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Posts posted by GamerKate

  1. On 6/19/2023 at 1:03 PM, irkallanprince said:

    I would say you're more likely to run into a queer person on Everlasting than not. It's also the RP server if that's your thing. I help run the Penny Palace, which is the queer bar on Everlasting and we host two events a month and are currently planning a big Pride bash on the 25th. We'd love to see you there!

    Thank you 😄

    I have moved my toons to Everlasting and joined the discord 🙂 I'll keep playing and hopefully join an Sg at some stage 🙂



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  2. On 6/20/2023 at 3:37 AM, Player2 said:

    We all need safe spaces.



    Some of us need spaces where we can be sure we wont see any posts from cishet folks making it about them. IYKYK.

    Don't give up your dayjob, Comedian.

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  3. Hi,


    I was wondering if there is a supergroup on any server where I could find some fellow LGBTQ+ peeps.

    ALso, I'm on Reunion at rhe moment - is it worth me relocating my toons to another server, one that's maybe better po[pulated?


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  4. I played on Live, but my partner didn't. They do now though! They're mad keen on controllers, and we're currently duoing a stalker/troller duo from zero to fifty exclusivley teamed together and trying to stay as close to the same xp count as each other as possible (If I die, they groan bc I'm like 'Oops, I guess you gotta faceplant on purpose now!' - although we also sometimes do the 'run far away from teammate and defeat a few mobs to catch up' tactic for that as well).


    It's the fist MMO they've got into, WoW etc never appealed to them. CoH is so solo-friendly and easy to run on a low-spec rig that it's, well, i'm preaching to the choir arent I? 😄



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  5. 1 hour ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

    Please don't add a special mode to make Task Forces soloable.


    99.99% of the content in this game is soloable. There should be at least a little bit of content that usually requires a team.

    There is, they're called TFs at harder difficulty settings (This Issue Page will literally add MORE content that requires a team lol), and adding an EZ mode OPTION won't affect that at all. You will still have all of your team content 😄


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  6. 1 hour ago, Cobalt Arachne said:

    We've already had some internal discussions on a new 'Easy Mode' for TFs that allow them to be solo-able by any character for reduced rewards. Can't comment on any of the specifics, as it's not a Page 3 thing.

    At the very least we would have some details to nail down on the how's and what's before committing to it as a feature, but it's very possible to do and on our radar.

    Oh wow, really? 

    Well that's absolutely fantastic to hear. I was intrigued to hear that it is somehow possible to solo all the TFs with a suitably tricked out scrapper, but hearing that an Easy Mode for TFs is on your radar has really made my day. I can wait, and until then I fervently hope the new Xtra Hard Modes are greeted with delight by players who like challenge - I am always happy when other players are happy 🙂


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  7. 20 minutes ago, Shadeknight said:

    You can solo it/duo it. The only issue comes in the AVs, which will take time. Now if you mean every AT should be able to solo/duo it, that is a balance thing because not all ATs are soloers of AVs. You can, already in game, make it easier on yourself (Shivans, nukes, lore pets, envenomned dagger temp power, etc)

    I'm not sure what downward would look like given that very few of the AVs in end-level TFs have EB versions for example.

    Now, most TFs (if not all, I forget) also have no timer on them. You can take your time solo/duo in them all you want. Nothing really needs to change.

    I have a lvl 50 claws/SR scrapper. I am stoked to hear how I can solo MS Liberty's TF.

    You say 'Nothing really needs to change', as though change is not a part of the game as it is.

    The CoT used to need 8 people. No doubt someone was thinking 'nothing really needs to change', but it did, and the game is better for it. Heck, TFs used to require at least 2 players to start them. Are you campaigning to put that back the way it was supposed to be? 😄

    I tried to solo the TF with Reichsmann in it last week. I got to the first AV and it was impossible for me. No idea what cool missions are after that.

    ALso, tbh, full team TFs are execrable. My screen is just a huge mess of effects for the most part.

    I joined a Hami raid last week too, to get the badge. I was told to go to the Abyss, so I did, and was immediately teleported somewhere. Then I was told to wait until the tanks had lured something, and then I was teleported into a horrible mass of crap. I tabbed until Hami appeared and then just spammed attacks and shortyl afterwards I got a badge and found myself in a huge empty hole in the ground.

    The majority of TFs I join, I end up thinking they might as well just spawn a series of Avs one by one in a small room, because all we do is rush from AV to AV.

    I dont mind actually using tqactics or what have you to fight a mob - one of my favourite fights is the Marshall Blitz fight in one of the SGGs, that's fun, its not just 'hit mob till dead', and I can do it on my own and appreciate the story and the map and whatnot.

    But its a pity I cant ever see more than the first mission in a TF on my own.


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  8. On 11/7/2021 at 6:44 PM, Albion said:

    So to bring back the topic from other thread, and trying to keep it nice, hard mode is not a monster that will force you to slot this way or play that other way, it is just an optional challenge setting, that you yourself decide to participate in, and so should abide by some mechanics like in any game that has you facing oponents who would love to see you hug the floor while you rather return that to them; it has been tested already at large that can be done with any at build and any type of team origin (even a pug), it is going to be a hardship if you are unprepared and just fool around or don't listen to leads and do your work?, well yes but that's on you, if you are having fun though and all on the team go with that vibe, cheers, there is not a single thing being enforced or railroading you this way or the other, there is even optional ways to avoid the worse engagements (more options inside an optional feature!, madness). In my personal experience, I have gotten used to a certain way to go in runs, and had to rewire my brain the first three times in, which was great, it is never good to entrench oneself on "what works best".


    I like the way this is stated, as it also supports my personal issue with TFs and Trials etc - they cant be soloed, for the majority. 

