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Posts posted by GamerKate







    I seriously think you are not giving George Bedford the credit he deserves... It took real effort to get off the couch, find his shoes, get in the car, go to Walmart (on a Saturday afternoon), put together his contraption, after the nap he took upon returning from Walmart of course.  And to cap it all off, he was able to complete this project with 3 beers left over from his case of 24 Molson, he bought for the occasion.



    XD Finding his shoes was probably ‘Woman, where are my shoes?’


    Hopefully the response was ‘in the refuse sack on the front lawn, along with the rest of your crap you lazy entitled jackass. Bagging it up was hard work but nothing compared to the years of emotional labour I’ve been doing for you throughout our marriage!’




  2. CO simply put is garbage.



    This game promotes team play. Solo play in this game is rough and unrewarding.




    For you, its rough and unrewarding. For me and a lot of other players, CoH is fantastic at encouraging solo play. Scaling difficulty, instanced missions, temp powers like Shivans to give even squishy toons some help with EBs etc. The only way they could possibly improve it is to lower the minimum start requirements for TFs to 1 player. And even without doing that, it’s possible to solo TFs by having a friend on your team but logged out after you start one.


    And of course the CoH team game is fantastic too.


    CoH does ‘player choice’ better than any other MMORPG I’ve tried.



  3. No no no. I'm disappointed in all of you.


    How did you miss the fact that Champions Online was completely a SOLO game, vs City of Heroes that's completely a TEAM game?


    This is the major difference that makes all of us throw up when we got in CO. Not one of you remembered the first year of CO where it was IMPOSSIBLE to team up? And I don't even know if they fixed it (I tried to play it several times during the first years and it was the same pretty much), and even than it would still be just a "patch" attached to a game born to be solo-played.


    I remember my attempts to team up in Champions Online very clearly:

    A: "I have 4 missions, but only one can be shared"          <------- OBSCENE that the majority of missions couldn't be shared for several reasons

    B: "Oh what level?"

    A: "12"

    B: "Oh sorry but I'm level 7"      <------- really? the devs that CREATED the exemplar feature force you to do missions at specific levels?



    That was Champions Online. A better gameplay to me (personal tastes), a better graphic to me (personal tastes), and even better missions (buildings in flame and missions under water or in space etc.) and still with all this favourable personal tastes I couldn't play it because it wasn't a mmorpg at all, it was the exact opposite of City of Heroes.


    Impossible to team-up and team mechanics completely lacking/rushed or not working at all.


    It's a SOLO game, that's all. How did they manage to screw things up like that when City of Heroes was the king of easy team picking and quest sharing and community chit-chatting? Easy answer, because it was born in the "After-WorldOfWarcraft" era where all mmorpgs became such boring solo-content where you just see 1 person around which doesn't even "hello" you since he has to run to the next mission to exp alone.


    And for me, CoH is THE most solo-friendly MMO game I’ve ever played lol. I love to solo or to duo with a friend, and on Live I was able to solo the Sister Psyche TG with my emp/sonic defender and a few shivans whilst chatting with friends in chat. Instances mean we don’t have to hang around in the overworld waiting for mobs to respawn and other players to bugger off, and pretty much any AT can solo even ‘hard’ content if you use inspirations and temp powers effectively.


    And yes, it’s also awesome for teaming :)


    I also love that it doesn’t have facing. Urgh I hate bloody facing in MMOs. I love the click target and then click your powers, and your hero turns to face.



  4. I’m not sure I’d say it’s as simple as Blaster=Mage. My kin/rad Defender feels like a mage. So does my SG mate’s Ill/kin controller.


    My Emp/Sonic Defender is great at healing but he siloed Sister Psyche’s TF with a few Shivans, so ‘Defender = Healer’ doesn’t work either often.


    CoH’s ‘classes’ are so flexible compared to other MMOs I have tried. It’s a great game.



  5. As a filthy casual, it's that I can just hop on and play.  I don't have to worry about my build and plug hours into working on it, I don't have to play like a twitch gamer, and I don't face dying every damn five seconds.


    I also like the customization, basically designing your own action figure and then getting to play with it.


    I find it a bit ironic that I consider myself a filthy casual, and I also think coH is perfect for filthy casuals like me, but I can happily play it from morning till bedtime with small breaks for food lol



  6. Hmm. This ‘coh’ folder You mention - I have a CoH folder in my c drive but I installed Icon years ago on my e drive and that’s where Homecoming went too.


    Also this file is an exe file, so I’m not sure what you mean by ‘unzip’.


    Some tips would help a lot :)



    EDIT: I found out how to do it. The exe can go anywhere, and when you’re prompted, install it in the Same folder that Tequila shortcut leads to.




