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Posts posted by Hero_of_Light

  1. 1 hour ago, Lockpick said:

    I have serious alt-itis and once I get to 50, finish my IO build, and finish my Incarnate abilities I start a new character.  I now have 8 level 50 characters, so the ones I have at 50 seldom get played as I play alts to try and get them to 50.


    I was thinking today that it might be nice to have the multiple builds that we have today to allow players to select different ATs and/or power sets to new builds.  For example:


    • A player could have a Blaster on Build 1 and a Tank as Build 2, so they could play multiple roles. 
    • A player could build an Illusion/Rad Controller on Build 1, an Illusion/Ice Controller on Build 2, etc.


    I'm sure there is probably good reasons not to do this change, but when thinking about pros and cons this is what I see:



    • It might impact the number of new characters a player might create
    • The player may not have experience with the build if they are able to just select a new AT or power set for a new build



    • It might free up some names as players create fewer characters
    • It might allow a character to become more familiar to the community as the player plays that character for a longer time frame in game
    • A player would not have to get the accolades and badges for as many characters and in fact might spend more time badging because they have a main character that they put their time into for badges


    My suggestion:

    • Allow players to have the ability to select multiple ATs and/or power sets for their 3 builds
      • Ideally you would want a player to select Build 2 and then have to level that build as the player did the main build, but not sure if this would be feasible.
    • The ability to add an AT and/or power set to Build 2 would start at Vet Level 50
    • The ability to add an AT and/or power set to Build 3 would start at Vet Level 150
    • The ability to add ATs and/or power sets to builds could only be allowed for one character per account


    BTW, I'm not talking about the feasibility of doing this change as it may not be feasible.  I am interested in other players thoughts / feedback on this topic.  I think FF XIV allows the character to level various aspects, so there is some precedence.


    Hmm, very interesting idea. I think that it would be cool, as long as it's not a instant lvl 50 type of thing.


    Some of your concerns could also be addressed by having more in game things to do after lvl 50 besides just incarnate and badges. Like unlockables of some sort, or missions that could only happen at certain incarnate levels, or  veteran levels like you recommend.


    Maybe we could still gain exp after lvl 50, but donate it to another character?

  2. 32 minutes ago, MetaVileTerror said:

    They've already begun bringing volunteers in; there are two new story arcs done by holymittens, for example.  I imagine other people have contributed in other ways as well, but writing two (rather good, frankly) story arcs tends to garner some attention.
    The question becomes:  Will they be less picky about volunteers in the future?

    Oh hmm, I know they said on the dev corner volunteer application that they weren't really taking people in yet.


    Maybe they aren't taking volunteers in mass?


    Either way, more good volunteers the better 🙂

  3. 11 minutes ago, Dragon Crush said:

    I think truly instant TP could have some weird interactions experiencing/causing lag, although with computers being much better than they were when the game came out it might not be an issue any longer. Not sure I'd want this eating an incarnate slot, but maybe a (perma?) temp power you can get off the P2W vendor that requires X incarnate boosts before you can purchase it may be cool.

    It could be a new slot too, like instead of Hybrid or Lore, it's Journey?


    I feel it would be anticlimactic getting a fancy travel power from the p2w vendor, although if it had to be the p2w vendor, it's better than not at all 🙂

  4. 1 hour ago, MetaVileTerror said:

    So, my main Hero has always been a Teleporter, right from even before City of Heroes, when I brought the avatar in to this game.
    And recently, I've been thinking . . . if there is any way, even if it has to be an Incarnate-level Travel Power, it would be absolutely awesome to have a Teleport Power which is completely Instant.   Both Cast and animation time, rather than the 2 second activation time and 1.17 second delay.


    But, yeah, I know this isn't really likely.  Just expressing a flight of fancy . . . a hope . . . a dream . . . *melodramatically emotes a longing stare at nothing in particular, accentuated with a gesticulated hand pose*



     . . . but, yeah, in typing this up, I realize . . . if we're short on ideas for the Incarnate System, some Incarnate-level Travels would be awesome, no?  

    A Super Speed so fast that coming in to contact with an enemy throws them against the nearest wall at high velocity.

