would be about the same or slightly faster if the brutes split up and can handle spawns in groups of 2-4 instead of all 8.

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  6. I know probably beyond scope with the current state of development but personally I'd like to see hazard zones all get the incarnate treatment.  Not removing the current levels or missions, however, adding incarnate contacts and incarnate level mobs would be a nice addition.  Granted I wouldn't want incarnate level mobs roaming the streets in say Perez Park but on the other hand it certainly would make the zones "hazardous" again.  Dark Astoria is OK but I would like more places and missions to do once I've got that character nice and T4.  Also, if they ever actually expand the incarnate powers these hazards zones could be a method for unlock.

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  7. I wonder how difficult it would be to generate radio missions that auto exemplar the toon to the max level for that zone.  Task forces already do this.  Ouro already does this.  I would think that the radio missions could be made to do the same.  Upscale would then not be necessary and you would still earn XP just as you do when you exempt down to run an ouro arc or TF.  That way someone like the OP can run their entire career in their favorite zone fighting the same mobs over and over as they see fit without any major need for level 50 skulls.

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  8. I agree with most of the ideas so far and will just toss in my thoughts:

    1. When I first saw Kinetic Melee my immediate thought was "Juggarnaut" and if that was the gimmick for this set I'd be happy.  I thought my attacks would get faster as I continue to attack.
    2. Upon playing the set I really liked the animations in that they are unique in the game and give a nice zen feel as you calmly take your opponent apart.
    3. Damage at least on Brute is ok.  Nothing spectacular but not terrible.  Decent middle set.
    4. Siphon Power is not what I expected.  I wanted the buff that Tsoo get.  Instead I got a major disappointment.  Even if not the power the Tsoo use maybe borrow from the kinetic defender set and that siphon power.
  9. I've done this sort of thing now on a couple of characters and it can be a refreshing distraction for a short time but I tend to get bored with it around level 25 or so.  What I started to do the last character was to allow my main to provide level appropriate IOs but no sets.  Also, no XP boost however I will use AE at times to power level up to say the next power or IO break.  That seems to be working better for me.  Also, instead of staying strictly blue or red I've gone purple and just pick and choose missions.  For instance I like running mayhems more then I do safeguards.  Certain level range contacts I like on blue side and others I prefer the redside contacts.  This has kept me engaged in the character more.  We'll see if I make it all the way to 50 this way but I've certainly made it further than previous characters.

  10. 9 hours ago, Heraclea said:

    There are IIRC many dropped threads in the lore and storyline of the older game concerning low level enemies.  Vague hints about relations between the Skulls and Family, between the Hellions and the Circle, that are never really picked up on.   I would create alternative TFs at the Positron and Synapse levels that involve these enemies and resolve these plotlines.   Maybe make them unlockables for runnig Shauna Stockwell and Eagle Eye, whose story line touches on the teased Skull/Family relationship but ends abruptly with no real resolution as well.  I would make these new TFs an alternative to the Positrons and Synapse, and have them represent an alternative path to the Freedom Phalanx accolade.  Give them to Back Alley Brawler, he needs love.  



    I think this would satisfy my desire to have the ability to run the TFs at any level.  Instead of scaling up the current TF, give us expansions to those TFs that use either upgraded versions of the mobs or show the evolution from one group to another.  I'd still like the min level req removed as well though.  Always frustrating when planning to run a quick Manti but those that are on from the SG don't have a toon high enough they want to work on.  Sure they can exempt something else, but the point is to be able to play the toon they want rather than a toon that is in range.

  11. Yeah Ouro uses the timed challenges for badges.  A few TFs have Master Of badges for doing it with no deaths and no temp powers.  I don't think the timer does anything for the TFs other than give the team motivation to finish quickly though rarely does anyone pay any attention to it.  Would be nice if part of the TF revamp being discussed they add rewards for actually completing within the selected time.

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  12. 16 hours ago, Eva Destruction said:

    Regular missions do NOT work like that.  Regular missions have a 5- or 10- level range, just like most TFs do,  Some of the newer ones have a 20-level range, but that's the limit and people tend to run them at the high end of that range.  Mobs do not scale accordingly for higher levels; low-level mobs have fewer attacks, lower damage, fewer status effects, fewer debuffs.  Higher level groups will mez you, two-shot you, debuff you, and hang out with Sappers.  A team running Posi often wipes if you accidentally aggro two spawns at once, whereas high-level TFs expect you to fight multiple AVs at once, and teams rarely wipe.  Making low-level TFs remotely playable at 50 would require pretty much an entire redesign, and would make it significantly harder for low-level characters to find a TF team on which they can actually play instead of jogging along while a tricked out incarnate Brute solos the whole thing.



    I guess I wasn't clear in my intent with the idea.  When a level 50 joins a team that is being run by a level 25 the level 50 becomes 25.  So if the 25 starts a mission everyone on the team is 25 or 24.  This is the behavior we have currently.  I would like the option to have the reverse also work in that if the level 50 starts the TF then the 25 becomes 49 and everyone runs at the higher level.  Yes there is the potential for a level 1 to join a TF being run by a level 50 and the new level 49 with only 1 attack would be severely out matched both in powers available and in slots.  However, this is currently no different then a level 50 team running level 50 content that has a level 1 join for fun.  I just want the option to run any TF at any level.  Within the current design it may not be feasible but would be nice to not have to worry about minimum requirements.

