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About Helgrenze

  • Birthday September 24

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  1. Noticed an issue with certain weapons, specifically firearms. I have several costumes (different characters) that had different guns, both Rifles and Pistols. Lately, since last update, all costumes are showing the same weapon or combo of weapons. Example: One character has revolvers for one costume, and Maelstrom pistols for another. Now both show the last weapons chosen at Icon. Same with the rifle characters, all costumes have the same weapon even if I had different ones for different outfits.
  2. Been thinking about possible changes to Super Strength on Tankers. The first three attacks are hitting lighter than most other melee powers. It just doesn't seem "super" at lower levels in comparison, even verses the Brute version. The damage jump (or dropoff) from Haymaker (Moderate) to Knockout Blow (Extreme) is huge and makes the earlier attacks seem lacking. I think the simplest solution is to shift the Tanker damage categories for Jab, Punch, and Haymaker (Minor, Light, Moderate) up to match the Brute levels (Minor, Moderate, Heavy). As things stand, Air Superiority is the hitting with about the same damage as the Tanker Haymaker. I also think Jab should be moved up to Light Damage in both ATs.
  3. Thank you all for your time and insights. Special Thank you to those that were able to answer my question, about First Ward, etc..., I understand that situation much better. I am currently exploring some of the options available. For the record, Pineapple on a white pizza with gorgonzola and pepperoni is fantastic. Just not 'Chicago Pub Style' a.k.a. "crackers and cheese pizza".
  4. Thank You all for this amazing game. I have been playing since shortly after release. Question for any/all: Were there any plans to give Praetorians the option of going straight to First Ward as part of the storyline instead of going to Paragon/Rogue Islands first?
  5. This has also been happening with the Blueside Smugglers ships to and from Striga. Doors Helicopter mission door NPCs have been fixed and should no longer cause long delays before the player starts entering the helicopter.
  6. Not sure its a "bug" issue... The "Gloves" options when equipping a "Trench Coat" are limited to about 17 choices. This is an issue since I have a concept for a sleeveless trench with a certain type of glove (Vanguard Big for example) that isn't one of the 17 options. Full options are available for the "Sleeveless" Robe and Jacket groups. Since "Sleeves" are optional for the "Trench Coat" in the costume creator, I was hoping there was a fix for this in the works. Having the "Sleeves" option limiting the "Gloves" options would probably be a solution, as would adding a "Sleeveless Trench Coat" option. I can work with the current options but it ruins the aesthetic I am trying for.
  7. Just tried an experiment. I've used the CTRL+Click for Healing Aura. You can put Vulnerability on "auto-fire" with CTRL+Click. Works from any tray, so you can have it in one you don't use much. This means that even when only half charged it hits what you have targeted. The caveat is only one power on auto-fire at a time. But it does eliminate the need to click the power. In a large mob, it will trigger every 30 seconds as the Opp bar fills. This works even when double clicking or tabbing to a new target. It also keeps the Vuln on a target that takes longer than 30 sec to defeat. Makes it MUCH more useful. The 100ft range might be an issue, most of my Fire/Fire's powers are 40-60ft.
  8. What I am trying to say is that Blasters are supposed to be the top ranged damage types. Giving what is basically the second best, close to similar damage might affect not HOW blasters are played, but IF they are. Blasters are basically glass cannons, though still better survivability that Doms. The range/def trade off is only one aspect of the Sentinel. There is also a strength/survivability trade off. They have a low-mid Melee rating, a high-mid ranged and a low-high Def. Moving them up to a low/mid-high on ranged damage doesn't make sense to me. Just seems to be playing to a vocal minority. If they MUST add to the Sentinel attack strength, a 1.00 rating would be better with the changes to Opp/Vuln.
  9. Playing my Fire/Fire Sent, with Vulnerability and Molten Embrace, I seem to be doing better than Blaster standard damage. The added +10% from ME boosts the damage to 1.21 (I think), plus the DoT effect. Vulnerability adds 5% on top of that for 1.28 on the damage scalar. I can see this being exploited by 'power gamers" with Fire/Fire becoming the "go to" build. I could be wrong about how all the bonuses add up.
  10. I like the Vulnerability power a lot. Actually better than the previous (live) version. The power creep... not so much. Even at .950, Sents are decent ranged damage dealers. Vuln adds to their effectiveness. I've always looked at them as "Blaster Lite". Boosting the damage to within .025 of Blasters might have an adverse effect on Blasters, with their only advantages being the Sniper ability and Defiance.
  11. Repulsion Field needs either the KB or Repel to be throttled back a bit. Using it, I was sending foes 100-200 feet away in an outdoor setting. Granted I do have Kinetic Crash set slotted in the power (current value =13.34). Repulsion Bolt seems fine. With the IO sets I have slotted it recharges fast enough to keep up with other powers (6.58 sec). Force Feedback set slotted. Most other changes are fine. Haven't been able to try some due to server populations at the hours I am usually on.
  12. Since this went live, I have noticed that on most of the JACKETS, Cybertech Long in my case, but also others, that the interiors are no longer color tint-able. This throws off the aesthetic of several characters, since the default secondary color is light gray/white.
  13. PALADIN. This is already one of the hardest GM Badges to get, Lusca being another. Right now the build time seems to be about 5 minutes once the alert goes out. That's fine if you are in the zone and near the South end of the map. But if you have to zone in and go looking for the build it can take 2-2.5 minutes. then you have to build a team which can take the rest of the time. Can the timer be set for longer, 7.5 to 10 minutes? That would give people time to zone in, find the build site, make a team, and get everyone to the build before it is completed. Thank you.(edited) NEW @Helgrenze
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