    A Fly so powerful that it blows enemies on to their butts as you zoom past them.
    A Super Leap which doesn't feel like you're just weirdly under the effects of moon gravity, and instead you actually move with some /OOMPH/.

    I like those ideas, I'm personally really looking forward to when/if they add in the experimental power pool so I can super speed and teleport  the with same power! 


    I really like these incantate travel form ideas too, but i'd worry about how they'd work in pvp. Maybe have them be the normal in pvp, or finely balanced?


    Although could it be any worse than the super jump and super speed combo in pvp? (Shrug... I really don't enjoy Popcorn vs Popcorn) 

  5. 21 minutes ago, MetaVileTerror said:

    I think Base Souvenirs is a good idea, provided that we just reuse the existing assets (less work the GMs, no one is left out for creativity purposes), and make the Souvenirs Unlockable with the special element being that they're Clickable, like Plaques.

    I really hope that when they allow volunteers in, that it will help lessen the load and requests like these will not only be possible, but volunteers can help do most of the work. 

  6. 20 minutes ago, MetaVileTerror said:

    With the way the last thread went, I never really felt like I had the chance to build off of what could have been the positives . . . so:  Fresh start, fresh face.

    I think Base Souvenirs is a good idea, provided that we just reuse the existing assets (less work the GMs, no one is left out for creativity purposes), and make the Souvenirs Unlockable with the special element being that they're Clickable, like Plaques.

    Imagine, if you will:
    Anyone could place Infernal's Axe asset in their base, just like it is right now.
    But if you complete the story arc "Into Valhalla," then you get a single copy of the special version of that Axe to place in your base, which anyone can then click on to read the Souvenir text.  Ideally (though potentially not possibly) with the player character's name in place of "you" (and grammar adjusted accordingly).

    Both really good ideas! Imagine if, since they are really supergroup bases, it could be based off the players in the SG.


    Picture a pathway lined with trophies, but each one is a trophies that a member picked from their own. So as you go down the path and click them, you can see each person personal favorite trophies on display and know who placed it : D

  7. I was thinking it would be cool if, (cant take full credit, was having a conversation on the homecoming discord and we stumbled on this idea) after finishing a tf, or a large story arc, or a certain badge, a rewarded placeable base item would be really cool :D!


    Like, after you finish the posi tf you get a positron plushy (Yes! Plushy version of every npc!) that you can place on a shelf in the base, or after finding out about Manticore (no spoilers) you get a broken arrow or something of the sort :).


    Yes i know badges exist already. But displable base trophies would be cool!

    • Thanks 1
  8. 9 minutes ago, Infinitum said:

    They are already doing that.


    That's not what you are asking for.


    I'm not sure you know what you want at this point.



    Ok kid... I know they're planning on doing that, and it's because since people suggested it. I don't jump into people's suggestions to say no  more power sets or missions just because I want something else instead and feel people have enough of that suggestion. 


    I also want something, so I suggested it, then comprimised and changed my suggestion.


    Who's here saying no ONLY because they'd rather devs work on something else because they think theres enough of what someone else is suggesting?

  9. 1 minute ago, MunkiLord said:

    Sure it is, because it's what you want. If it happens to benefit other people and cause the game to stick around longer, well that benefits you too. So it is selfish. And that's ok, there is nothing wrong with that. Every single person that plays does it for their own benefit. 

    And the best we can do is try and add more to the game that allows everyone to enjoy something out of it, the more the better. 

  10. 5 minutes ago, Infinitum said:

    Its not selfish when what I'm saying is best already exists.


    Theres No need to waste time or energy on whats already in game.

    Power sets are already In game, so are story arcs. Should devs never add more?


    I'm not one that makes tons of others characters,  should I tell others they shouldn't ask for a new powers sets just because I wont use them and would and rather have something else?


    No, that's selfishly shortsighted.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, Infinitum said:

    Prove it.


    I dont know of one single person that wants it in game.


    I cant prove it at all though.


    Ps you already have what you seek.


    And im done here.


    lol. Go play zelda and pull the master sword out a few times it may make you feel better.

    So instead of playing a game I love, and wanting more out of it, I should play a different game. Got it.