    1. As already mentioned all TFs should allow for a team to run them at whatever level the leader is so if the leader is level 25 the mobs scale accordingly just like normal missions work.  That means Posi can be run at level 50 or Manti at level 25 with properly scaled mobs.  If at all possible, allow for incarnate level mobs as well to really stretch those end game builds if the leader is 50 +1.
    2. Along with #1 get rid of the min level requirement for all TFs.  With the revamped sidekick system there is no reason a level 1 can't be dragged through a Dr. Q.
    3. Better rewards if done +1 - +4 or if say a team of 4 does it with team size of 8.
    4. Along with #3 allow for a selection of rewards as mentioned above.  Merits, threads, or enh would be nice.
    5. NO STREET SWEEPS... ok well if not NONE then maybe at least make the sweep something that the group is actually in the area and we don't have to hunt the whole zone for the 1 or 2 spawns that happen.  Make the sweep a large ambush instead.
    6. Reduce the total defeat all.  Or maybe convert the defeat all into a defeat all with a EB boss.
    7. Positron:
      1. Actually in a good place.  The split is fine.  My only real gripe is having to go back to SC after going to Atlas in Posi 1.
    8. Synapse:
      1. Why the hell is this in Skyway if the entire TF is done in Steel???
      2. Remove all but 1 defeat all
      3. Remove the street sweep
      4. Remove the patrols or at least have something happen when the patrol point is clicked like I don't know maybe a nice ambush or 6
      5. No BOOM
      6. Why is this the only AV at the end we get a special gun that turns the fight into a cake walk?
    9. Yin:
      1. Why is the final mission door NOT in Terra Volta?  I know it is the terra volta map but still would be kinda nice to have to actually go to the zone.
    10. Citadel:
      1. Stop the back and forth between Talos and IP.  I'm ok with the 2 zones but just make first half in Talos and final in IP or vice versa.
      2. Remove most of the defeat alls
      3. Revamp the maps.  How about only 1 cave base?
      4. Did I mention no street sweeps?
    11. Manticore:
      1. Stop the all over the place with the mission doors.  Really should primarily take place in Brix and Crey's folly.
      2. The rescue should be an escort even though I loath those.
    12. Numi:
      1. Did I mention no street sweeps????

    And yes I know that I only went through the mains blue side.  I just don't run the red side that often to have them fresh in my mind.  Also the top points would apply to all the TFs not just the blue side main path.

    • Like 1
  13. Bio armor pairs nicely with a bunch of things and is a solid set.  My fav has been my dark melee / bio armor scrapper.

    Demon/Dark MM was fun.

    Elec melee/rad armor stalker solid AoE stalker.

    Illusion/Storm controller... oh the chaos.

    I'm biased but Nrg/Nrg blaster ... good fun solid single target destroyer

    • Thanks 1
  14. One thing to keep in mind is that IOs are bucketed.  The level does not matter.  Those level 50 IOs you say are underpriced could have been crafted level 10s.  Personally I list IOs when I upgrade an alt for way below market just because the inf is meaningless to me and I want them to sell quickly.  Typically I sell them for 5 inf just to get rid of them.  If they go for way more great.  If someone gets a steal (to use or flip) yay for them.

  15. TF Revamps: yes please.  Would love the option to run these at any level from base to 50 with properly scaled mobs.  Or even have incarnate level mobs if possible.  Move the current ones to Ouro so they are not lost but a serious once over of all of them (not just the main TFs) would be nice.  My biggest question or WTF? would be: Why is Synapse run almost entirely in Steel Canyon???  Would it have been a big deal to have that one be more about Trolls in Sky??

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  16. That was my thought too since so many DoTs were going off that the final hp was taken by one of those but I would still have thought it would have registered by the person who used it.  Though I wonder if maybe a pet got the kill.  I wasn't watching the pet combat listing since I didn't have any out at that time.  I think awarding it to the kill shot on the drop ship was a decent enough compromise.

  17. Because...  Our SG is always happy to find new friends to enjoy the game with.  We are a solid group that regularly has between 12 and 30 people in our chat channel running all manner of content.  We have players on all times of day and from all over the world.  We run our own discord channel as well where we organize things to do in game and just generally chat about all things CoX.  Give us a look.



  18. Maybe... probably... not.  This game at its core is about three things: costume, story, and people.  I've not come across many games since 2004 that have the level of character customization that this game has.  Sure a lot of games have preset armor pieces you can bolt on but not like this one.  You can play for months and not see another character with the same look as the one you just created.  The story is another piece that this game gets right.  Personally, I never bothered with the story lines or even read the story text that sets up the missions.  However, I know a lot of players that simply create new alts because they want to run through whatever story arcs they feel tell the story of the player in their head.  Finally the people.  For all the howling in gaming in general about "toxic" communities, this one has been solid.  Its not perfect but it is far more civil and friendly than any other game out there.  If not for the people to team with I would never set foot in the city again.


    For me personally, this game was fun for about 3 days back on live.  Luckily I found a core group of people to play with that 16 years later I still look forward to logging in and slapping some mobs around a map with same people.  Sure they take breaks from time to time.  I've been in and out a few times.  However, I come back because it is fun to run through the same TF for the 100th time joking all the while about whatever amusing thought pops into our heads as we go along.  Even if the population of the server drops to a few dozen, so long as the people left are fun to chat with I'm good.

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