  7. I just want to comment for other low-level players that I’ve been getting the explo badges in AP, KR and The Hollows  on all my alts and using the merits to buy 3 enhancement converters at the merit vendor and then listing them in the AH for 1 Inf, and ending up with 5-6mil at least in total , which is absolutely plenty for a toon of lvl 1-10 to get some great lvl 10 crafted enhancements to slot, and leaves you safely able to buy inspirations etc while you go about your business.


    I have no idea who’s buying them or what they do with them, but i attest this is currently a really great way to get seed money to start with.


    So Thank you once  again for this Excellent tip.



  8. I’m really sorry about this, but i’m Sure you’ll get some actually useful advice before long. Until then...


    Back on Live, I did an experiment to see how long it would take me to get a fresh 50 tanker to T4 through PUG Incarnate Trials. It took me seven days, and being a bit of a weirdo for rewriting song lyrics, it inspired this:


    (With apologies to Rocky Horror fans)


    In Just Seven Days


    A Tanker, with just Alpha unlocked

    Will get egg on his face

    When kicked to the Hosp…

    But soon in the BAF

    With a determined taunt

    He’ll learn about chokes

    As he works for his dro-o-ops

    And if he listens..

    And then a sLAM and a Keyes

    And repeat, as he sees

    He’ll get threads, iXP

    He’ll be a strong toon

    Oh honey!



    But the wrong toon

    He’s un-shifted for MoM

    And Marked by Maelstrom

    Can’t do UG without crying

    Repeatedly dying

    Such an effort

    If he only knew of my plan


    In just seven days

    I can make you IN-CA-AA-AR-NATE!


    He’ll craft cantrips and gluons

    Learn to macro for cut-scene bombs

    Thinks rewards prove trials

    Must be hard work

    Such epic protesting

    Those trials left me bored


    When in just seven days

    Oh, baby

    I can make you T-FO-O-O-OURED!




    But a Lore Pet or a Rebirth

    A hot Judgement on some warworks

    Makes me – Ooh – shake

    Makes me wanna take root in

    Freedom Pocket D




    In just seven days

    Oh baby

    I can make you PLUS THREE-EE-EE-EE!


    I don’t want no dissension

    Just take me to that Praetorian dimension

    For all the whistles and bells




    In just seven days

    I can make you OWN THE WE-E-E-ELL!!!

    Dig it if you can




    In just seven days

    I can make you THE MAN!







  9. For some reason my English speaking self wants to add an extra L into it and make it "Tequilla", like "Godzilla", or "Alligator"... even though I know it's wrong. My brain says that the right spelling is the wrong spelling.



    Stupid English.... don't even get me STARTED on the "plugable" devices that we have all over the office at work...


    Oh yeah I see that and think ‘ploo-gable’? What?’ Lol



  10. Whenever I double click my Tequila icon to get the launcher up, I exclaim “Tequila!” in that way that people do when they say “Tequila!”


    I’ve bet my gf that I’m not alone in this 😂



  11. And not three mushrooms either.  One mushroom, it came up to my knee.


    At least when I faceplant in this game it's because my new tank ran into the middle of some guys who I forgot sap End, then he lost his toggles.  I killed myself, and had fun doing it, rather than being one-shotted by some fungi.


    It wasn’t even a case of me accidentally wandering into the Endgame Content Epic Shroom of Doom area, it was a mob in a lvl 5 mission!  My demigod being killed by something out of Super Mario was Working As Intended!


    Ugh other MMOs are terrible. I played one (it might have been Aion too, Ican’t remeber, I tried so many after CoH) and one mission had me go give some medicine to an elf that was lost in the forest. The the elf was in the overworld, because this game had no instances. When I arrived in the deep dark spider-infested forest to rescue this elf - because his wife had begged me to, telling me nobody else would help and he was surely lost unless I and ONLY I (she really harped on about how I was the chosen one) could go save him - there was a queue of about ten other PCs waiting in line for the Pc at the front of the queue to give him the potion, upon which he would vanish (as the game’s phasing tech showed the player who’d just gave him the option the elf standing up thanking the PC and running off) then waiting for him to respawn so they could do it all over again.


    It was absolutely ridiculous. I literally had time to have a chat with the player in front of me in the queue while the goddam elf slumped over for 30 seconds, then vanished, for 30 seconds, then slowly respawned and slumped again and again. I was thinking ‘this fucking elf and his wife are onto a good scam here, he’s getting free drugs every 2 minutes all day long’.


