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  1. I'm behind this idea.
  2. Also curious what the attacks and 18 power would do?
  3. I dig it. I'm not huge into elementals myself, but the third tier being the tank (Thugs) is absolutely my favorite. And I'd love to have one that isn't just some normal dudes lol.
  4. This is probably closer, absolutely. I personally would still want blaster powers though, maybe just swap out some of the damage increases for armor? Less burst damage but more survivability. Having the player take a portion of the damage henchmen take is a great idea though, full approval there. Idk how to properly give the character MORE ranged attacks without breaking it all. But damn do I want an MM with more dual pistol attacks lol.
  5. Person aside. I sorta like the idea? The only reason I am kind of against it, is because there are powers I'd like to see from other players. (And while id hate to bring it up, especially since I don't do it, PVP) But I think the pros out weight the cons. And might get me one step closer to turning off enhancement effects.
  6. I love many of my Support/Controller based Masterminds, but I'd love to have one where its more of a frontline Archtype, instead of in the back masterminding. Hence why I figured I'd post about "Boss", which is essentially the Dominator version of Mastermind. Swap out the secondary for Blaster/Scrapper powersets instead, and let us get our hands more dirty. Swap out the Mastermind offensives with some self-sustain. Change the Mastermind buff so that instead of buffing the minions, the more Minions that are around the more YOU get buffed. I'd also recommend changing the henchmen buffs to a toggleable aura that will automatically buff your henchmen as long as they are close enough. Still have to resummon them, but not having to rebuff them will help keep the "Boss" in the action. I'd really appreciate having a full bow or katana with my Ninja's. Or get the full dual pistols with thugs. Etcetc
  7. Brief? They are hardly brief, they last the entire fight when proceed. And it's a 33% chance. It happens basically every fight, as that is one of my most used powers. Also it's hardly "itty bitty". It's a huge difference since it makes it easy to lockdown an entire crowd. Plus, it's a huge assist on boss+. Glad that people are telling me my opinion is just wrong, and the issue is me. That always gives me a warm and fuzzy about the community.
  8. Well, a lot happened since the last time I checked this. I'll say this, lore wise I simply don't care. Lore wise, our planet would probably be destroyed 500x over from all the incidents at this point. Part of the problem is that, to me, as a controller heavy controller, it would be foolish to NOT take the enhancement. However, in taking it, I also lose a huge amount of what my character is. Sure maybe Mr Electric made my enhancement. But than my character now seems like it's more Mr Electric than my own character. Since I see more electrical cages than I do my own powers. My entire characters identity is basically lost. Imo, gimping myself for the purpose of keeping my characters identity seems like a bad choice gameplay wise. Dev time I have no idea, it could be a 10 minute fix for all I know. Or a 10 year one. Could be as easy as copy pasting all the proc IOs, and removing the effect of each and just adding (no effect) at the end of the name. I don't mind rebuying it. But maybe that's impossible, and not how it works at all. Not for me to say. I also don't really care when the proc happens lol. Just that it does proc. But that's my opinion. I had more to say, but I've got pneumonia, and my brain is kinda fried. Maybe I'll add more later.
  9. Asking for the option to remove enhancement based trigger effects. Example being the hold enhancement causing an electrical cage. Seems idiotic for my controller to not have the enhancement, but really sucks when my gravity controller just locks people in electrical cages all day lol. I enjoy seeing my gravity powers at work.
  10. As a controller who wants to be a REALLY good controller, I obviously want things that increase mag, and chance to hold, etcetc. However, when they proc it creates a basic colored electric cage, which absolutely does not fit the theme of my character. It hurts, and makes me sad. I'd just love the option to turn off all enh proc visuals, thats all.
  11. This looks awesome, I'm happy to see additional mechanics for the new stuff. Here is to hoping that we can add additional mechanics to older powersets, as I'd love to see that (Cough cough, especially MM's).
  12. Considering that NCSoft literally tried to sell CoX, which would completely thwart that plan, I'll wrap that up as "hearsay".
  13. I did for a bit, but the business model sucked too hard, so I quit. Not sure how relevant that is. NCSoft wouldn't have shut it down if it had made enough profit, about it. Or how about, I stick around, and try to add what I think would help the game? Ya know, constructive criticism. I will admit, my playtime has drastically been reduced the last couple weeks due to the lack of difficulty (And lack of redside). But I'll still pop in and out as long as Homecoming is around.
  14. No, it died because enough people weren't playing it... ------- Disagreed. Myself, nor any of my friends play any of those things that you listed. Besides your inclusion of 1/2 the game choices (Brute/Tank/Scrappers/Melee/Blasters). Looking at games that do have high difficulties, successfully, and have out-lasted CoX, this is not an issue. People look for "Tank/Healer/Etc". In large group raiding there is more specific, because they don't want too much overlap (Already have 3 of these specific healers, need a different one, etc).
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