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Posts posted by GamerKate

  1. hello!


    Thank you for creating this!


    I would like to add it to my review queue if you are open to that. Could you give me some advice on what level is appropriate and what sort of archetype/powerset combo you feel would be best to play it with?



  2. Hello!


    1. It’s good to be home :)

    2. I only have low level characters so far.

    3. I Had an MA review thread Back In The Day on the old forums where I reviewed player-made arcs in character with an optimistic open joyful approach, and because I appreciate the hard work that goes into creating these things, I feel that positive encouraging criticism is vital, and so my overriding attitude when playing them is to actively look for the passion and dedication that’s involved in making them, and so I aim to rate them highly. I like narrative based arcs, I’m a story-hound, and if a story grabs me I will go to ungodly lengths to complete it :)


    Obviously, so far we don’t have loads of arcs up, so until we get enough arcs available to warrant submissions, I’m going to go for arcs already advertised here on this forum.


    I also still have my old reviews archived and available, so if any of the arcs featured in those are loaded into our AE in Homecoming, I’ll notice and post those old reviews so people can see how awesome they are. I have read these old reviews today, and doing so really brought home to me how awesome the MA community was and I hope still can be. CoHs AE system was revolutionary and it still stands as a unique and amazing mechanism in MMOs for its ability to equal and surpass the official missions and arcs that exist. I am SO HAPPY to see this back in my life and I eagerly await the wonders that I’m sure will be made, both from old players presenting the arcs that they made Back In The Day and by new players who i welcome with open arms to Paragon and to our community.


    For submissions and arcs i choose to review, My only rules are:


    No Malta

    No KoA


    (I’m not any sort of Uber-player in terms of leet Combat/build skillz and those mob groups are not fun for me).


    And to start with, low level 1-20 please. 



  3. CoH is perfect for altitis. The huge variety of powerset combos and costume concept choice makes it like playing hundreds of different games each play through of the content imo.


    After CoH, every mmo I tried, I got to lvl 20 or so and started over with a new class or whatever and I was just disappointed at finding the play the same. WoW was especially depressing when the playerbase there seemed to just be ‘roll one room, rush to lvl cap and keep going.’


    I had 34 CoH alts with only 4 at lvl cap after 8 years of subbing.


    Never gets old.


    This week, finding CoH again - best fucking week of the past decade for me :D

  4. They’re beefing The MA? How?


    I don’t care personally about getting xp from it, I love the storyline arcs, plus I write my own. If they remove xp from it i’m Ok with it but it’s a revolutionary part of CoH imo so i’d Hate to see it go.

  5. Clave! It’s MrCaptainMan!


    We’re back!!!


    I downloaded the client today and after doing Outbreak and getting to Atlas, I actually cried lol.


    Looking forward to playing all the MA goodness again!


    So good to be home.



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