    I am completely supportive of these extra challenging difficulty options being added to the game for players who like to run difficult conent. Having ultra-hard difficulty settings for thos eplayers does not impact my game at all. I only wish the same consideration was given to players such as myself, who play primarily fir the narrative and not at all for challenge or even loot. I do run TFs on Live, and invariably, they are 8-person teams who have all run the TF befire nd so we just zerg through it, and I dont get to spend any time looking at the cool unique maps or whatever, its just rush to whoever the tank is hitting and hit that.

    I want difficult options to go the other way, down. For example, I want to be able to solo (or at least duo it with my gf)the Ms Liberty TF on my own time. I dont need loot at all from it a part from badges, if thats what it takes to get the leet players to let me have that.

    I live with my elderly infirm mother, and sometimes she calls me and I have to pause my game and park my toon in a safe place and go attend to her. I cannot do that in a pickup 8-man TF which expects to not stop everything for half an hour. 

    "Well there's lots of solo content you can do instead"
    "Dont play a mutli-player game if you want to solo"

    "Theyve been designed for teams"

    I've heard them all, I know I'm going to get roasted here, but that quote up top works for my argument as well. Making TFs soloable would be an optionable choice that would not force uber players to solo TFs.


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  9. I decided to go to the Shadow Shard for the first time since starting to play HC, and for some reason I thought the portal tothere was located in the little courtyard to the right of the main entrance to Portal Corp in PI - it's got a helipad and some police drones in it.

    I asked in chat and nobody could remember any portal there at all on live.

    Is this just my memory playing with me, or can anyone else remember any sort of portal (and some npcs and whatnot stood around) in that location on Live?

    I know how to get to FBZ now btw, lol, but for the life of me I swear I can recall something outside there.



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  10. 23 hours ago, Darlomidge said:


    I don't believe there's a definitive guide anywhere telling you how to play a powerset? Certainly not in game anyway. I don't recall saying I don't know how to use a character either, I said I struggled with the Invul power set a little. Did you have anything meaningful to add to this topic other than deviating from my OP?

    I didnt mean to insult you, I was confused at some of your stated approach, for example having SOs at lvl 50 and not using inspirations. The tutorial teaches us how to use inspirations, for example, and I was surprised at a lvl 50 player not knowing about their usefulness.


    There's nothing wrong with powerlevelling, I hasten to add, if that's your cup of tea then its all good. Just that when you said you were 'rolling' a lvl 50 I thought you were somehow being able to have a fully powered lvl 50 without levelling it, as I usually see 'rolling up a character' to mean creating a new one in the CC and then zoning in at lvl 1



  11. I came here as someone who really doesn’t like the perma-night at all, but the poster who pointed it it’s only one month and we get 11 other months with daylight made me realise that the game isn’t just for me. And I can cope with a few more weeks of gloomy downer overcast weather in game by remembering that somewhere out here are fellow gamers who ARE THE NIGHT! And they are very happy with the perma-Dark. 


    I’ll be jumping for joy when the sun comes up over the Striga island volcano, but until then, carry on 😄



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  12. To the poster commenting about ‘Depression’, my sincere apologies, I used ‘depressed’ lightly not as a description of an actual clinical diagnosis. 


    Depression is a serious illness and I shouldn’t have used that phrase even though it’s commonly used by people who are lucky enough to not suffer from it. 


    I will try to remember not to use it in future. 


    As for the topic, I’m not going to stop playing ofc, and I’m v happy that other players are loving the Long Dark Lol, I’m always happy to see my fellow CoH players joyous over something even if whatever it is isn’t my cup of tea. It’s only a few weeks after all :)



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  13. I had 36 alts back on Live but only a few at lvl 50, and now I have 9 at lvl 22 or so. I’m a story-hound so I very rarely farm, and even when I do it’s on occasions such as getting to Doc Delilah at lvl 19.5, where I need half a level to unlock her arc, do I’ll go do a DiB until I hit 20. I have done the moon map farm a few times when i couldn’t get on a DiB


    I have done The Hollows, Faultline and Montague Csstenella umpteen time’s now and I have got to the stage where it’s kind of like farming, the various maps and missions are so familiar lol. Some people have said they farm because they’re bored of playing the same content over and over but isn’t that what farming is?


    Redoing the same content over and over with different toons has become something I now look forward to. I have beaten Arbiter Sands on 9 different ATs and powerset combos, and it’s interesting to me to think ‘ok, next mission  Arbiter Sands, how shall I approach him on a TA/A defender?’ or whatever my new toon is. 


    And that I think is pretty  much the same mindset taken by people who like to farm to 50 and then play their toons through the incarnate trails over and over, they’re seeing how to apply new sets to the same content. We’re not so different. 


    i’d personally go crazy if I had to do the same map in the AE from 1-50. 


    But each to their own, CoH is a big sandbox and there’s room for us all. 


    Just please don’t make the normal content any faster at levelling. We already outlevel content at the rate we go. 


    For some of us CoH continues to be ‘journey not destination’. 




    ps I also like the destination, I have v fond memories of incarnate content from Live. I’m just really savouring ALL the content, I’m in no rush to get to 50 yet 

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  14. The Halloween event is cool but good god Paragon City is depressing being constantly dark. A whole month of darkness is too long I think. 


    One of my GFs started playing recently too and we’re currently in a Striga and I don’t want her to think the game looks this gloomy all the time lol. 


    Is there daytime anywhere in the game heroside for lvl 30 and under apart from Ouro?



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  15. I’ve done the Hollows arcs ten times in the past few weeks, getting alts up towards lvl 15 to take them to BB for shivans.


    Hate the pumicites but I’ve grown to love Frostfire and his moron. :D



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