  12. 10 minutes ago, Infinitum said:

    1. They arent quite ready to get it yet?  What level are they because you can start on the atlas medallion at level 1.


    2. Has the one guy that dont use weapons unlocked any of the other accolades?


    Quigley down under "I said I didnt have use for them, never said I couldn't"


    Just because someone doesn't use a blaster dont mean they can't.


    Even Jedi have used blasters when they needed to.


    By your own admission you arent utilizong content that exists to do exactly what you are asking for.


    That you can start seeking at lvl1.

    1. They arent quite ready to get it yet?  What level are they because you can start on the atlas medallion at level 1.


    (Did you miss the part where he specifically mentioned the crey pistol? Should in have my lvl 15 go and try getting 200 crey protectors? )


    2. Has the one guy that dont use weapons unlocked any of the other accolades?


    Quigley down under "I said I didnt have use for them, never said I couldn't"


    Just because someone doesn't use a blaster dont mean they can't.


    Even Jedi have used blasters when they needed to.


    (So now you're telling me how to roleplay my characters?)


    By your own admission you arent utilizong content that exists to do exactly what you are asking for.


    That you can start seeking at lvl1.


    (Seeking yes, did your miss where I said I was working to lvl them the old fashion way? Did I say i wasn't playing on getting Freedom Phalanx Reserve? Maybe at lvl 18 I should make it a priority just so you know I'm seeking it.)

  13. 3 minutes ago, Infinitum said:

    The game doesnt exist to please you alone.


    You act like you are entitled to this because you want it and need it so bad.


    Nobody has to compromise any with you because your ideas are trivial and not aimed at improving the overall arc of the game at all except for you alone.

    As you live in your own bubble ingoring others that want it.


    Most gamers here don't spend tons of times on fourms, and most people I've spoken to about it in game and on discord like the idea. So even if only %30 of players want something (which is a much lower estimate that my conversations suggest) should they just be ignored because they want something added in the game that doesn't affect you in the slightest?

  14. 4 minutes ago, EmmySky said:

    Your definition of better and other people's definition of better do not agree.  If 'them' forcing their idea of better on you is wrong then why is 'you' forcing your idea of better on them right?  



    Which is why comprise is essential and why I updated my OP with a comprised approach.


    Which apparently now isn't bad because its baring people from content, but because I shouldn't like it an it, and apparently is a manifestation of real life failings? Or something.

  15. 3 minutes ago, Infinitum said:

    Yeah they did.... lol


    Did You even see the episode where Barkley was addicted to the holiday.


    His whole life was feeling sorry for himself.


    There are a lot of parallels of him and you also.


    Because You have an extremely distorted view of how the game should work, and it likely transfers to a lack of self worth in your real life.


    Thats why no artificial line will ever be good enough for you.

    And did you see where he actually made changes and improved upon himself? I enjoy how youb don't know me but assume things about my life.


    There are many ingame 'lines' I haven't asked to improve upon.


    Also. Its funny they you seem to think goal lines shouldn't ever be moved. Should I assume that's because you don't like to challenge youself in real life? No, because I don't know you.

  16. 3 minutes ago, Omega-202 said:

    Where did you lose sight of the fact that this is a game, and not real life? 


    You want to feel accomplished?  Go get a promotion at work, go get a degree, go volunteer, go beat your max at the gym.  


    Your comparison for "working hard leads to accomplishments" falls apart immediately when any rational person takes a look at it.  

    So i shouldn't want to get a sense of acomplishment out of a hobby I enjoy? 


    I should go tell the devs of dark souls that they have the wrong idea and it'll never work, oh wait. 


    And no dont twist things I don't want CoH to be dark souls. Just pointing out that saying just because its only a video game doesn't mean you shouldn't want to feel a acomplished. 


    Now I'm sure you'll repeat that I can feel acomplished if i just make up my own goals, them Ill say that sometimes people don't want to make up thier own goals, then you'll say theres plenty of goals in game already do why add more, then I'll say that just because not everyone has done everything doesn't mean more shouldn't be worked on, and it'll continue until you repeat again.



    I get it, you have nothing to add to the conversation or my idea to make it more enjoyable and instead just dont like the idea because it's not what you and your friends want.

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