    Instances. That’s another thing that I LOVE CoH for. You don’t see Spiderman sitting on his mobile for The Green Goblin to finish being beaten up by Iron Man before he can have a go too in the comics!


    But then again, you don’t see Spiderman teabagging a defeated Doc Oc whilst crowing ‘halol noob lrn2play!’ In broadcast either in the comic I guess, which is why RV sometimes seems a bit immersion breaking rofl.





  12. I think it works because, from your very first moment in the game, you're out there taking down bad guys (or good guys!). You feel like a potential superhero or supervillian from your very first step. In other MMO's, you start out so weak that a butterfly farting in the field next door sends you flying and you spend your first week collecting flowers or some other time wasting nonsense.


    One of the first games I tried after CoH was Aion Online. It was ok, I was thinking, and then one day at about lvl 5 I was soundly defeated...by a mushroom. And not three mushrooms either.  One mushroom, it came up to my knee. It just sort of bounced in a cartoony jolly way and spat poison at me and it killed me. In Aion online your character is supposed to be some sort of demigod or something, and a fucking mushroom killed me. I stopped playing shortly after that.


    CoH ruined me for other games.



  13. I’m just gonna put  this here again because it sums up the way I feel completely. It’s to the tune of Billy Joel’s We Didn’t Start The Fire and you’ll be humming that as you play now lol:


    Marcus Cole, P.I., Rikti Crash Site, Sewer Trial,

    Malta Sappers, Carnie Strongmen, Portal Corp and you


    CoT Trial, Capes at twenty, Crystal Titan, badges many,

    Respec, Sidekick, Enter Rularuu.


    Striga Island, Council fools, Epic ATs, power pools,

    Lusca's in, Epic win, Clockwork building Paladin


    Sky Raiders, Super Spy, Ravenstorm, Moonfire,

    Bonny Morass, Long Jack, Volcano base, global chat!


    Why do I stay subscribing?

    Well it's not surprising

    When the bar keeps rising.

    I'm gonna keep subscribing,

    I'll be logging on until the game is gone.


    Katie Hannon, Sonic Blast, raving Trolls, Red Caps,

    Archery, Trick Arrow, debtless level twos


    Shiva Strike, SG-Base, Warburg rocket, nukes from space,

    Dominators, Masterminds and Brutes and Stalkers too


    Grandville, R.V., thugs, Mu Mastery,

    Mace Blast, School of Sharks, melee with Electric sparks


    Guard the bank, Pocket D, Fusionette and Jimmy T,

    Faultline reborn, PSYCHOCHRONOMETRON!


    Why do I keep on playing?

    There's no way to stop it

    Other games can't top it

    I'll always keep on playing,

    I'll be wearing capes untill there's no more updates.


    Auction House, Black Market's in, Hamidon is back again,

    Recluse' Helmet Souvenir, Rise of the marketeer


    Rikti War Zone retcon, Lady Grey, Hero 1,

    Rikti bombs in Atlas Park, Zombies rising after dark


    Ouroborus, Mender Silos, Flashback, poor old Cyrus,

    Reconstruction, Power Slice, Strength of Will, Ablating Strike


    Fortunatas, Crabs and Banes, Purple IOs, Extra trays,

    Midnight Squad, another zone, Giant mechs in Ancient Rome!


    Why don't I stop my alting?

    There's so much to do here

    I will never be through here

    I'm gonna still be alting

    When I'm full on Freedom there's ten more to choose from


    Dayjobs, second build, World of Pain, Soothe's heal,

    Level Pacts, Shield Defence, Villain PPP Respec


    Super Leader, Architect, PvP Invention Sets,

    Dev's Choice, Hall of Fame, 5-Stars, Buttcapes


    Fifth Column rise again, Super Booster costume change,

    Barracuda, Doctor Kahn, nerdrage at the badge farms!


    Why do I keep on paying?

    'Cos the money's well-spent

    On this fantastic content

    I'm gonna keep on paying

    For my server transfers and the Boosters I use


    Powerset Proliferation, customize your animations,

    Team size set for eight, Pet persistence on


    Doppelgangers, Ultra Mode, Dual Pistols, tails that move,

    Demon pets, Hell On Earth, email spammers gone


    Going Rogue, Alignment shift, market merges, finding Tips,

    Heroes in the Rogue Isles, Villains checking blueside


    Alpha Slot, Incarnate, Great Escape, Syndicate,

    Primal Earth prepares for war, GIMME GIMME MORE MORE MORE!!!


    Why do I keep subscribing?

    It's pretty clear to me that

    Everyone should see that

    City of Heroes is awesome

    And in another window

    I'm-a just about to

    Log on, and on, and on, and on, and on...



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